>make friends in SCP: Secret Laboratory
> loses connection forever
>lose them all
>can't remember their names
why is the world so unfair fellas
Make friends in SCP: Secret Laboratory
Other urls found in this thread:
>Every other server is full.
Don't do me in like this
Sausage2 surviving doctor, zombies, and peanut, then finding CI to activate nuke was legendary
too bad server timed out
there has been some hardcore shilling for this game, so how much are you getting paid? Not that I blame you I just want in on it
not shilling; genuinely a good game for stories to tell about it
ff on
get in here boys.
>recently played with
>shilling a free game that would violate copyright if the creators ever made money from it
Nice conspiracy theory
Fuck off to /vg/ with your constant generals, thanks :)
>recently played with doesn't show up since no servers are dedicated
imagine being this retarded
>girl on the mic
>Hop in elevator with team
>they all vanish
>shilling a free game that would violate copyright if the creators ever made money from it
All he needs to do to make money is take out 173. You can sell SCP stuff, the license is free-attribution.
>and then you realize you are the one who vanished
What's the best scp and why it's scp-3313?
>First game I've ever played
>Spawn in as NTF guard
>Elevator glitch
>Other guy shoots me out of mercy
is voice chat bugged or something?
can't seem to hear anyone
>Be 173
>Find last group of MTF
>Zombies attack them
>Win first round
>Be 173 again
>After taking a Shower to the surface get fucked by 5 MTF
Gott ist tott
they were never your friends
you have no friends
you are basically a SCP
a SCP with the power to be unlovable
>>After taking a Shower to the surface
are there any servers that aren't fucking full but have at least 5-6 people on
>that zombie doctor orgy
mad Scientist cuck detected
Here I propose a solution to the
>can't remember their names
We make a steam group.
>just remove the most iconic character from the game
>30 scientists
>free game with infinite shitposting potential
>spawn in as CI
>walk up stairs
>oh shit its MTF and the nerds
>walk down the stairs
>doc, larry, peanut and a zombie army
>the fucking slaughter that happened instantly
You can't use 173, but that outside of that its fine for selling.
Get a load of this PHD nerd lmao.
D-Boys rule!
post servers
>kill Doc
>get killed by friendly grenade seconds after
>he was upset enough to make this image
lmao science babies are pathetic
Beta nerd detected
D-boys are good boys. Shame on ye.
ive played this so much that its only fun to play dclass and scientist now. Yet even though they are the most numerous class at the beginning of the game all Im playing is MTF and fucking scps
>die to grenade through a wall because it makes no noise or other indication it's even there
>ding! all the MTF in the lift
>lift goes up and the bodies are gone
>everybody its angry at me because I didnt turn them into moldy plane bois
Im sorry, its not my fault
D-boys trapped in SCP-012's room by scientistsendhelp
send help d-class stuck in scp-012 containment
Who's the nerd now?
>dniggers being shown their proper place
>mfw MTF bum rush Larrys room and we contain him in less than 4 mins
Me killing him was legendary
106 is just boring af
hed be funner to play if I didn't have to be up your chocolate starfish to send you to the shadow realm
>when you and another D-boy get to the evac in under two minutes from the game start
>spend our CI lives shitposting on the intercom
Troglodyte, you're a real human bean
He may be boring as fuck, but he makes for some damn good memes.
Thanks, mang.
Getting that checkpoint keycard early is nearly a guaranteed escape, good thing you got lucky with the file cabinet.
>girl I'm madly in love with doesn't love me back
It's over bros. It's over.
no time for love comrade we gotta fuckin shoot some peanuts
So I know it's pretty standard SCP but what do you guys think of this one?
throw her in the femur breaker
>Finally Spawns as SCP 106 after two days of waiting
The best SCP is Cragglewood Park, hands down the scariest fucking thing I read in a while
>find handgun and keycard
>hunt down scientists, kill at least two
>when I find 914, assert dominance chase off everyone there by shooting them all so they don't nigger my key-cards
>upgrade keycard, juke larry, evade ntf by waiting at checkpoint for them to pass
>activate nuke
>kill a couple ntfs when I come back as CI
Get fucked nerds
This is some top tier OC
God Damnit i just want to play peanut
>start as scientist
>run into first group of dboys
>they're running away from 173
>one fleeing dboy guns me down for my card
>wait 20 minutes
>finally respawn as mtf
>other mtf members disconnect because fuck the mtf
>game crashes
>touch someone as plague doctor
>get hitmarker
>they don't die
Mind if I T-pose on you?
Not at all
>not realizing it's weeding out public server scum since the comic precisely encompasses general public server antics
What do you think would happen if the dev added fists and melee weapons?
He'd have to fix the hit window because it's really fucking hard to land melee hits right now.
>Radical Larry starts fistfighting the entire MTF to win the championship belt
>trying to mislead people
That's the Sup Forums server experience faggot. Stop trying to confuse others. All it's missing is intercom micspam.
it'd be bullshit, scientists would get beat to death by D niggers every round
>What do you think would happen if the dev added fists and melee weapons?
The game would become unplayable as D-class/scientists on FF=off servers
Melee weps would be fine though
All the nerds would be dead
I'm 100% D-bros will start beating the shit out of peanut.
They will die trying
>chaos boy
>get separated from squad
>find larry
>sucks me in
>get lucky
>push him into a team mate and he dies in an electric fence
>proceed to save 4 d boys
>even bull rush Doc to save the day
Why is Chaos Insurgent literally the most fun class?
How does this image make you feel?
Need more on OG server
>escape 176 and the doc
>mtf hold us up and shoot us
>Nerds and D bois gather around the peanut to punch him to death
>peanut player is raging over mic for the other SCPs to come help him
>Doc or Larry comes from behind to kill them
>giant pile of bodies after 10 minutes into the game
This game is fucking shit
Why is it so goddamn fun
Pretty sure 173 would just have to spam click and they would all be dead in a sec while taking like 20 damage
>implying D boyes aren't the most fun
Nothing like a good old rags to riches story.
>get to work with dboyz and get the best weapon in the game
Gee Cboy I dunno
server die?
a game doesnt need to be good to be fun lad
That beanie looks comfy desu
This game is giving me flashbacks to what it was like to be a new SS13 player
Back in the day, before everything lost its mystery, before I became an admin, learned the inner workings of everything, and grew to hate the community
Alright, you guys got me interested, how do you play this shit
Free on steam, SCP: Secret Laboratory
Pls no bully Peanut-chan
Don’t open this...
Does immunity dog protect me?
> no spoiler to hide it
>BoneZoneBaiBlade will never be your gf
feels bad man