Did the horrid Xbox One launch really hurt the system that much, all the controversy about always online, no used games, and DRM shit?
It seems like it never managed to recover. Xbone is the definitive loser of this generation, how did they drop the ball so hard after winning with the 360, was it just greed and arrogance?
They underestimated the intelligence of their customers and thought they could sell it on name alone while also removing good features and adding shitty ones.
Elijah Bennett
fun fact, sony was just as balls deep in anti-consumer used game blocking, always online DRM, etc. and they would have gotten away with it if they went first instead of microsoft at that fateful E3. after seeing the horrible press, they quickly backtracked on it and came out looking like the good guys despite NO backwards compatibility and being just as shitty as microsoft in every other way
Alexander Roberts
I'm still surprised this caused such an outrage Where were those people when Sony started charging for peer to peer? Or when Nintendo did it?
Ayden Bell
Wut? People where not upset because the Xbox One charged for online multiplayer, that was always optional.
The Xbox One originally would not work at all if you were not always connected to the internet, even if you had a physical disc. And there was also some weird DRM shit they had planned where the disc would only work with your console or something so that it would kill the used games market.
Dominic Bailey
Obviously it did, look at where they are now. They were the top dog of last gen and now they are competing with a glorified handheld.
Leo Bennett
This guy made the problem far worse than it needed to be.
Isaac Fisher
Lets be fair, it isnt even a competition, the Bing Bing is 1000 times more popular than the Xbone.
I see half the threads on Sup Forums are about the Switch, there usually is 1 or 0 about the Xbox.
Brody Jones
1000 times 0 is still 0.
Cooper Wilson
the weeks leading after the xbone announcement were bizarre to say the least, there were a non-trivial number of copypastas DEFENDING microsoft's right to block used games and I think they stopped being satire after the second one.
Blake Barnes
>Thinking they reversed an entire business ecosystem in the span of a couple hours because MS bombed Are you retarded? This is like saying they undercut the Xbone after seeing its price first.
Julian Butler
The PS4 was literally $100 cheaper for the same basic thing. That’s why Xbox got killed at launch.
Jacob Bennett
Even with a successful launch they wouldn't have retained their belt from the 7th gen. With how much brand recognition and nostalgia there is built into the playstation brand all sony had to do to dominate again was release a competent console. The 360 didn't build brand loyalty anywhere close to that of the ps2.
Ayden Baker
Also there was that weird shit that if Kinect sees more than 2 person in the room it shuts the movie off or something like that
Asher Cruz
Completely wrong. Sony had no intention of doing any of those things, all they did was alter their presentation a little to directly jab at MS's obvious fuck up.
Carson Anderson
A PR man so bad at PR that he made things worse. Amazing.
Hudson Cox
It began with the DRM shit, but there's never been a truly compelling to to own an Xbone. Read: no exclusives really worth going for. Game Pass is tempting, but might be too little too late at this point.
Samuel James
Making all of their exclusives guaranteed to come out on Windows was great for game sales but gave plenty of people no reason to ever get the console.
Julian Wright
it never managed to recover because it never got games, everything on it is on PC or PS4. So despite all the good they've done since like BC it's meaningless, the xbox is at 35 million sales after 4 years, less than half the PS4 and with Nintendo now on the scene again (switch selling half of xbox one's total in a year), there doesn't seem to be much hope
Ayden Martinez
You only get one first impression.
The Xbox One launch will probably haunt the brand for the rest of its days.
>spend entire conference talking about television >your social media confirms you want to destroy used game sales >people already hate you before you even leave the stage this did more damage than any $599 price bomb ever did
Julian Evans
I think it was about franchise fatigue and lack of new games on 360 post 2009, people got sick and tired of Halo and Gears and wanted new games like PlayStation has, The drm was just the straw that broke the camels back
Alexander Phillips
None of that honestly mattered, including the lack of the exclusives or weaker hardware
What mattered is PS4 was $100 cheaper, so normies picked that to play COD, GTA & FIFA on, their friends also got a PS4 to play with them
If Next Gen starts in say 2020, with a $400 Xbone 2 & a $500 PS5, Xbone 2 will likely double it's sales
Hunter Sanders
Xbone boned itself by having no games people wanted or couldn’t get elsewhere.
Connor Russell
It definitely mattered. The PS3 eventually outsold the 360 despite never being cheaper.
