A 2 million dollar indie made by slavshit has more players than multi-trillion japanese franchise
what went wrong?
A 2 million dollar indie made by slavshit has more players than multi-trillion japanese franchise
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PC is the primary platform for only one of those titles.
You couldn't get good so you made a thread to bitch.
The vast majority of people who play fighting games are on consoles.
>fighting game vs rpg
Who would of thought?
wow i could've just done that instead of the autistic sprint jumping
thanks user
why? console lag is atrocious
fighting games are a very niche genre, plus the public is mostly console
The left is a casual game the right isn't.
majority of fighting game players are niggers
Do the math
One is for brainlet storyfags that want Skyrim: The "Realism" Mod and the other is a hypercompetitive 1v1 game with broken online atm.
almost every good fighter is from japan and japan doesn't give a fuck about pc
>he likes playing babby arcade games
Portability for the local aspect + the majority of fighting game fans are Japanese, black guys and Mexicans.
>he can't understand arcade games even when they try to dumb it down for babies
How much do you mash, kid?
>skyrim 4 has more players than a dead genre
no shit
It's funny how all of you poorfags jump to talking about skill when none of us even play your games.
Because you can't afford to buy it and you would be too stupid to play it
>talks about skill
>not even 1k MMR in Dota2
""""""fighting"""""""" game fags are pathetic
Kid I 4gated my way to top of diamond during the first season of WoL. I can do anything. Don't ever reply to me with your games of dirt again.
>I can do anything
You can't beat me in DBFZ. I can tell you're too dumb for fighting games
Just fucking crouch you retards
Japan has been caring about pc ever since GG reload came out
>Fighting games on PC
>have to crouch to walk up stairs
>this is considered acceptable
fucking hell, you guys will suck cock for any shitty rpg these days
when do retards stop comparing fighting games sales with other genres?
It's absolutely pathetic how fighting game retards are this much out to prove themselves.
> Be simple peasant who has never seen stairs before in his life.
> Introduced to the concept hours after watching his family get murdered in front of him.
> He struggles a bit.
Give poor Henry a break.
Have you looked at your own posts? Your hypocrisy is another sign you're too dumb for fighters.
>would of
Would HAVE
Dragonball is cuck shit
>rpg vs fighting game on pc
Is OP retarded?
Wtf am I looking at?
No watching another guy fuck a girl you're attracted to is cuck shit.
Buying a broken game is cuck shit.
Paying for a mod is cuck shit.
I pirated it, everyone else should have too.
Fuck off shill
the 24/7 shilling of this fucking game is amazing
Yeah, yeah, we get it Sup Forums. A game that has some devs on the more conservative side of things is kinda successful. When will you get tired of comparing it to every other game in existence as the example of "wow look at how much we are winning fuck libtards"?
Because you are no better than SJWs talking about how any particular game is "showing how society really thinks and how progressive we all are" or some bullshit.
They had millions in funding from private investors though
>we failed to make them hate it with the usual’is racyss’ crap
>let’s try and antagonize jap lovers!
Get a fucking hobby far away from Sup Forums, neogaf scum. Saged.
What's with the desperate shilling anyway? who is doing it?
RPGs have more gameplay. DBZ sold based on the shounen's IP value, the game itself is probably shit (as are most fighting games)
10 million is what I heard. and they made 60-80million on their first week.
Not even once, and I been everywhere. Had a glitch where I climbed a ladder, and was at the bottom again...
>probably shit
It isn't it's actually fun.
>DBZ sold based on the shounen's IP value
Don't most game sell based on their ip value as well when they are established franchise?
They're making some decent progress with mini computers like the GPD Wins, and the average laptop can run the games fine while still being more portable.
cool. have you contacted the devs?
>he doesn't need to stop every few steps to catch his breath
>Crouching up stairs
>chzech republic
just because half of it was behind the iron curtain doesn't mean it's a slavic nation
you must the be the same master baiter on /o/ claims the ford gt has the exact same engine as the f150
Give me 5 fighting games that you consider good
Consistency, you twat. For competitive play in a tournament setting you need consoles and monitors(with the same input lag) or its all shit
>RPGs have more gameplay.
When did walking become gameplay? Most of the game is shallow as fuck and there is nothing to new to learn after a few hours besides more generic story. At least with fighters there is stuff to learn about the mechanics and metagame for at least a few years.
