ITT: 10/10 FPSes
ITT: 10/10 FPSes
>No vertical axis aiming required
It aged like shit and was still shit back then.
First Post Worst Fucking Post
I liked my FPS games to require skill thank you very much.
Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Halo 2, HL1 and its expansions, Portal series.
>You can't aim up so that means the game has no skill
that's why call of duty is the most skill based game in existence because you aim up and down
Are you me when I was 14?
>everyone I try to introduce to Doom says it makes them sick to watch
Why the fuck is Doom the only FPS that does this to them? They play Call of Duty, Battlefield and shit like that all day.
Not the best example, but yes it still has more skill in the aiming department, because of that.
>Growing up to like casual games more
>Portal series
It has a first-person POV, you have a gun, you shoot said gun the entire game. It's just that it's also a puzzle game.
DooM requires way more skill and tactical thinking than majority of post-00s shooters.
And yet it fails to require you to perform the basics of aiming up or down and instead does that for you. Really makes you think.
Overwatch. Takes more skill than your outdated bug abusing garbage, grandpa
>Dude I'll just post reaction images that'll show him XD
Hail to the king baby
His argument is literally just "YOU CAN'T AIM UP AND DOWN SO IT'S SHIT" I don't know what to even say to that.
>And yet it fails to require you to perform the basics of aiming up or down and instead does that for you.
No, it does not "fail to require" anything, and that's certainly not even English you're typing there. The game just does not ALLOW you to aim up or down manually.
You still need to maneuver quickly past foes and their projectiles, identify threats in your surroundings quickly and effectively, and then prioritize pick out the targets in the most effective and efficient manner possible. All this while you're also fighting against possible environmental hazards AND the limited supply pool the devs have provided for you.
But aiming up or down requires more skill in aiming. Doom is just a circle around you, while games that also have vertical axis has aiming be at any angle outward from the player be considered.
and yet a huge majority of games that allow you to aim up and down have mostly flat Z-axis shooting gameplay, and way less varied enemy and weapon collection to think of.
you're also literally whining about 1993's technical limitations, no matter that the game was designed around them.
A lot of games are shit anyways, you have to find the good ones for anything anyways. And I don't see how a game with vertical aiming can't have the level of Doom's enemy variety and etc. And it's still possible for games to age like shit in some aspects due to outdated limitations.
>And I don't see how a game with vertical aiming can't have the level of Doom's enemy variety and etc
I've not once said they could NOT have them. It's just that MAJORITY of them do not have them.
>And it's still possible for games to age like shit in some aspects due to outdated limitations.
True, but Doom does not suffer of this.
More modern games with no excuse for bullshit limitations do age and get forgotten way faster. A perfect example being the nu-DOOM and its pathetically small enemy mobs and maps.
This but also picrelated was a Hell of a good time.
It requires more skill, yes, but it's a fucking negligible amount of skill.
The only FPS games I've really enjoyed are DOOM, D44M, Overwatch, & Borderlands 2.
>It aged
(you) aged like shit
Also, Black
Pretty sure imps and barons have the same movement speed and attack frequency
>Doom requires less skill than games that give you regenerating health, copious amounts of ammo, enemy radars, check points, and no penalty for dying
o i am laffin
>Guy on higher ground and guy at lower ground, both have cover they can hide behind
>In Doom you just scroll right or left quickly killing both of them with ease
>In another FPS with vertical aiming you have to take more time aiming, possibly with one of them retreating behind cover by the time you point at him
Baron's projectiles move faster, AFAIK.
They do also inflict more damage.
Descent 1 and 2
Literal retard
Doom 4 is fucking garbage
Except doom doesn't have cover, so this situation would never occur.
Wrong. Was just playing it. Aged better than most things
>Doom 4 is fucking garbage
no it isn't
+sourceport -autoaim = aim wherever you want with identical gameplay?
Okay fine, the enemies are both firing at you. In Doom you'd be able to kill them quicker ergo less time worrying about dodging or getting hit. In another FPS you'd be able to kill them both slower, ergo more time worrying about dodging or taking damage.
It seems to be going by projectile speed rather than movement speed where applicable. Imps and Cacodemons have the slowest fireballs, while former humans and shotgunners have the fastest attacks since theirs are hitscan.
It takes the same amount of time to aim diagonally as it does to aim side to side.
Doom is designed to be cover bases. The entire game is based around circle strafing. I reccomend checking out some of the more challanging user mods such as Scythe 2 and Alien Vendetta
If the theme music isn't now playing in your head you're an underage faggot.
