Admit it, you actually enjoy/enjoyed Sun & Moon and Gen 7 a whole lot more than you disliked/hated them Sup Forums

Admit it, you actually enjoy/enjoyed Sun & Moon and Gen 7 a whole lot more than you disliked/hated them Sup Forums

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i enjoyed them a little bit
but i hate what the series has become and it doesn't look like it will get better any time soon

Okay, I admit it. I even did Battle Tree with a coworker during our shifts. All of the quality of life changes in raising a team are very nice.

I was hyped as hell for it and ended up hating it.

I literally couldn't even finish them

why is it so hard to believe that these were mediocre as hell? the QoL changes were fine, it was nice being able to put a pokemon in pokepelago overnight and then do some battle tree stuff on the morning commute to work but beyond that i never really found myself having fun

i couldn't even enjoy playing dress up because gamefreak retardedly divided color options between the two versions. What is there to be gained in doing this? Why? Thank god for pokegen

Literally unplayable.

Ok. Fine. Bug catcher Jim has a caterpie and a metapod. Fine. But when Mega Champion Chad has like 3 Pokemon? What the fuck.

Specifically Team Skulls leader has like 2 pokemon at the point where I've got 6 level 30's and the only point where he threatens me is when he uses first impressions and that's it

I had fun my few hours of fun and then I dropped it. The new characters were mostly fine, but the constant stutters in fun your rival created were a bit aggravating

>play the main games instead of the difficulty increase/balance romhacks
>complain about the games being too easy


I've bought every game since Platinum and I didn't beat the second island

I did enjoy the game, but I still think the gameplay is boring as shit. Only fun thing was raising Pokemon and the characters

Alola is top comfy and USM brought some challenge I was itching for that isn't a fan game's idea of throwing unreasonable shit at you early on.

Graphics were great and it was fun to explore, pokeride was better than HM slavery. But the actual game was terrible.

They should be on par with the second gen at least. Considering you have a "raise your whole team" item that's turned on by default

1st Island was ok, 2nd Island was great, rest of the game was trash, especially all that shoehorned Lillie shit and the amount of questionable gameplay stuff like pic related and Z moves. Left such a bad impression on me that I skipped out on USUM.

I don't think I made it off the first island. The whole game felt like a tutorial

>wtf why are you complaining about the quality of the game why aren't you playing this completely different game that isn't the subject of discussion


I enjoyed them a lot, despite the annoyance caused by cutscene after cutscene, at least these involved Lillie which is best girl.

No. Not really. I made it to the second island, did some shit here and there and dropped it altogether. The game is a new level of retarded even for Pokémon standards.

It pretty much is.

I had purchased every single English Pokemon game since Red and Blue, all versions of a generation and all spin offs both good and bad, up to Sun and Moon. Purchased both at launch, played Sun, and put it down shortly after the second trial. They singlehandedly killed any interest I had in the series, which I thought would never happen. One of the worse things I have ever had the misfortune of putting time or money into.

I enjoyed them quite a bit, it was a good step forward from X and Y, which were bland, uninteresting, and completely mediocre at best.

Pokemon games HAVE to be easy as shit for retarded children. Children get more retarded as the years go by, so the games get easier. This has been known for like 4 gens now, and there's always hacks to accommodate adult players looking for a more interactive game where you actually have to think and plan, rather than press A to beat the game since you cant lose unless you're retarded.

There's only room to complain when the console you're playing the game on hasn't been hacked, but the 3ds was hacked wide open by the time sun and moon released, and the hacks came like a month later. So really, you're only bitching to bitch, it's literally a non issue.

they better not get rid of totem battles in gen 8. having actual boss battles for once was fantastic

stopped playing once I reached the second island

Ultra sun and Ultra moon i liked alot more then s/m.
They felt more complete but i feel they should have been on switch. The 3ds could barely handle X/Y sometimes

enjoyed them quite a bit on my first play through, but was beyond disappointed once I reached post game. And they're impossible to replay unlike every other Pokemon game. Couldn't even play USUM for more than 4 hours. Easily the worst gen.

I don't know. I played Moon until shortly after getting my Pokemon, and then I played Ultra Moon until about the same spot. UM seems nicer, but I just can't get myself to play Pokemon anymore. My interest basically when Gen III started, though I've still played at least one game (and the remakes, and White 2) each gen because I'm stupid, but I think I'm losing my ability to play games I don't like.

>dropped Sun after the grass trial
>stopped playing Ultra Sun after the cop kahuna
At least they're not ORAS.

the games have followed the same format for decades
You've played one, you've played them all

Pokemon's built up so much shit over the years it's incredible. If any series could benefit from a reboot, I think it's Pokemon, but it won't happen unless it starts tanking hard.

i was pretty hyped. but it died down really fast. havemt even reached the middle part of the game.

