Game has morality system

>game has morality system
>choose neutrality

Because sometimes the game gives you nothing but shitty choices or the illusion of choice which can be outright insulting.

>board lets you post any image you want
>choose wojak

why not

i have a brain

Morality systems are not fun.

> game presents two polarising options
> both options are wrong, suboptimal or don't attempt to take into account all variables involved
> simpletons assume you're a fence sitter and worse than "gut feeling" decision makers

Neutral fags are the worst. They straddle the fence like a whore straddles cock because they are too afraid of holding strong convictions.

They are too afraid of making enemies, but don't realize that neutrality just gives you more enemies and no friends.

because im smart


This is why I'm a neutralfag desu

If it's SMT then you get to fight everyone and get the True ending

or they just don't care

Because Witchers are supposed to be neutral.

> not choosing Chaos to achieve TDE
Spotted the Bottom-Fiend

Neutral fags are always far left.

better than being a onesidefag who feels like they have to hold strong convictions for one point and never the other because they're too afraid to see other viewpoints

Reminder that anyone calling you a fence sitter doesn't care about reasonable discourse 99% of the time and just wants you to join their side. This applies to any extreme, right or left.

What if you had a game where side A is easy mode, side B is normal and hard mode would be creating your own faction to take out both A and B. Like you could use diplomacy skills to get them to destroy each other before you conquer.

>game has morality system
>person has a problem
>The option that amounts to "give a man a fish" is the good option
>The option that amounts to "teach a man to fish" is the evil option because HOW COULD YOU YOU STINGY EVIL PERSON

I choose myself.

>they are too afraid of holding strong conviction

what about holding a strong conviction to neutrality

>game has morality system of any capacity
>punished for playing a certain way
Fuck Bioshock and Dishonored.

>explain why you don't go for either side
>still get called a fence sitter
Why are anti-neutralfags so insecure about their position when someone else doesn't side with them
what said most of them are pussies that can't handle other people seeing differently from them

>both sides force politics down your throat, whether it be vaguely in some bad triple a games or discussion of said games online
>get called a fence sitter retard for pointing this out

What's neutral morality?

Lets be real, chaotic good and chaotic evil are the only good alignments.


>born on time to see the rise of radical centrism
can't wait for their draconian yet compromising policies

Just saying this YOU'RE WITH US OR AGAINST US mentality only started here once Sup Forums became the biggest board, call me a boogeymanfag I don't care it's plain as day

Hoist the grey flag of war, anonymous.

>both sides are too beta to really see the cons of being neutral and can never actually attest neutralfags other than "muh convictions"
>they deny that being able to see both sides for their good and bad but still being able to make your own conclusions is not a conviction
must be sad not being able to see why others view things the way they do

You are an fool who doesn't understand either side of the question. Centrists are pathetic, they have the mental capacity of apathetic lemmings yet actually try to Frankenstein themselves "reasonable" beliefs. Too dumb to know they don't work together holistically. Reprobates.

Whatever the people who rule over them tell them, they're natural born cucks.


>Good wants to make the world a better place for others
>Good wants to make the world a worse place for others
>Neutral is purely self-interest

>left is full of nu males and people literally wishing for marxist communism
>right is full of people literally wishing for racial genocide


>game has morality system
>"rape and kill everybody"
>"Give everyone everything you've ever had"
>no collect your compensation and mind your own fucking business option
Binaryfags are the bane of this board. There's more to morality than "town doormat" and "dickass tyrant."

This. Probably because leftism is based in internalized feeling of inferiority.

>Good wants to make the world a better place for others
>Evil wants to make the world a worse place for others
>Neutral is purely self-interest

Fire Emblem Fates


Imagine demonizing anyone who disagrees with you this much in your head before even speaking to them

>not being objective and taking the best from the other two sides
Full auto guns, abortions to keep the poor and stupid in check and whoring legal so incel fucks can not use said full autos in schools.

>no one asks who the others are

Friendly reminder humanity was a mistake and God was right to flood the earth.

>the neutral option is to kill everyone

>he's actually upset over people thinking differently from him
You just sound like you're too much of a brainlet to understand why they hold the viewpoint they do. Given your pseudo-intellectual tantrum you'd still call them dummies because you don't like that they don't side with you and all you're doing is proving that user right that you are insecure in how you stand on things if seeing neutralfags makes you that mad.
anti-neutralfags like you really are the pathetic ones

It's true.

>game has morality system
>it's one dimensional

>Game has a morality system/alingment/whatever
>The non-neutral paths are ridiculously extreme

Its good to have the option to go neutral but the fact that in the mayority of games is always the best option without much thinking shows bad development , really

What would the axes be for a 2D morality system?

>not being a triple agent playing up all sides to the best of your ability until the very last moment when you blindside every last one of them

my man

I know that neutrality makes me the biggest enemy of dipshit extremists on both sides.