The only time I've been told "horseshoe theory" was by "right" wingers who got mad when I said bed wetting pro-lifers are the SJWs of the right.
>Dude it's so historically accurate and realistic!
>"J-j-just crouch up the stairs"
>"B-b-bandits respawning out of thin air because you tried to progress the wrong way is fine for narrative purposes!"
>Just fucking crouch you retards
You can't make this up
That combo doesn't seem practical although it looks sick. What's the notations?
You get stuck on the stair steps. I got stuck on doorways many times. KC:D is the epitome of eurojank
Fighting games aren't designed like RPG time sinks. Most people play fighting games with their friends offline anyways.
it's very practical, if you want impractical check this
too lazy to write anime notation
>implying pressing buttons in memorized order and not because the game prompts you to is gameplay and not just playing a musical instrument except there's no sound and you're retarded
Why is this being shilled I repeat SHILLED here so much?
>If you make an open world RPG, even if its buggy, its guarenteed to be a success
Why the fuck are developers wasting time on walking simulators, dota or overwatch clones? Just make realistic single player open world RPG's
Even after completing Kingdom Come Deliverance and its disapointing ending, I want another
>instruments don't take skill and aren't a fun hobby
>button prompts aren't the cancer of gaming
I'm as confused as you user.
Did I say button prompts or pressing buttons based on gameplay.
Please take at least an elementary level english course so you can learn to analyze more than a word at a time.
Key to any rpg success is making them slavic
It has a practical starter I'll give you that. But you need 7 bars, pre-sparking, are people really so shit that you can save up 7 bars during combat?
And people are eating this up while constantly shilling it and telling people how amazing it is while shoving it down their throat?
Tell me the difference between a button prompt and the game prompting you to press a button. Use examples.
Take your time, kid.
You can stop after the first or second hellzone and still do good damage.
>realistic game with indepth combat sells better than weebshit
Wow, it's like people have taste.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game. I have been a fan of Eurojank despite its bugs and jankiness because of its setting. I've been playing janky-ass strategy games for a long time so I developed a tolerance
alright so...
>anime fighting video game
>uses shit denuvo on PC
>primary player base is on consoles
>medieval RPG
>devs seem like inventive, cool people
>primary playerbase is on PC
gee, you tell me why
Sparking is almost always saved up for second to last character and you will usually have 5-6 bars when you are left with one and since your assist aren't consuming them they accumulate pretty fast. It's rather feasible, desu.
>I developed a tolerance for games being shit
when you see an enemy in an fps and shoot it and shoot the next one but using your brain so you dont get shot, that's called gameplay.
when you see one single enemy and spam some keys, thats not fucking interactive.
>I play games because the creators seem like nice people
Not him but you are a retard
eh more so what the creators are doing/saying. Not using denuvo because the're not discriminatory against PC users goes a big way. I hate those gooks for treating all pc gamers like pirates
Strategy game fans have to get used to it otherwise we will be stuck playing the handful of strategy games that aren't janky.
>Realistic game
>In-depth brainless combat
>Glitchy mess
This almost sounds like bait. Someone plz post that one webm with the guy fighting the barehanded peasant.
>Not him but you are a retard
Take your time, kid.
In universe where based eurojank played by more people than cheap weebshit cashgrab everything couldn't have gone more right.
It's a true mystery
PC fags can't appreciate actually good games.
Apparently they do since KC:D is selling like hotcakes.
the game is actually very good, go back to rocket league or whichever mindless gayme you were playing
>Reeee I need this game to do well because I think it somehow validates my political opinions
A game that heavily revolves around physics is dumber than a glorified fetch quest simulator
Its actually a really fun game.
I haven't played a single player game in about 8 years but this is good.
Right wingers feel they need to shill the game. They feel its success is an indication of social acceptance of their most extreme beliefs, solely because like 10 SJWs on twitter complained about the game, so they now make believe "THE LEFT" is against this game and it is succeeding due to the political will of conservatives
Basically proving fucks who say they don't want politics in games are full of shit. They just want one specific brand on politics.
This is a negative to me. I don't want reverse SJW devs. This is no better than a dev wearing a BLM shirt.
It's like if Skyrim was actually a good game that didn't rely on modding.