Jonathan Butler
Yes the hardcore feel this way and the casuals usually follow the hardcore because theyre the early adopters and install base and word of mouth on Internet and irl cause a snowball effect
Jason Hill
RROD & Free online helped PS3 have longer legs in the end, but the extra exclusives PS3 had didn't do much, none of them, even Uncharted, came close to COD numbers
Ian Allen
not really, the ps3 had a horrible start and rebounded
Aiden Peterson
Daily reminder that even though PS4 is winning the sales war by a large margin Xbone has still made 75% as much revenue as PS4 this gen, and Xbox isn't even an important part of Microsoft's business while it's the only profitable hardware branch Sony has left.
Landon Barnes
>this meme again go on, post an article stating this, i fucking dare you.
Cameron Jackson
Can anyone post Xbone launch memes? Or general Microsoft xbone bungles in general like the watercooler one?
Wyatt Morgan
What a fucking shitshow that was.
>After waggle shit what gamers who like video games really like? TV!
Of course Sony won, they didn't even have to do anything. They would have just shitted on the floor and say "well, at least that's not as bad as those guys" and audience would have erupted in cheers.
Jonathan Hill
>Xbone is the definitive loser of this generation Are you purposefully ignoring the existence of the WiiU?
Angel White
>aren't even an important part of microsoft's business you have no idea what you're talking about microsoft lost the smartphone revolution, desktops are quickly losing relevance and they, their FLAGSHIP PRODUCT microsoft WINDOWS along with intel and x86 desktop processors have ZERO role in the post-PC era
Jace Robinson
I think everyone is
Gavin Gomez
>post PC era So we should feel bad about MS in 200 years?
Brayden Baker
Daily reminder nobody cares how much money these companies have we just want games. Daily reminder Microsoft is getting clowned by a company Xfags claim are bankrupt for over a decade. It's pretty pathetic MS can't match Sony's quality given their financial resources
Adrian James
PS3 had a bad start because it was late, more expensive, and had no games to show for its hardware.
XBone had a bad start because it went against what customers wanted and outright threatened others. They constantly backtracked and ate their words even after doubling down on some statements because of how massive the consumer backlash was. They had to change core features going back on stuff like that makes people wonder if that's your end goal.
For me, a 4 year Xbox live user at that point, I made the switch to ps4 because I felt like my console wasn't going to be turned into a ad machine with online only in the future.
Nicholas Myers
>post PC era
Get back in the grave Jobs, Microsoft is a 750 billion dollar company FYI, Xbox division is just a fun side project for them, while Sony heavily relies on their gaming division
if Microsoft actually brought EA, Acti-Blizz & Take 2 (Which they could no problem) Sony would literally be bankrupt in 5 years, PS4 relies too heavily on multi plats
Aaron Scott
they're DOOMED
Josiah Jenkins
Pretty much what sony did kek
William James
>if Microsoft actually brought EA, Acti-Blizz & Take 2 (Which they could no problem) Sony would literally be bankrupt in 5 years so why dont they
Blake Gonzalez
There was also the part where they planned to put a spycam in your house and make xbone unable to work without it.
The whole xbox reveal just seems like an elaborate sabotage of the brand in retrospect.
Luke Walker
I think that the $100 premium for a weaker box thanks to MS having the brilliant idea to try and force Kinect over price parity with PS4 was the primary nail in the coffin, but the poisonous word-of-mouth absolutely didn't help.
The complete wasteland of exclusives afterwards and loss of timed exclusivity to dudebro shooters like CoD made it impossible for the XBone to catch up later in the gen like the PS3 did to the 360.
Gavin Williams
Because they don't care about the gaming division, if they did Sony would be fucked
Actually gamers in general would be fucked because MS would have a monopoly in the Console space, so it's a good thing none of the shareholders or execs take Xbox seriously
Angel Jackson
Those companies don't want to be bought, they would resist and it would cost MS an assload more than they're worth
Dylan Flores
Yes, to the point that it's still being felt to this day and why they are now selling Xbox One "exclusives" on Windows. It was THAT much of a blunder. What truly put the nail in the coffin was the absolutely horrid PR as seen which decided to go to the strategy of "outright tell your consumers to go fuck yourself without even coming up with excuses or business jargon" which what ultimately killed it.