I'm not a bitch though so both can fuck off.

Sorry, but I'm not willing to sacrifice nuance for a bunch of retards throwing shit at eachother.

>game has a neutral alignment
>staying neutral means balancing good/evil choices

>anyone who disagrees with you

Anyone who is evil. Leftists always look at things from how they would react, everything is about the ego. When people call them dumb it's because they want to be smart in their own eyes, not because they are actually dumb. All is yellow to the jaundiced eye.

lmao everytime

>good option ultimately doesn’t solve the problem
>evil option is needlessly cruel
>autist on a Norwegian dick kiting board will REEEE at me anyways

i do this in jade empire when i don't want to be a good two shoes because the closed fist path is so badly done. the only thing you miss out on is some morality locked gems and a OP/CF martial art style.

>if you don't fall into one of the two normie tribes you must be neutral

no sweetie that's not how it works hun


You mean being a libtard reprobate. If only you knew how mentally stunted, spiritually dead and morally retarded you really are.

Fiction replicates reality, user

>>board lets you post any image you want
except it doesn't

>Left is nothing but idpol tumblr SJWs
>Right is nothing but kekistan nuright fash
>America is doomed civil war II soon
I wonder who could be behind this perception?

>not being someone who stands for one side but can understand why someone wouldn't be for yours specifically
this user is spot on, you guys are just butthurt that they don't take your side and can't handle anything else like a bunch of babies

>Sup Forums is unironically radical centrists


>You're either with us or against us!
>go neutral
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
>game crashes

This type of people are the scum of the universe.
I know it. They know it. We all know it.

>libtard reprobate
funny, because if you were a liberal you'd be calling me a right-wing troglodyte instead.



>there are antineutralfags that can't see that them getting pissy and throwing bitchfits at neutralfags is the reason why said neutralfags don't want to side with them

not straddling the fence. i just don't care usually

You don't understand either side. I know exactly why other people wouldn't be for "your/my side" (vapid relativism here is obvious)

>resorts to memes because centrists unironically trigger him
that's pretty pathetic user

I still think that creating more boards made the problem worse.
When you make another board you in effect make another community. If you had a lot of really small communities an idea might be that they would have little influence on each other and stay on topic. But in reality, it just made the hivemind and goals of the "community" within boards stronger. It made neets in r9k even more insufferable, it made stormfags even more insufferable, I can only assume it makes gays on lgbt more... gay... somehow

Exactly, neutralfags are weaklings who hide from conflict.

LawfulChaotic you newfag. Ever played Neverwinter Nights?

Sup Forums without politics is just reddit. You fags want a safe space to spam soyboy memes.

well, if you'd ever tried being a neutralfag you'd understand it's literally conflict on all sides all the time. it's the choice that results explicitly in more conflict.

>having to explain why being a nazi or communist is retarded

You're the one that's wrong here.

> I can only assume it makes gays on lgbt more... gay... somehow

Your prose screams reddit soyboy.

I choose one side but secretly agree with other, that way I'm not a neutralfag but I also don't have conviction to either side.
Can't be beat.

>these are people casually browsing Sup Forums now everyday
>these people think they're some sort of internet freedom fighters

Fucking hell there really is nowhere to go anymore

yet you aren't bothering to explain that at all
given how upset you get over someone being neutral you're proving that no you really don't see why others wouldn't be for your side. You're just an angry bitchboy that can't handle other opinions


Sup Forums and /leftypol/ need to leave back to their basements

Seeing issues in purely in black and white terms is a quintessential symptom of autism.

Enjoy you autism, sperglords.

No fuck you, fuck right off, just because you took this board over doesn't mean it was always like that, I won't let you revise history you little shistain

>I know exactly why other people wouldn't be for "your/my side"
>proceeds to get mad over an anonymous person over why they aren't on his side

Because you can't cherry pick things that seem reasonable without thinking about them in the full context. Neutralfags are just people who are too stupid and ignorant to experience cognitive dissonance for their nonsensical worldview.

bad. Dumb logic, so stupid. Delete your comment, then delete your life.

your reddit spacing screams resetera cuck, faggot



god politics are dumb

You can't rason with the unrasonable.

>tfw used to be conservative
>conservatives have moved so far right into retardation i'm now a moderate

idk how much worse it can get

>every single thread with the slightest bit of politicalness in the OP always, ALWAYS immediately devolves into reply cap Sup Forums arguing unless a mod deletes it

Left or right, defend this shit right now

>Anti-Neutralfags are just people who are too stupid and ignorant to experience cognitive dissonance for their nonsensical worldview.
fixed that for you

Redditspacing isn't a thing. it's a nu-v/edditgaf meme.

>he types nervously, reddit open in five other tabs