Monster Hunter World isn't casu-

Monster Hunter World isn't casu-

Explain all the shitters triple carting at nergigante then?

>7 stars
Plates aren't rare in high rank dingus, is this your first MH game? It's the gems that are rare.

That said, all my gems have been from gold investigation rewards, so there's that.

>not a single gem
What was your point again

RIP OP. MHW threads are getting auto deleted. Not sure why.

Had to do 20+ Nerg gold investigations for one gem, which I carved from the tail on a solo hunt. Of all the things that make it casualized and more normie-friendly, making gems less of a bitch to grind for is a weird thing to focus on. At least go for gameplay since that's where the changes actually directly matter.

Cap vs carving chances on gems datamined when?

11mins? Wtf were you taking a stroll or something?

When some jap scans the 500 page guidebook that always comes out like a month after the game over there

is it better to have white sword for damage or a full blue nerg?

>11 minutes
>Capture mission

>From A Capture

none of those are fucking gems and why did you take so fucking long for a capture investigation on something that fucking flies? do you not carry 13 flash pods?

when do new quests open up for me? im 61

You should probbly stop playing or youll get a stroke granpa

fucking scrub i got 2 gems from the assigned hunt

>not having a Rathalos gf


>More grindy = More hardcore
What the fuck made you come to that conclusion?

They have about the same drop chance

How do we fix flash? it seems way to OP against flying monster.

Are dual blades worthless? What is the most satisfying weapon in the game?

Pick one

More like how do we fix flying monsters. Basically when they are in the air they are doing nothing but wasting time.

my friend bought me back this book from his trip to Japan if only either of us could read moon

>elder dragons can't drop gems
what did he mean by this

By making monsters fly less. Rathalos was better when his thing was being stronger and faster than Rathian, not spending half the fight hovering above ground with the most obnoxious moveset he's ever had.

Not OP, but you literally just explained it yourself. They're shitters, what do you expect?

How in the fuck do I get an earplugs decoration. I'm at earplugs 4 and I don't want to give up my attack 3 charm

Get lucky with the rng and get that 00.00001% drop aka never ever :^)
Just max out the earplugs charm and wear the Beetlejuice waist.

This, just make monsters fly for shorter periods making it harder to land the flashes.

>tfw heal augmented Bagel Cheese Horn with Vaal Mix Set
Holy shit dudes, I'm literally fucking unkillable

Make breaking a flying monster's wings limit their flight time
Like how breaking Tigrex's claws makes him fall over a bunch

And also a deadweight to your party.

Not when I've also got Peak Performance 3, Slugger 3, Exhaust 3, Handicraft 3, and Weakness Exploit 3
Enjoy the Attack up XL friend

Going back to 4U after MHW really puts a lot of things in perspective. Combat in 4U feels very dull. The area you're fighting in is usually a barren landscape with a couple ledges to get jumping attacks off of. Or alternatively, the area is so small that the monster can charge you into a corner, fuck up your camera, and rape you as you try to escape and heal. Some movesets are less engaging. The new GS tackle almost makes it an entirely different weapon, and I love it.
Gathering materials in world is a joy. 4U requires you to press the button again and again. You can need a blue mushroom and get something else 4 times in a row, whereas in world you just make sure that the gathering point you're using looks like a blue mushroom.
The core gameplay of World is far better than any other Monster Hunter, so I really hope they do the series justice by improving weapon designs, monster quantity, and to some extent armor designs/skills, either with G rank or the next installment.

not really, while they're running back from carting I can keep doing damage.

I like the sound of the build but HH bores me to tears

Looks like you need it toned down more with that fucking capture time lmao

>played every weapons
>60+ Tempered hurted
>only ONE hero streamstone and it's a fucking SnS/DB
How do people keep their motivation?
I'm already bored of the game
My shit tier luck isn't helping it.

Shitter newbie here
Is the secret to gunlancing to abuse shelling as often as possible, or is there some super combo I should be doing instead?