Raven Shield is better
I'm over 18 I just have good taste
>no penalty for dying
But in Doom, you just go back to your last save, and you can save whenever you want. That's about as little of a penalty as you can get.
>expect a fun doom-like game like heretic
>get backtracking: the game
>Doom 4 is fucking garbage
Compared to the golden age of FPSes, yeah I guess. But it's sure as hell a step in the right direction for modern triple A games. I just wish the most fun parts weren't stuck behind upgrades (Air control and faster glory kills make the game infinitely better)
When you die in Doom you return to the start of the level with nothing but the default pistol, whether you want to save scum or not is up to you. When you die in a modern fps you are automatically returned to the latest checkpoint with all of the equipment you had at that time.
It's not a Doom clone, so yeah.
I hate you so much. muzzies are trash no matter what. commies are more preferable.
>Doom 4 is fucking garbage
I disagree. I think its one of the better fps's of the past decade, and is far more true to the original doom than Doom 3. It's far from the absolute master piece that Doom 1 was, but it has a really solid campaign with pretty satisfying gameplay.
Im curious, what didnt you like about it?
I'm ignoring the idiots/bait and just wanted to drop this handy image off for anyone interested in playing some Doom.
Doom 4 is fucking great. Only Sup Forums hipster retards and standard retards say it's bad.
Draqu is streaming this shit on Nightmare right now, come check it out. if you don't like this you are sincerely a faggot.
twitch tv/draqu_
Thanks doc
its called a portal GUN guys and you SHOOT it so its a SHOOTER duh
titanfall 1 was better
id wager one of the best designed multiplayer games ever
shame ea was in charge
Titanfall 2 shits all over Titanfall 1's multiplayer.
This, for me HeXen is better than Heretic or Doom combined.
>I can't stop laughing.jpg
anybody who hates doom needs to get the fuck off the internet and kill his family and kill anybody who feels the same way.
90s kids TRASH!
>90s kids
>hating doom
the cancer killing video games
Where's the Doom 2 version of this with that faggot Archvile?
hexen was literal doom clone with same engine
they only added all those puzzles because the game lacks content to back it up, so you have to go switch hunting pretending you are having fun
hexen 2 was a much better game as an fantasy shooter. but the tradeoff is even worse puzzles at times
>Hexen is a Doom clone
>Hexen 2 is better than 1
Holy shit, I didn't know someone could be this wrong.
Nigger I can play DOOM to this day and still have fun
Not to mention the endless custom wads
They're allergic to good things
Everyone should have this file saved in case you don't have anything to play
Doom II
Final Doom
Doom 64
Doom is way too fucking boring and repetitive to be a 10/10 FPS
Why do you even live as nothing will satisfy you if DOOM fails at it.
>Shadow Warrior Classic
>CoD 1 & 2
and a few more
Doom is awful, there are way better games out there.
But Doom 4 Doom is an absolute fucking masterpiece. Taking Doom 4's weapons and general gameplay style and melding it into the original Doom. The result is fun as fuck.
Dude, it's literaly was meant to played with saves. What kind of autist you must be to not use them?
>Sup Forums's own mods
Saved this one way back.
it's good because it's Doom, not Doom 4
It's good because it's both.
Halo 1-3
If you think the games have regenerating health you clearly haven't played them
Shields are generally speaking a pretty elegant form of regenerating health since there's still threat to fucking up badly enough when shit goes through shields.
I'm an unfortunate soul who still hasn't played the original doom and is looking to fix that; this is exactly what I needed. Thank you.
Original Dooms
Shows you how underage this board really is.
>playing tricks and traps for the first time
>expect some bullshit at the end, so stop halfway on the row of steps
>it starts descending and can't climb back up
>tfw 12 health
god I hate some of the later levels in doom 2
best FPS of all time:
- Doom 1 and 2
- Half-Life 2 and Ep2
- Gun Godz and Receiver
don't reply to me
>probably born after 1995
>fps's w/o vertical aiming are crap and require
I swear, the state of this fucking board. I weep for the future.
>the state of this fucking board. I weep for the future.
Every single reply to the post is negative. Logic isn't your strong suit, huh?
is plutonia experiment good? I didnt like TNT
1 had better maps. I hope TF3 combines the good aspects of TF1 & 2. And bring back burn cards for giggles.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
>half-life 2
>Best fps