>Ugh did I just hear Ashley Burch? time to switch to the superior Japanese dub
Ugh did I just hear Ashley Burch? time to switch to the superior Japanese dub
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That would be NAN DESU KA / 何ですか / なんですか, pleb.
バカ 外人
when will the japanese learn not to do squeeky high voices for their female casts. It just sounds retarded, no one in the known universe talks like that unless they're being a silly cunt
Why is this so fucking funny to me?
why is pic related so hot? this place has really fucked with my pyche...
t. brainlet who can't read
>female character is told something mildly surprising
>at the most shrilling shriek possible the voice actress goes "KYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?"
I don't care for Burch, but she's certainly better than TEH RIE (when is this old hag going to die so I can stop hearing her)
Why are you playing Black Clover: The video game?
I don't know user. It always makes me giggle.
How you know someone is from tumblr.
There are exactly 4 voices in Japanese shit
>exaggerated deep voice male
>exaggerated shounen protag male
>exaggerated high pitched mouse squeak female
>exaggerated older ara ara~ female
Honestly, Japanese voice acting is like they're all theatre actors and have to over-enunciate everything because their audience of subhuman insectoid people are incapable of detecting emotions in normal human speech pattern
>Hating teh rie
Hang yourself.
I'm sure another nuke will up their dege- creativity
wtf i thought Sup Forums was an anime website
That's a lie. You don't play very many Jap voiced games. There's definitely a variety especially when it comes to comedic roles.
Just because you like anime doesn't mean you have to be a weaboo faggot
it was once but then more boards were created
tell that to b/a/sement dwellers
>latest episode
>baby-voiced popuko
he missed maybe 2 or 3 voices. he's still correct for 95% of Japanese voice work.
I don't get it
There really isn't. If you describe an anime characters personality to someone I bet that 90% of the time they would know exactly how they sound
I couldn't care less what dub you prefer but if I hear Yuri Lowenthal voice a child one more time I'm ripping my ears off and mailing them to Madagascar.
>playing weeb games in english
it was until normalfgs from plebbit like you
invaded the site
anthony did nothing wrong
Both English and Japanese are foreign languages to me. As if I'm ever going to listen to a cheap afterthought dub instead of the original.
I came from /po/ and Sup Forums
Anyone else been watching curling? When the Jap females are up its like being stabbed in the ears by icepicks when they shout
>listening to foreign languages you dont understand for fun
Anime wasn't a mistake but letting young men become obsessed with generally shitty cartoons was a mistake
I've actually been switching to french dub when I can. It's cool. Also I'm starting to learn some of the words slowly.
People like you deserve Ashly Burch.
Also, I feel the need every time to point out that it's Ashly, just to make it clear how stupid that is.
We got invaded by Neofaggers who hate anime because it's sexist
Unfortunately he's not wrong. I've played tons of VNs, vidya with jap VAs and watch subbed anime. Their creative range for voices are incredibly small. There's some exceptions but those troupes are the safest bets for the jap market and overused badly. You're only lying to yourself if you don't see that.
>Sup Forums
>anime website
Hasn't been that in a very long time.
There is also an issue that if you're not speaking japanese, you might be missing out on some subtler things like region specific dialects that might be used, or certain quirks while talking (unless it is adding de geso~ onto everything).
And then the same is true for all voice acting right? You can break down every voice act ever into young vs old, and quirky vs calm. From there you can break it down into finer characteristics, using contractions or not, using words from other languages while speaking, having a certain flow to your sentences, or being intentionally dull. it all falls under those 4 categories in the end.
It's like saying: "all Humans are either tall or short males, or tall or short females" well.. yeah, but there's more to it too?
I like Ashly Burch
Usually I prefer a subs to dubs but the Jap cast for Xenoblade 2 is fucking awful.
Plus why would you wanna deny yourself Welsh Nia.
He says while posting a crop from a manga.
I wanted to stab my ears out every time she spoke. However, that Hellshake Yano skit made up for it. Like holy shit that was fucking genius.
>listening to foreign languages on foreing sources for fun
Fixed. I'm not a native english speaker and even when english games are available in my language I always prefer them in english. It's just a matter of common sense to consume media in their original format, be it movies or games.
no, fuck you
>Ashley Burch
>Felicia Day
Never nope out of a game faster
but the Jap cast for Xenoblade 2 is fucking awful
Shit taste.
Nia voice isn't bad, but it doesn't fit her at the slightest, It would have better on mythra
>but it doesn't fit her at the slightest
You mean her welsh voice doesn't
Every fucking time.
It's like they are the only women available for videogames or something.
Still better than Ashley Burch.
It still is.
though actual anime discussion goes on Sup Forums
I gave up on it at the start of the game where she clearly mouthed a shout but the brit dub just calmly said "Jin."
*dubs your anime female*
wat do
the best part about Sup Forums is shitting on sad man children, wouldn't you guys agreed?
