I give up. Fuck this game. Its bulllshit

I give up. Fuck this game. Its bulllshit.

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save the invincibility super for the final stretch. ez

absolutely not it's terrible

your only recourse is to become proficient OP

What do you call a cup that falls off a mood swing? A Tumblr.

Save a beam super for the last phase. Stand on the ground on the far right and let it rip so you kill the baseball guys and hit the boss.

Are you that thirsty for yous? Are you lonely? Nobody cares about your fucking artsy 1930s game. Everyone has already beaten it or dropped it. Get fucked retard.

>implying singleplayer games have a relevancy timeframe

maybe these just arent my type of games, but i never felt any actual accomplishment or progress when i played this game.
i never felt like i was actually getting better, instead i just felt like i was surviving long enough for the next phase of the boss to pop up until i finally beat them
ironically i had the most fun in the non boss levels because there i actually did feel like i was getting better and i could test my skill by trying to speedrun and work on my reaction time.

Keep trying!

I feel your pain. This bitch took me more tries than any other boss. Just keep trying, and take solace in the fact that meme dragon will be way wasier than everyone says.

shutup loser

lmao how much of a jaded faggot can you be?

>He couldn't beat the clown
>He's giving up at the clown
Hardest fight is the robot in World 3, you ain't dealt with shit yet so get back up and don't be a defeatist

Absolutely right. Sucked to clown, almost one-shotted on Dragon. Only problem is that Dragon punishes you for auto-firing and you don't realize what's happening till your already dead.

You are using lobber, right OP? I'd hate to find out you were gimping yourself with some other weapon.

FUCK the meme dragon. every fucking time he goes to the final stage I would lag and it took fucking hours to finally kill him

Games like these are brainless and require very little actual "strategy", they almost entirely memory and muscle memory, anybody can beat them but you have to play a lot or have played games like them before. There are definitely exceptions even in cuphead, but a lot of it is trial and error.

Not trying to be pretentious here, but some types of people can feel satisfaction from brute forcing levels and getting better through practice, others feel accomplishment through out-thinking the games they play.

I personally don't get any satisfaction from cuphead, and I feel that beating something just to say I have beaten it is a little too stupid for me, but I understand why people like it.

I found the bee harder than the robot, aside from his late phase 1, robot was easy.

I beat his last phase on 1st try lmao you pleb

well you can significantly increase your chances of success if you use relevant strategy. Robot boss fight is a joke if you now how to fight him

the lobber is terrible for this fight.

>Games like these are brainless and require very little actual "strategy", they almost entirely memory and muscle memory, anybody can beat them but you have to play a lot or have played games like them before. There are definitely exceptions even in cuphead, but a lot of it is trial and error.

And this is why I like to play games with procedurally generated content. You literally have to adapt to the randomization of a fucking level. And games like Cuphead and shmups where basically you literally have to play over and over to master these levels ain't even real skill. It's fucking autism.

You say there's no strategy because its impossible to plan ahead. But if you're not developing a strategy as you lose, you're just gonna keep losing. The only time I felt like I was brute forcing was when I got deep into a certain bosses run with full life and just threw away my gameplan to wail on it. You have to learn how to play that boss, you have to say "I gotta put myself here, then here, then react to whichever of its attacks it puts out". That's developing a strategy. Whatever you might think of Trial-and-Error gameplay, Cuphead still requires your brain to be engaged.

they knew

>You say there's no strategy because its impossible to plan ahead. But if you're not developing a strategy as you lose, you're just gonna keep losing.

Yes this is required for every game in existence.

You ain't using lobber right

Cmon user, if a casual like me can beat the clown then you can. I mean come on. LITERALLY git in there and git gud.

I've only really used charge and spread, what's good about the lobber?

you think that's hard? this game makes cuphead, contra, and ghouls & ghosts seem like child's play in comparison.

I'd call you a faggot but this boss actually took me a while to beat, by far the hardest boss in my opinion. It isn't impossible though, just keep trying you will eventually beat it and I can tell you that nothing else in the game is as hard.

I was disappointed how easy King Dice and Devil were. Robot is pure bullshit tho. And Pier, fuck Pier.

oy gevalt! you've died 6 million times.

It has more power than most other weapons, (Has nothing on a full charge obviously) but can still autofire. Its downside is that it doesn't go as high, and loses speed the longer it goes. This is mitigated in the clown fight because you can always place yourself within strike distance, thus shortening the fight.

Which phase before the final one is giving you the most trouble?

fuck off dude, your brain doesn't work as calmly as you describe it when you're just constantly jumping and dodging attacks just so you can hang onto the scrap of health you have left without dying again.

I don't know about you, but when I got hit by something I tried to figure out how to not to get hit by that thing again. You straight up develop a strategy as you play, that's what Trial-and-Error gameplay is, you learn where things go wrong and try to avoid it going wrong in the future. I'm not saying that its the best form of gameplay, but Cuphead is absolutely a good example of it, because you don't beat Cuphead if you're not paying attention.

If you have gotten this far you should have no problems with the devil

>losing to a boss that has multiple forms which don't do contact damage

Use the axe you fucking idiot. Get inside him and use spread while spamming axe swings or alternatively use the axe as a double jump if you think you need it to dodge shit. If you're such a trash can you still lose on forms where you have a double jump just stop playing

This boss, the dragon and that fucking Bee were definitely the hardest for me. Robot also came close but it was easier than I was expecting with everyone hyped. Calamaria was a lot harder than him.

Not him but fuck the balloon phase
All phases are a cakewalk except that fucking balloon phase

>standing on the far right
Go back to pol you fuckin nazi

>hardest fight is the robot
Beat him after like 4 tries was actually surprised how fast he went down

the ex homing attack helps protect you against the balloon animals. you can tell the roller-coaster is coming soon when it appears in the background.

I have no problem with the rollercoaster, I just hate how the balloon animals can spawn in your face and how you have to juggle killing them (because their chase on you is pretty good, they don't burst on the ground when you dodge them as often as I'd like) and actually hitting the boss

which weapons/charms do you have?

I pirated it and beat the game in 2 hours. Wasn't worth the pirate or the 2 hours.

Nice post

you must be fun at parties
don't cut yourself with that edge

Mate I clearly stated I already beat it you illiterate fuck
I have no idea what I used months back
I generally used Charge shot though because I found it to be the most DPS shot by far as long as you could manage it, and I could, but I think I switched to normal for that phase because it helped in taking out the balloons. And shadow dash of course, did the whole game with that couldn't play without it.

git gud