I didn't
I started replaying Platinum (A game I didn't like back then) and it feels fucking Platinum in comparison
I don't know how anyone defends the 3DS games, they're complete trash that panders to genwunners at every opportunity

>says this about the pokemon games that broke the formula by implementing trials and totem battles instead of gyms

I fucking loved Sun to death, but Ultra Sun not changing much made me realize how boring and suffocating it was to be so heavily railroaded and bombarded with cutscenes

Sun/Moon were a decent experience despite the flaws the first playthrough, though a chore to replay.

Ultra S/M tho were probably the most disappointing games I've ever played and are the only mainline pokemon games I've never finished. Way too similar to S/M, so the 90% same cutscenes deal is incredibly noticeable and very tedious to read again. It is absolutely mindblowing that the ultracity or whatever is just a hallway and an elevator. So much lost potential.

I really liked it. As a one off experiment anyway, I actually still prefer gyms, but it was nice doing something different.

My biggest complaints? Too much fucking talking, in both versions. There is like 3 times more then bw, but all the dialogue feels mostly pointless.

Second is the islands. Again props for being different, but the fact you kinda circle around them means I have a extremely hard time, even after beating it 3 times, of remembering which area is on which island, let alone where on the island it is.

Great OST. USUM sucks. I would almost say I prefer vanilla SM.

>Children get more retarded as the years go by, so the games get easier.

I actually think it's the other way around. You can't blame someone who was raised on modern hand-holdey games for being bad at games from the 90s or earlier. Publishers wanted games easier to reach a wider audience, which eventually caused people to expect to need less skill to play which made companies dumb down stuff even more and it just kept happening. That said, Pokemon's always been very easy, though it seems even easier than ever.

yeah thank god they weren't a decent Pokemon game

I remember Nintendo promoted Ultra SM as an alternate story and I was dissapointed as fuck when it was almost the same shit as SM.

I have never had less fun in a pokemon game than in Alola

I have played moon version for less time than any other main series game in the franchise, and for less time than a handful of spinoff games.
USUM is the first time I have not bought the half gen game.

My niece is in the second grade and has a smartphone, so she knows she can look up how to catch a pokemon or how to beat Archie or Giovanni or whatever, but still manages to be bad. She picked a Sceptile and only gave it low power grass and normal moves and didn't train any of her other pokemon well, so i watched her lose to Archie's Crobat over and over.

I also watched her try to do some schoolyard rumor thing. I told her it wouldn't work and invited her to look it up to confirm she was doing it right, hoping that she would find out that it was fake, but she just kept running back and forth trying to find a shiny shadow mewtwo or whatever.

So yeah, kids have lots of information freely available to them but it generally doesn't occur to most of them to look it up. She got bored of pokemon and then showed me some undertale meme montage thing.

I enjoyed it
Enjoyed it a lot
Still hate Hau
Rainbow Rocket was fun

Even for free i felt ripped off by UM.

I enjoyed Sun forsure but Ultra Moon was very similar and it was tedious to play through again.

I dropped them a couple hours in, just like all the other games from this turboshilled kiddie shit series.
If you're 12 or older and you play those games for anything other than nostalgic value you're beyond salvation.

Not especially. I enjoyed the wishiwashi and salazzle totem fights since my team had no way to brute force through them, but thought it was extremely mediocre otherwise. I felt nothing after finishing the game.
I also enjoyed it when Colress showed up out of no where but that only left me with the disappointment of him not being involved in any way and was only there to be there.

That's nothing new. People have been dumb since the dawn of time and having all the information you need only a Google search away is something even most adults ignore. Maybe you or I would have made more use of available resources in our younger days, maybe we actually did use the resources we had, but even back then there were legions of retarded children who wouldn't and who didn't. People will be people no matter what happens.


Did you guys ever noticed how the npcs can only ever move in a straight line in cutscenes so whenever they want to get somewhere not 90 degrees to them they have to run, stop, face a new direction, and then run in a straight line again? You'd think the creators of the most successful video game franchise of all time would have some better tech.

So after all these years, people still hate video games being discussed on Sup Forums.

it tried with gen 5

Yes I did. I got bored after the fourth Gen because it was just the same thing with more Pokemon each time around. You go get 8 badges and the bad guy teams are up to no good. If you want a challenge just turn off Exp Share. It actually makes a bit of a difference.

>They removed HMs
>They got rid of gyms and made them trials
>They added new versions of old Pokemon for variety
>Actually a kind of cool story about Ayyys and the "evil team" wasn't really the problem in the story, it was the aliens invading
>A new region which actually feels inspired and not just bland like Kalos or Unova (I liked Unova because it felt like NYC and I grew up like 30 min away from NYC)

>Cut scenes are little long
>Frame rate drops DRASTICALLY in double battles
>No triple battles

It wasn't as bad as everyone says it is, and 10 years from now they'll fucking praise Sun and Moon and hate whatever is new then. I'd give it a 7/10.

