is the original xbox worth buying? are the multiplats as good as they say? how are japanese multiplats? is it easy to mod? i grew up with ps2 and gamecube/wii
I'd like to get Max Payne, Tony Hawk 2X and Burnout 3. What else is worth getting?
is the original xbox worth buying? are the multiplats as good as they say? how are japanese multiplats? is it easy to mod? i grew up with ps2 and gamecube/wii
I'd like to get Max Payne, Tony Hawk 2X and Burnout 3. What else is worth getting?
its the only xbox console worth owning.
>not playing Max Payne on PC
The multiplats that were built on the machine are superior. Splinter Cell trilogy comes to mind.
Why the fuck was Munch's Odysse not part of the initial OG backwards compatibility on Bone?
kingdom under fire: the crusaders
Easy AF to mod with a black label copy of Splinter Cell
Multiplats are the best of the era
Get Halo, Crimson Skies, Fable, Blinx
>Splinter Cell trilogy comes to mind.
Aren't those also on PC?
That fuckin soundtrack
>awesome games
>burnout 3
9/10 multiplats are better on PC
Halo 1 & 2 are best on MCC
THPS3 is better than 2x
Ninja Gaiden Black runs on the xbone at 1080p 60fps
I guess it's the best place to play console exclusives that aren't specifically better on ps2. Along with Burnout I'd suggest spiderman 2, LOTR Movie games, and the classic GTA games
Get the original Fable
-mod it
-buy HD cable
-download that program that lets you play OG xbox games online
They are. Just like 99% of all things Xbox has always been.
ninja gaiden black
oddworld strangers wrath
i think its worth
>Burnout 3
PS2 version was better. Strong PCs can emulate it.
>Ninja Gaiden
On PS3 if you have one.
Shoddy ports but HD on PC.
Xbox was alright at the time but outclassed by PS2 for the most part. Now it's a forgotten relic without an exclusive worth suffering 480p for.
How does Sonic Heroes play on the 360? I've been wanting to track a copy down but not sure if if the emulation is bad. Anyone hear something about it playing on XB1?
OOOO baby motherfucking OG Xbox thread
I personally love the fuck out of the thing. That era of video games in genral was pretty glorious, but if you love sega it's pretty damn good. Tons of little odds and ends as well like Otogi and Phantom Dust.
Is this worth anything?
Phantom Dust
20-30 bucks maybe
I should pick up an original xbox, thanks for reminding me OP.
Only if you mod it
My favorite xbox game. It's way better than the ps2 version and has better graphics and special effects. I wish there some kind of sequel to this.
Also on PC, and free to boot
The catch is that you have to install Windows 10