In short, Western and Eastern VAs are shit.
Are you gonna sit there and try to tell me that squeeky KYAAA~ jap voices are better than the Eng VAs for
Because that is pure horseshit.
Doesn't help that the VA this time is typecast as a small creature or baby.
Got the soy version of this comic?
That's the fault of shitty voice directing for the english cast. XC2's english dub is full of really, really shitty directing. Of course it doesn't really help that 90% of XC2's english dub were nobodies but it's not always specifically the VA's fault.
I honestly believe that XC2's dub is the way it is because Monolithsoft tried (and failed) to cash in on the fact that everyone loved XC1's british dub.
Morag is fantastic though.
>tfw my P4 waifu Rise gets voiced by Ashley Burch in P4D
Fuck off!!!!
coolest guy in the thread, wouldn't you guys agreed?
Yakuza games are the only onew where I can stand jap voices.
>Those R rolls
>half a bong
I don't know why that makes me laugh.
yeah i am fag
Everyone loved XC1's british dub because it was legitimately very good, though. What the fuck happened?
guess again
>everyone loved XC1's british dub
I don't know how they arrived at that conclusion unless they thought everyone REALLY loved the "ITS REYN TIME" in every single fight.
She and her brother were legit funny in their web series, prior to them going FULL SJW, putting out trigger warnings and retroactively throwing their more "edgy" but brilliant gags under the bus for not being PC.
(A guy was absolutely obsessed with beating Ashs scores in geometry wars, and every time he did, she just casually and nonchalantly beat it again. He ended up being so frustrated that he started beating his wife. That's a really decent video, but now they're all like "we don't know what we were thinking, domestic abuse is never funny blablabla").
My favorite part about this game hands down was rating the voice actors from that one trailer.
That english version sounded so fucking weak next to the Spanish and Italian dub.
I don't give a fuck about any of that. I mean she is cute enough to fuck and her voice acting is all right.
Still happy I'm a nigger and not Anthony Burch.
>switch to dub
>Oi m8, whereh me mum's bloody knickers eh?
>actor's voice doesn't fit
>wrong intonations
>can hear them mispronounce nip words
I too hate exaggerated KAWAII ONII-CHAN SUGOI SUCKY-SUCKY high-pitched shrieking, but west isn't any better.
Is she voicing chick sniper in Binary Domain? She's alright. Binary Domain'd VO is great on both accounts. Especially Bo and Cain.
>tfw no one plays multiplayer
I just want to cheese cheevos and be done with it
There's a song about that: youtube.com
Pretty much, there's very few anime where this doesn't happen so often but still lingers.
Literally anything is better than being Anthony Burch.
Except maybe being Randy Pitchford.
They got rid of all the voice directors who worked on the first game's dub and replaced them with a bunch of people with almost no experience.
Also, because of the simultaneous release, they presumably didn't have the luxury of being able to go over the japanese cutscenes with the english VAs like they did with the first Xenoblade
That's what I'm saying. XC1's dub was full of british stage actors who actually knew what the fuck they were doing. Monolithsoft clearly tried to cash in on that with XC2's dub and it fell flat for a multitude of reasons.
People loved it because on top of being a high quality dub, it was refreshingly different from the usual VAs you'd hear in vidya dubs. Also, Reyn Time is great.
>Hating on Dromarch
Your ears must be incredibly shitty pal, his jap voice is pretty good. I won't argue about Morag and Azurda though, these are bad.
Is this just a oneshot or is there a full webcomic about birds being birds
>Troy Baker
>Nolan North
I'm sick of hearing nathan drake or antsy smug teenager voice
I blame reddit
What's gunnerkrigg like now? Haven't caught up in at least a year.
I would rather mute voice audio than play a game with Jap voices enabled.
>play hentai game or watch JAV/hentai
>their moaning is super obnoxious and kills my boner (on top of it being pixelated)
>play game with Jap VAs
>switch to dub every time
Dub has some variety and bass to their voice and aren't unrealistically screeching at the top of their lungs
There is literally nothing wrong with using reddit.
Isn't that because they're basically cartoons? To be fair characters in western cartoons don't exactly speak in normal tones/voices for the most part either.
Who's the current "let's put him in every anime main character role" dub guy right now?
It was Johnny Yong Bosch, then I think Bryce Papenbrook
Ashly Burch is amazing. I love her is Chloe in Life is Strange.
Pretty sure Bedman wasn't a child.
Also probably my favorite role of his
>I hate japanese voices
>proceeds to play japanese games
>its a Yuri Lowenthal episode
i mean i like the guy, but surely there are other voice actors to hire instead of liteawrlly just yuri lowenthal for all male roles
>Japanese voices are inherently high, squeaky, and drawn out
Only retarded kids trying way too hard to be cutesy ever do that.
The odd thing is North can be amazing when given the chance.
Yuri is pretty good when he's not voicing hot-blooded young kids.