This is your free A Hero Rises units for Fire Emblem Heroes. Enjoy your free Vengeful Fighter Fodder.

Probably just keep her instead since she is a good unit.

Robin's balls must be powder dry after a night with Tharja

Not sure what to think about the upcoming arena tweak. I'm upset that I can't luckshit on these free pulls anymore though. 3* fcorn

Did you manage to luckshit your free roll?
Not me.


This piece of shit seems to ruin all my free rolls lately.

I have all the others though, and I don't NEED Hone Fliers or Hinoka, so I'm saving orbs now.

>Not me.
Got a 4 star Sothe out of it.
Finally some LD fodder for Raven.

>+DEF/-HP Subaki

Back to gathering orbs for...whatever the fuck I'm gonna do. See what the other banners will have or go back and try to get at least one of the LA units.

>wanted Amelia
>literally no green or only white one
>when it wasn’t green I’d always get the 5star that killed my pitty rate

More like my Candles + Close Counter fodder after I get her to 4k HM.

I pulled my first Roderick. I think my luck with blues has turned around a bit, in the past couple days I've managed to roll a couple Tailtius and Shannas too.

Why the FUCK hasn't Marth been on another banner since THE VERY FIRST ONE

Guess that's what the Falchion banner is for. Unless they screw him over for the others.

He's going to be in a banner in two weeks, don't get your panties in a nod

Think VLyn would prefer Vengeful or Bold? I'm running Blarblade on her, so Desperation may even be an option I guess.

I guess I did.

Would he benefit from DC? The Hector I have is SPD+/RES-, and I already got an LA! Hector with perfect stats.

Playing gacha games is dumb

Desperation as a player unit since she's balls fast.

After testing in the calculator, my Zelgius, LA!Hector and W!Robin do not benefit from VF, but my +Spd/-Def VA!Lyn gets an extra 2 wins with it over Desperation 3. I don't think an extra 2 wins that my other units can cover are worth the investment, and my armor team has no room for Tharja, so in the event that she does win I'll probably try her out in a mixed team.

Maybe not with that Res. My rule is units with 30+ Res or who can reach 30+ res after buffs are candidates for DC. But it's up to you whether you like him and plan on using him extensively. I foddered off my OG Hector to Seliph after getting a perfect LA!Hector because I like Seliph and he can reach 30+ Res in combat.

5 star clair ...

I don't understand the "no room on my team" meme and then proceeding to fodder them. It's not like they're set in stone or anything. You can switch it out and sometimes you might have to for certain GHBs or maps.

Merge or feed to VLyn?


Shanna, wrong blue flier

In my case, I just prefer Zelgius over Tharja, but this Tharja is too strong of a unit to just toss away. She can easily find a spot on any team.

Was this confirmed?

Linde. Pretty good!

They should've just released a new Caeda as a lance unit with Wing Spear instead.

Wow what a fucking nerd


>3 greens, 1 colorless, 1 blue bottom right
>Go for bottom right memes
>3* Donnel


Do we know when the new hero banner is coming?


That's a lie because I don't know. Tell me.


Wait, you can get her for free?
you better not be memeing me

I don't even think we know who won yet. I can't find results on either the in-game billboard or the AHH site. But yes, we'll be seeing either Vanguard Ike or Winter Tharja for free soon..

>free vengeful fighter
I wish. It's just going to be Ike's useless ass. Guess ATiki will enjoy Warding Breath? Maybe?

I voted for Veronica, but I’d take a Tharja any time.

I honestly don't know who to give a Warding Breath too. I thought about Michiah and then slapping Aether on for arena points. I much rather have WTharja for Vengeful

Warding Breath is a thousand times more useful as SI than Vengeful.

>I voted for Veronica, but I’d take a Tharja any time.
Veronica is from CYL2
The event from OP is from voting gaunlet that revolved around heroes being touched.

>raigh is the 4th most tapped red
Does he have a funny line or something?

It's likely because of how common of a unit he is and many people starting the game out just tapped their units.

I couldn't fucking summon her, now we get her for FREE

+Spe -HP. Time to blow people up with her new weapon + Swift Sparrow

Got a free Ephraim

I really wanted her, but I guess I'll take the breath instead. If anything, please more feathers. My f2p ass really wants to +10 blue loli dragon.

