Report other players

Have you ever reported people?
one day I was thinking on a guy that was an asshole...
but at the end just thought... well, he may be an asshole, but I dont have to deal with him again, so why bother reporting.

Just try to report If I see people throwing games (this does not include them being just bad), or hackers.

I only report cheaters, reporting for """griefing""" is for soyboys

i only report people when they throw games
happened a lot in hots when that event for the dva cop skin was going on

I reported cheaters back in the day, but i don't really see them much anymore

I report every member of my team if we lose and always report the lowest scoring member of the team if we win

I report everyone i play with in Overwatch.
I'm a top 500 player.

ITT: people that abuse the reports the deserve to be beat by niggers in the street

I only report people for reporting me.

In league of casuals i report team mates if they do poorly in ranked, if they dont take the game seriously, or if they try to lose on purpose.

Reporting in valve games does actually nothing, so no.

i grew up getting bullied and given everything in life, i felt so powerless...but now videogames give me the platform i need to regain the control ive been missing all these years. I remember the first report I ever submitted was when I discovered my best friend was ditching me to go hang out with her boyfriend so when he finally joined us in playing I reported him for making agressive rape jokes towards me or so the report said a few days later I heard that he was permanently banned and my bitch friend defended him so I cut ties with her for enabling rapists. I felt way better about myself and how positive a future where self policing as a platform can work for a better society.

were people throwing or were they just bad? cuz lemme tell ya nigga I played hots only once and it was for that skin and i was shit

The best is that this is unironically the kind of people that report.

White people aren't used to their actions having repercussions so when they get in trouble for spamming slurs in the chat and then come make a thread here crying about it it's extra funny.


I habitually report everyone better than me in CS:GO.

I report everyone I lose to for cheating.
I report everyone who says something to me for harrassment
get fucked losers

I reported some faggot on PUBG who killed me by aiming at the floor beneath him. That's about it though.

It's not his fault, blame Blizzard for trying to community cycle like fucking retards. I got flamed for getting the Genji skin, but you know what, I didn't even want to download or play HotS but I wanted that fucking skin.

I've been doing it more and more because I figure it does almost nothing anyways and I can amuse myself writing funny reports.

>500,000 active aimbotters on ownedcore website in the US
>focus on bad words

I almost reported someone today in FFXIV because they were harassing me about looking at a house they wanted
the person has spent the last 3 hours watching the housing plot like a guard dog just because im interested in buying it

I always report streamers

looks like someone has some growing up to do

I don't play OW anymore because it's boring and I'm scared that people won't be able to take bantz.
At least I can blatantly insult people in CSGO, I'm worried that if I even say someone's doing bad and should switch I'll get muted for eternity.

I was actively trying to organize a stack to throw games during that event to get the skins. You would not believe how bad the people who were actually trying were.


is HoTS still shitty and low resolution/quality?

if you care more about the graphics and framerate than anything else then you're not gonna enjoy it either way, go run another benchmark kek

i thought we killed hitler

With devs enforcing real harsh penalties and a feedback response when someone you've reported gets banned, I've started reporting people a lot more. There's a lot of schadenfreude when you know someone got banned due to your influence.

In Dota 2, do they take reports from the opposing team less seriously? I tend to pretty nice to my own team members and play with a stack so it's not likely they report me but I usually rack up like 4-5 reports with no punishment.

I mean I'm fine with it, it makes sense to avoid salty people from screwing you but I'm wondering.

no because i don't invest muh feels in a game that's supposed to be fun only.

don't like them? leave and don't come back. don't like penalty systems? stop taking matchmaking so seriously and get a real job.


I report people if they're being annoying faggots.

You can't report opposing team in Dota 2 for other than chat abuse.

I've reported countless players for being Russian.



fuck off cuck go get fucked by niggers

If they are being a complete asshole absolutely.

Only if someone reports me or if they are annoying

I used to report people in CS:GO who were better than me for cheating because I would get mad. I usually only report for cheating and just straight up griefing though

>I edgily shitpost immensely in most games of Overwatch I play especially with my friends
>Includes racial slurs and variants of GGEZ
>Never gotten even an inch of a warning

Like how bad do you got to be?

Only mic spammers.
Otherwise, I don't care.

>I didn't even want to download or play HotS but I wanted that fucking skin
It was dumb as fuck to lock a skin behind HotS and it was worse to force you to play against other people. Just let me do 10 games against bots, get my skin and uninstall that shitty game.

>someone doing insanely well on widow
>look at their stats
>see they have 80% crit rate on a level 19 account
>accuse them of cheating
>get reported by the entire room
This is why, Just go look at the OwnedCore website for OW, it's fucking half a million users.

>Plays OW
>Calls HoTS a shit game

I only report players for idling. Worse than cheaters.

>look at stats
>someone is rated low 40s in s1, and 2000 in s2
>currently rated 4300

Every fucking time in that game. Cheaters and hackers, and aimbot users everywhere.

It's why I need to just flat out quit online games.

You mean pubg. Played several hundred games of Fortnite, saw a cheater twice and both got banned mid game.

Only for cheating or throwing, only obvious throwing though

>pubg is filled with chinese hackers
>but devs won't lock china into their own server
>instead they ban the chinks but the chinks buy the game again with another account
I fucking hate this guys.

the chinese don't play first person for some reason though. literally the only way to avoid those fuckers

Reporting anyone anywhere for any reason is a bad idea because it's overwhelmingly likely to not do anything, and at worst the authorities will find some reason ban you instead.