Well it's been obvious for a very long time that GameFreak has never been into effort.

>Pokemon games HAVE to be easy as shit for retarded children
Defend this.

They were decent but I'll probably never replay them ever.

>ignoring the fact that there is a board to discuss pokemon where this thread should've stayed

no I didn't
I didn't even finish the game, at this point the only thing I'll appreciate pokemon for is the monster designs

I hate all the 3D games with a burning passion.

I definitely noticed how much I want to fuck that autist.

>using post champion Cynthia vs pre champion Kukui
At least be accurate user.

>and 10 years from now they'll fucking praise Sun and Moon and hate whatever is new then. I'd give it a 7/10.

Because the nostalgic kids will be ten years old. Same reason games like FF XII get more praise now than they did when they came out.

It's still video games, and mods have said multiple times over the years that discussion of the games is okay as long as there's only one thread. But people like you always ignore that.

>not knowing that you're allowed to post pokemon on Sup Forums and it's not against the rules or anything

>people will praise FFXIII in the future
Oh no.

Of course I enjoyed them.

Give me all those tasty (You)s, nostalgiaqueers

It'll be nine years old this year. It won't be long now.

he means a real reboot. as in scrap all 800 of them niggies and make 200 brand new ones.

why post on Sup Forums when there's a board dedicated to it?

No way they were actually that high the first time.

I played through it once and enjoyed it moderately. Then I wanted to get to endgame on both versions and was so horrified I've not touched the games since.

I enjoyed them a LOT actually, I never hated them.
300 hours in Moon and I just beat the Grass trial in Ultra Sun (probably should have gotten UM instead but eh).
Legitimately one of my favorite gens, but what the fuck am I supposed to do when Sup Forums and /vp/ absolutely despise it? I just stopped trying to talk about it for the most part.

Yeah this. Get rid of everything, only new Pokemon, update the battle system, throw away the 300 evolutionary items that are now forced into each game, etc.

>Gen wunners complain about Toucanon being just a normal bird. Complain that things like a pair of keys or an ice cream cone are shitty designed Pokemon
>Then act like Pokemon like Rattata is just a rat. Voltorb is just a Pokeball that evolves into an upside down Pokeball, and the other electric type is just a magnet that evolves into a bigger magnet

Nope. Not even a single pokemon from that Gen resonated with me.

Good job, now Pokemon bank is worthless.

>but what the fuck am I supposed to do when Sup Forums and /vp/ absolutely despise it?
Keep liking them?

ackshually, genwunners complain that toucannon is underdesigned and looks like a plastic toy compared to the supposedly realistic feathers of Pokemon like Fearow
happens every single time the thing is brought up in a design argument thread

What do you like about it? This is coming from someone that absolutely hates it.

>had to look If Kukui even gets a level boost
>he does, but not as much as best champion.

>underage thinks /vp/ is a containment board.

Well yeah I didn't suddenly hate them just because everyone else was doing it. I just have no one to talk to about it.

Fuck off. Ultra Moon is the first pokemon game that I'm actively not enjoying.
It's too similar to SM, doesn't fix some problems, and makes other problems worse. Not to mention SM had a shit story, so playing through a similar story is not fun, especially since Gen 7 is very story heavy.

Pro-tip: background lore > story

Like I said, it's just a fantasy that only has a slim chance of happening if the entire franchise starts to tank hard and nothing else they do shows any signs of helping it recover.

couldn't be arsed to fucking Sun or Ultra Sun
if the game let me fucking go anywhere without interrupting me with some bullshit all the time, it'd be okay

Nope because you can still use Bank for those 800 Pokemon as well as Gen's 6+7.

>removes challenging fights and replaces them with a wild pokemon

Well excuse me for not being a megavirginfaggot who's on Sup Forums 24/7
Unironically, thanks for actually giving me an answer on why people post pokeshit here

I've only intermittently come to Sup Forums when I run out of other things to do, which is pretty rare these days, for the last six years and even I knew about that.

I feel nothing.

I dropped Moon because it doesnt have either exploration, or interesting storylines.

G7 has been the worst generation to date. First time i havent bought a main line game.

I will never get used to "virgin" being used as an insult on Sup Forums.

If Gen 7 didn't have semen demons, it would be unplayable.

Maybe learn the rules before posting. They are conveniently listed in a link you can find on the home page.

Why is Vikavolt so slow

They made games that I'll never want to replay again, holy fuck.
I get that they wanted to try something new, but they spent so much time on something they're bad at. There are no good script writers or game writers at that tiny studio, they should stick to what they know (since fans will buy the next game anway).

>>>>>>>>>>>challenging fights