>Does he have a funny line or something?
Common starter red.
Not sure if he was also a free unit at the start.

Just give us a Hero Fest with the four heroes.

Was I in the wrong when I dispatched this gentleman?

I got -atk +spd idk if shes still doable

Dunno if I should go for a merge or pass VF off to somebody. My girl's put in work.

I did actually. Too bad it's a shitty clair with -spd

Put VF on another unit. Adding +1 will barely do anything.

What Windsweep builds aren't just a meme? I have a Joshua to kill.

>so you don't believe thotja threads are real do ye
>ye bess start believin' lad cuz your in wan

who can i put vengeful fighter on?
even though we are getting ike.
I also have 3 fjorms who can I inherit her skills to that would actually benefit from them?

Thank you mommy


I fucking wish. These retards 100% voted for that retarded Ike.

Seems like I found a counter for Alm.

Actually, I didn't vote at all.


I'm actually trying to +10 her, so this is fine.

5* Nowi. Not terrible, but not Hinoka.

>retards who believe this are why we are getting a shit unit
go ahead and explain to me how the trash breath skill is better faggot

That was fast

Shortly after reset is generally when I get my first win every week. Everyone's rushing through their Arena fights at the same time I guess.

Was able to luck shit a Hinoka.

>tfw fucking even King's Raid has better story telling than FEH

Now that dragons are dead what's the best thing now.

Your favorite units.

What if Tharja is terrible at bed and the whole yandere slut thing is facade?

5* +Spd Roderick

Too bad orbiter, I voted Ike. Already have excess W.Tharja's for fodder.

Literally this. Make a full +10 team of your wives and/or husbands

This kind of designs need to stop. Games are supposed to be more than just a vulgar masturbation aid.


Infantry is back!

Wow, thanks, couldn't have even given me a green for a Camilla merge.

I've decided to merge my Donnels to get back some space. Which skills would be good on him?

How is Mathilda? I got my 6th 4* one and I think the game is trying to tell me something.

She seems to be pretty useful in ghbs at least, i keep seeing her in guides

>How is Mathilda? I got my 6th 4* one and I think the game is trying to tell me something.
Decent but she's your cancel affinity fodder.


>Not barefeet
Fucking dropped

Yes, you have shamed your family.

Got one already as well and my Eliweed isn't complete yet as bad as that is nothing will beat when nobody but H!Jakob had a weapon equipped yet I got several defenses.

How did you build your Eliwood? I have to do it myself at some point and am looking for inspiration although I may just go for DC+Berkut's Lance w/res refine.

Very obviously not done yet, renewal is just a placeholder until I can give him something better, maybe quick riposte. I fed him my shitty V!Ike for warding breath but I think you should still go on with your Berkut's lance build.

Not him, but I made a speedywood

only acceptable answer

I want to fuck Ayra

>this fucking thread

I can’t believe there are people who managed to keep playing the game over and over for more than 4 months. I can never have the audacity to keep myself engage on mobileshit games for more than 3 months

I see.

Honestly I'm not sure about doing it or not especially since if someone else needs it more later I'd need to fodder a limited unit with heavy SI to pass it on. If he wasn't a TT unit and if he was just a bit more optimised stat wise I'd feel more comfortable doing it but from what I've heard he's an inferior Effie without the terrible voice.

I have yet to build a blue lance armour though so I may do it just so I never need one again, especially if he's going to sit in my barracks anyway.

Another TA3 is okay

thats the stuff

>there are people that think Vengeful Fighter is better than Breath skills
>every goddamn dragon in the game bar ninian benefits hard
>Tiki crushes all but the strongest blues
>Breath+Windsweep Nowi is cancer incarnate
>Fae becomes the undesputed best green in the game and shits on every last non red unit
>Black Knight gets to run breath+vantage for free arena wins
>something something Zelgius
>breath skill can be put on any infantry or armor unit as long as it’s a melee unit
>vengeful fighter is lmao armor only
>armor units are free in arena

Only nu-armor players and waifufags are voting for tharja.

Who /didn't vote/ here?
Now I can't be mad.