>defending one over the other
>implying somehow that one is in any way, shape, or form better than the other
>they're both entirely and utterly casual bullshit

t. Overbab

>thinks he has a real job
>doesn't have inordinate amounts of time off
30 minutes is a fucking eternity when you've been off for 5 days. It's almost exhausting to be off as much as I am.


Oh shit I'm sorry.

t. Dotard



Moba games are trash.

I played a game where you can make your own emblems, uses a layer system, and some guy I really didn't like made a titty emblem.
I reported him, but nothing ever happened. Would've been hilarious if he'd gotten banned.

all the time. there's no penalty for doing it.

I’ve only really done it on a wow private server because of the community size all it takes is one cunt to ruin it. Otherwise I mainly play fighting games so if they ragequit the game already punishes them.

I always report people when they say in chat that they reported someone else. Fuck them for crying for mommy. I also report afks or cheaters. I never reported someone for flaming, I am not a whiny bitch.

Frequently reported blatant hackers about a year or so ago when I started playing TF2 again and they were a semi-regular occurrence. I also encouraged people on both teams to report them and vote to kick. One guy was hacking on a sniper account with a few unusuals. Got several messages over the week thanking me for reporting people who were later found guilty of cheating.

Fuck 'em.

I usually report for racism or homophobia otherwise I don't bother.


Holy shit you're not kidding
what a joke of a "game"

Yes on sc2 coop. It was a lock and load mission, midway through the mission the zagara that got paired with me started killing all my units and producing buildings and then left.

I mean why the fuck waste my time you fucking nigger?

As of right now, There's at least 60,000 users between the top two bots on NA servers.

>tfw GM player who went smurfing into 2v2, teamkilled my allie and then killed my enemies 1v2

Because its fun nigger

all the time


Did you even read anything I wrote you retarded nigger? Lock and Load, that means units from both armies, the retarded motherfucker killed me, tried to capture the points like a demented neanderthal and only then realized he wasted both of our times by killing both my units and my structures. Go shove a cactus down your urethra.

In OW I sometimes ask people who are raging in the chat to be less toxic then report them when they sperg out at me

>Not reporting for verbal abuse after you purposely tilted the enemy player so that he loses and also possibly gets banned

I liked to make people mad and while they're outraging at me report them to get them banned to over petty shit like calling me gay
Different game though

>still playing overwatch
>Playing team RNG the game

This. But even so there are still hckers just not as MANY.

There isn't anything else that I can quickly jump on. Single player games haven't done it for me in some time.

3 more days until I can play Fatal Bullet

I report people for fun. Even if they aren't bother me, if someone breaks a rule, I report them.

I remember I got silences once in the ow beta. Because of a bug it cleared my entire friends list and I lost contact with a TON of friends from my hometown(s). Blizz just said "well don't get silenced"
And the shit I got silenced for was standard shit talk like get good and you suck dick

Only time I'm ever tempted is during new skin events otherwise I get extremely fucking bored.

>Feeling like shit due to insomnia
>Decide to play Overwatch
>Make one tiny mistake in the entire game
>Get flamed to hell and back by a guy on my team for making said mistake
>Finish game, report that guy for being incredibly rude and hurting my feelings, close app, stare at my desktop for a few hours
>currently 7:30am and I still haven't slept

Is this game worth getting into?

Ffxiv is a bunch of faggots. I got banned on my main acct for breaking immersion in balmung (this was a 1.0 acct before I knew how shitty balmung would become)
I honestly think they banned me to get rid of legacy sub prices

>breaking immersion

False you can’t report yourself

People were cybersexing in the tavern where I get my quests, I said "wow you people are pathetic and you should stop being like that" big rper shitstorm ensued with me pointing out that rpers who sit I taverns all day cybersexing are no life losers

well you aren't wrong about them being losers but the gm's wont do shit about it unless they were doing it out in the open in which then you would've had a valid reason to report them

you could always try baiting them too

Mass reported by a large amount of fat neckbeard faggots playing miqotes. Banned. In my report they referred to weeb as a derogatory and inflammatory term likened to hate speech. And this is why I don't play online shit anymore

I was a RuneScape playermod...
Yeah I reported scammers and bots.

I don't report people because I'm not a fucking pussy.if someone is shit talking me, and I can't win the argument with my own clever shit talk, then that's where I fucked up. Nowadays though faggots like to spite report even when they're not offended because they're such uncharming losers in the real world, that their only source of enjoyment is getting people banned from games

unless they're obviously cheating/hacking I don't give a shit to report people

same i dont report people for talking shit either so far in the 4 years that i've been playing i've only reported one person because they keep sending me wall of text pm's just because i told them to stop asking for erp in shout chat

>already have overwatch
>friend gives me a spare key
>effectively make smurf/alt
>play heroes I'm absolute garbage at in comp with the goal of learning/having fun
>predictably place dogshit tier
>start to use a voice that sounds somewhat like the Mad Hatter/King Candy
>try to rhyme everything I say, occasionally just going seuss with it
>plat babies get really upset at this
>a large portion of the time they start fuming in chat using words a tumblrina would have an aneurysm over
>ez report
>say "ez report" in chat
>this triggers them even further
>more ez reports
>Literally every time I open up that alt, there's the ban confirmation
>every single fucking time