>New Update for Doom on Nintendo Switch adds motion controls and changes the Home Screen icon
What are times when developers listened to fan criticisms for the better?
>New Update for Doom on Nintendo Switch adds motion controls and changes the Home Screen icon
What are times when developers listened to fan criticisms for the better?
>that fucking accuracy
>with a controller
I-I thought gyro was a meme...
They got gyro aiming in? Neat.
fug i might have to pick this up now
>DOOM with motion controls
as if DOOM couldn't get any better
Oh it's real all right.
>Splatoon 1 came out in 2015
>shows the world gyro aiming is the most ideal way to aim in a shooter when using a controller
>2018 is the first time a shooter that isn't Splatoon 2 utilizes gyro aiming
Why did it take so long? I wanted Sony to run with the idea so fucking badly. I'll fucking buy every CoD game if they let me gyro aim
hopefully we get more gyro options in shooters in the future
It's still the worst way possible to play DOOM.
I hear the PS4 gyro is shit but I wouldn't know because no shooters fucking use it.
No, that title goes to both the PS4 and Xbone versions, unless they patch gyro aiming into the PS4 version, which would make PS4 the second best way to play the game
I use the gyro aiming for typing and it feels just like Splatoon. It would work perfectly with FPSes
other games have been using gyro aiming, fucking borderlands 2 for the ps vita had gyro
it's the second best way to play after PC, xbox is third best, ps4 is the worst
You know valve allows everyone to use gyro aiming on shooters on pc but nobody cares about it.
Switch has smaller FoV, terrible framerate issues and worse graphics. You cannot be serious.
The framerate has apparently be fixed
If COD 2018 has gyro aiming I'm coping that shit.
Will New Colossus be fun to play with gyro?
>Even Zelda remakes that aren't even shooters had gyro aiming back then
>mfw Prime 4 has gyro controls
This was such a shitty demonstration of gyro aiming.