Xbox One was the Ghostbusters (2016) of vidya. Even if they have improved throughout the years that reputation is there forever.
Jordan Jenkins
>le MS can buy everything meme Don't drop out of high school kids.
Luke Turner
Yeah I know, but Console kids are so used to getting fucked I thought it was no big deal No backwards compatibility, no unlicensed controllers, paid online, mandatory installs, fuck, some PS4 games already are always online like Need For Speed. No used games is just another brick in the wall
Grayson Russell
they also coasted along the final few years of the 360
Austin Gutierrez
Those companies wouldn't have much of a choice if Microsoft really wanted them, but scooping up all 3 would be about a 100 billion dollar investment, it would kill Sony & secure a monopoly in the Console space, but i think the future of gaming will be on streaming, so it's not a worthwhile investment, unless Microsoft really hates Sony, which they don't
Jayden Nguyen
>le Nintendo can buy anything says Sup Forums >But Microsoft with almost 200 billion dollars on hand can't buy shit because it hurts my fee fee's that Sony is a dying company
Cameron Johnson
No one has ever claimed Nintendo can buy anything. They are a tiny company.
Alexander Long
>Turned into The 360 was turned into an add machine, I remember when they updated it and there was literally just ads playing on the home screen. I could understand if the profile didn't have a gold membership or something but Christ even people paying like 60 dollars a year had to see that shit.
Jayden Anderson
>at least they beat the retarded kid in the race! Yeah, great accomplishment.
Leo Taylor
Im guessing you are new here friend, every day people say Nintendo will buy Capcom, Square Enix etc
Zachary Roberts
I don't read delusional Nintentoddler threads.
Liam Brown
>Wouldn't have much of a choice Nigger you can't just own something if you have the money for it if it's not for sale.
Carson Hall
>was it just greed and arrogance? They also forced you to pay for a Kinect sensor with the console.
Connor Ortiz
Man I remember being blown the fuck out by the original Xbox back then and loving it to hell
what the fuck happened
Grayson Bennett
All 3 of those companies are publicly traded, they are not like Valve where Gabe can say no, the share holders & board members can still vote on it, but if Microsoft is paying a high price, it's unlikely it will get voted down
Easton Baker
they stopped giving a shit half way into the 360's lifespan
Daniel Jackson
Miscrosoft bet too big and too early on "services" over "games". If they had launched Kinect integration now but marketed as a competitor to Siri or Alexa people would love it.
Caleb Ward
If Microsoft was named Apple & pulled the same shit people would have loved it, people just hate Microsoft
Daniel Howard
>Its called the Xbox 360. >They don't produce Xbox 360s anymore. Why the fuck you lying?
Colton Phillips
Hahaha what a dumb piece of shit! Haha
Easton Kelly
The problem was how they conveyed it and that they were too early. Sooner or later everything on consoles will be digital through having shit like their game pass and they were only looking to PC as an example. When was the last time a PC gamer ever bought a physical copy of a game and how many of them actually do it. And people are willingly purchasing always on and always listening devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>love original xbox >get 360 >get 2 RROD >buy PS3 instead >next gen comes, see how shitty xbone looks, forcing kinect and those fuckfaces laughing in our faces with DRM >buy PS4
and never was a more obviously better choice presented to me in my lifespan
Joseph Edwards
absolutely not, no one wants the kinect back
no it's not that people hate microsoft, applefags are the biggest retards on the planet
Adrian Morales
Apple is definitely more popular in Europe and Japan
Ayden Sanchez
Pretty much this, Xbone came out 10 years too early
Kayden Hernandez
Good god what a cunt.
Brody Sanchez
>Apple never saw the appeal and never bought apple
Nicholas Hill
microsoft is always ahead of the curve, a little to ahead. underage kids need to rally for a cause and since theres no more wars or nations, they set up tribes for consoles. console wars.
everything you saw in the original xbox one reveal will be the norm in 2025.
Carson Roberts
between this faggot and the "used games only at pre-approved retailers AKA Gamespot where you're going to get charged as if it was brand new anyways" shit they almost pulled with the Bone I've been pretty much discouraged from ever buying a microsoft console again.
Ian Lee
>And people are willingly purchasing always on and always listening devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home.
It's an Orwellian nightmare.. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING.
Good thing it's all a conspiracy theory and it's not like there are hardware level NSA backdoors built into all computers sold the last years that left vulnerabilities so bad they had to cut their processor power 30% with a patch.