Quick reload > Slam > Sweep > Repeat
Wyvernstake if you don't have time to go through the full loop again
Full burst after the slam if you're using a Normal shell GL

Capcom will add a way to get gems for real money.

Yo i want to make sweet love to this bitch ,am I the only one?

>tfw not enough monster
>little weapon to pick out of
>every weapon looks boring and stale
>armor variety is low

Feels burnt out man.

>what are investigation gold rewards

fucking damn it

>not at/past HR 100
keep grinding

>tfw doing tempered Kirin in multiplayer
Thought I'd be nice and send a SOS for my tempered Kirin investigation but no, HR 50+ players playing like newbies


I don't think any long time MH fan is going to argue that MHWorld isn't casual.

Bull fucking shit, not in high rank.

depends on the build. Hazak sword with white outdamages nerg, but that requires an investment in handicraft and maintaining sharpness. If you go nerg you can probably fit other skills to make up the difference.

Other weapons like jagrath/barroth swords don't become better until you get augmenting and by then it hardly matters anymore.

>waterproof mantle exists
>only one piss easy water monster
>only one area with deep water

The problem is with Sup Forums it's black and white. The game is either casual trash or an autistic paradise. If put on a spectrum, MHW is more casual than previous installments, but it isn't a walk in the woods. If it were shitters wouldn't be having trouble.

Still doesn't make up for how bad your weapon's damage is.
On paper all the buffs sounds amazing, but because HH's MVs are nerfed into total worthlessness you are basically dead weight because you're doing barely any damage on your own, only buffing everyone else's damage, which doesn't make up for basically a lack of a player in the slot you are taking up.

I get it, HH sounds really fun and its moveset definitely is, but please keep that thing offline, and pick a different weapon to play in a team setting, that will actually let you pull your weight.

I'd imagine 90% of players arent even close to HR 90 at this point. I've been playing this game a ton and just hit HR20. You burned yourself too quick wait for Grank

They'll probably bring the crabs or Plessi in eventually

>no way to filter investigations by monster
>no capture pro and skull/limping only shows up 25% of the time

does capping give better chance of gems?
i know capping certain monsters in previous games gave a better chance but there little item rate data in world. plus the fucking hunter notes give you carve rates and "quest reward" rates for items but no cap rate. unless cap rate is meant to be quest reward rate which would be retarded

Actually, getting hit by barroth's mud when he's shaking it off deals water damage and waterblight, but, you know, who cares?

The investigation garbage says they are both 1 star drops but i agree with you.
I get 1 gem for every 15 plates.

Is the Princess Panoply line of gunlances still as strong as ever?

pink rath best gunlance for fullbursting inside of monsters cunnies

Got mine nigguh 4 hunts

>played for 40 hours
>only just got to Rotten Vale because I've spent all my time autistically hunting Anjanaths in the forest rather than doing something worthwhile

Sounds good to me.


want some help?

What the fuck is one star? In previous games plates could have a 10% drop rate in high rank while gems have 4%. Where does that show up on a 3 star scale, huh? You even see in the OP pic that a plate showed up in a silver investigation reward slot, you won't see a gem show up in a silver slot.

This goes to both of you: the hunter's notes are a fucking mistake. People memed up and down that gems can only be carved when people have been getting gems as capture rewards. Capture reward pool is NOT listed in the hunter's notes and could very well be from any item the monster can drop. We won't know until Kiranico or some other site crunches the numbers and come up with actual droprates and not a fucking vague 3 star system.

Just because the game gives you the info doesn't mean it's worth shit.

dont worry about it too much, I finished the story about 80-100 hours in

nah I got a teo gem from silver slot

Well if you show me the photo then I will stand corrected, I don't fully know how the reward slots work so maybe it's just higher chance of getting good loot and not exclusive loot pools.

Still, the point is plates are more common than gems in high rank, it's always been like this for the series and my personal experience is that this holds true.

Oh shit, i'm about 280 hours into the game and i haven't seen this once.