Something like that would be an open admission they're willing to sell out our security to spy on every single person that buys a computer.
Boy am I sleepy. I gotta go take a nap.
Cooper Taylor
draconian microsoft bullshit
they should have been more covert about their shady bullshit. they were way ahead of the game, now every tom, dick and mary pays amazon to spy on them 24/7, none of what microsoft proposed back then sounds half as crazy.
Alexander Long
I can't wait for Sony to do the same shit in 2020 with PS5 & everyone defending it
I can see Sony pulling out an Kinect clone as well, but marketing it as an Alexa clone
Parker Peterson
They might, Sony is at least smart enough to wait to see if people want something and then just copy it.
Adrian Powell
its gonna happen. soyny kids are up there applefags and nintenautists for complete corporate drones. these people get highs off of going to gamefaqs or Sup Forums and saying how the xbox is the devils cousin lmao
Jaxon Cox
Trump admin has revealed how utterly fucking incompetent the US government is at all levels, i can say im gonna shoot up a school & the FBI won't care, unless im a Russian troll on Facebook, so i wouldn't worry about spying, but regardless it is funny how people got angry at Kinect, but then buy Alexa in droves
Mason Nguyen
And the Obama administration showed all the anti-war lefties and anti-spying people that were out marching during Bush will quickly retreat back home and sleep even though the wars continue and the spying isn't curtailed but expanded. Obama even got a free pass on turning Libya from stable dictatorship to ISIS ridden hellhole and he got to have a drone war against Yemen for Saudi Arabia that the press barely wrote about.
>so i wouldn't worry about spying You really should because at this rate you're going to jail for having spoken out of turn on Sup Forums.
Christopher Mitchell
Wow, I thought it was just a myth, but xbots actually exist.
Luis Gomez
People that ran things then actually cared about games.
Daniel Gray
The X1X is selling better than the Pro is so I'm sure people either forgot or don't care. That and the fact that the new Xbox is just a better value than the Pro is may have something to do with it.
Juan Phillips
Wow. People that are getting games are loyal. You will never relate.
Justin Hill
That's only cause no one is buying the Pro, everyone is picking up the $250 PS4 to play FIFA instead
Chase Reyes
Possibly. I think PSVR was a bigger detriment to the console than anything else.
Levi Morris
>X1X is selling better than the Pro source? I don't imagine it'd be selling more passed the first few months being new
Oliver Gonzalez
There is none, MS doesn't post sales numbers.
Jonathan Butler
The loser of generation is Wii U. It's amazing that despite of all that shit with Xbone reveal, it still beat Wii U and it continues to be relevant.
Oliver Taylor
People say this is bad but refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room which is Valve. Valve started this bullshit in 2004 by releasing the first case of online DRM for a single player game even with the physical release.
Camden Foster
>The definitive loser of this generation It still sold miles better than the Wii U (easily more than double) and that had a years headstart over the PS4 and Xbone with the Xbone's absolutely disastrous PR. These threads are always hilarious to me with the Nintendies conveniently ignoring this, not to mention they were doing this even when the Wii U was still alive.
David Brown
Because based Gaben XD
But seriously people defend it because they think Valve is their friend
Gabriel Ramirez
Don't forget you have to buy it with Kinect and it can't possibly work without it.
Ethan Peterson
>Manveer Heir Is this the same guy who works at Bioware who wanted to execute all white people?
Isaac Lee
Sup Forums is not representative of the gaming population as a whole, not even close. You need to remember this.
Jordan Lee
Matthew Perez
The DRM and first impression killed the One. But they just never really recovered from it either. >2014 announce and release MCC to make up for Halo 4, its broken at launch and has extreme negative press. >2015, big game yet again is Halo. this time it is 5 and it bombs hard. >No big games or add ons to generate buzz >end of 2016 release Gears of War jr to mild buzz and really doesn't do anything to justify a console purchase >2017 almost no fucking games >E3 announce a console upgrade for 500 dollars. Even if it is better than the Pro, its still too much when you are saying you are gonna start a 2 year cycle >The switch beats them with new console buzz, PS4 beats them for the cheaper alternative
I also think Sony buying all the advertising for EA and Activision really has hurt them.
I think Phil Spencer can do well, if I were him i would just rebrand a new console.
James Rodriguez