Kiranico's hands are pretty tied on that though. Enjoy not having good info until the PC version comes out.

i would but i dont really want to farm 22 more of those motherfuckers. thats not even counting the quests failed due to shitters exploding

woops. btw im

items have a 5 star rating
the 3 star rating is for staus and elemental weakness. which is also bullshit because i need the god damn full breakdown of status effects like duration, initial resistance, resistance build up and maximum resistance. i know i'm like the one guy on Sup Forums who cares about status but fuck i like my status and i need more than a fucking 3 star chart. fuck this casual bullshit

yeah fucking no
gems have a MUCH lower drop rate than fucking plates

btw im not the user you were originally arguing with, and yeah plates were far more common. sorry for the absolute brainlet posting. its 4am. fuck everything.

You think that's bad, I'm at 170 hours and I have 19 pages of equipment. Send help.

Forgot my image.

here. honestly there doesnt seem to be any difference between silver vs gold in terms of rarity. ive gotten so many bronze tier materials in gold rewards just as a 3 pack or something. shits all kinds of fucked.

Oh, well then, seems I've been proven wrong.

Yeah I don't get the investigation reward rarity, all I know is I get all my gems from gold rewards and have pretty shit luck otherwise.

>join arena room
>check board
>doesnt tell you how long someone's been in the quest
what the fuck capcom

>rank 41
>people still don't bring flashbombs
>people still trying to capture elder dragons
>people who build full offense build they see on youtube but cart because they don't know how to fucking dodge
>bladefags going for the head
>hammerfags going for the tail
>people still don't know they can superman dive Nerg's skydive attack
What fresh hell is this? I'm not expecting pro level players on my team but can I plese for the life of me stop getting assholes who don't know how to play the fucking game despite being rank 40+. When does this shit get any better?

can you not cap an elder with pitfall during investigations?

>hunting Negro for his tail so I can build his Lance
>cut tail
>carve gem
>got gem as investigation reward
>okay maybe next quest
>cut tail again
>still gets a gem

Fuck, and I need 2 tail for his first lance.

No. Only reason you see way more plates is because you can get em as normal reward without any special condition. Cut the parts that drops gems and shit and they are about equal, maybe slightly less.

Just about to start playing but not sure whether to roll male or female. I liked playing waifu dressup in 4 especially with the Bnahabra and Kirin armor sets, but from what little ive seen of this new game all the female models look like ass.

Is it possible to make a cute girl? If not, are there at least some fucking rad male armor sets for me to choose?

>Farm Diablos
>Send SoS
>Everyone are rank 70+
>People still run across the map instead of going to camp 15
>They cart 30 seconds after they arrive

the ass is fat

t. Azure Rathalos

want to farm some blos?
what part do you need?

fucking azure rathalos has always been a piece of shit. I remember in 4U, the first time you fight him has a fucking flying sword pinecone following you around all the time (both of them are flying so it's nigh-impossible to hit dung bombs consistently and quickly). He's also literally one of four monsters where it's absolutely required to bring maximum possible of a particular item + its combo materials, and two of those monsters you haven't encountered yet, and the other one is cephadrome where he's not dangerous, just fucking slow to kill if you don't have sonic bombs.

I specifically switched to a ranged weapon just for that fight and it was still rough because it's not like he spends all his time in the air just flying around, he's actively trying to fuck you up in the most camera-angle-abusive, bullshit-instant-high-damage-homing-attacks-that-also-apply-dots way he can.

The series is great but god almighty some of the monster designs are just stupid.

Any hints at them adding Brachydios in the future? I want my 'splode dinosaur.

Forget about Brachy. I need Nerscylla to come back. I need Nerscylla back in my life.

Pic EXTREMELY related, the thiccness of nu-huntresses is amazing

Tempered monsters suck, bring back Hyper or that other variant.


You know, I wouldn't mind seeing Dalamadur return. It'd be much better fighting him on a not shitty 240p 3DS screen.