Is there a worse playable character than this guy?
Is there a worse playable character than this guy?
The lost pre buff
Starting with triple shot alone makes him my favorite character
I think I only hate it due to the build up to him.
>lol what if instead of giving you the entire DLC
>we'll trickle it through you as fags on reddit solve my gay as shit ARG
>I'm definitely not salty about the Lost still nope
Honestly the lost with holy mantle is way easier than keeper.
The fact that most of the time devil deals are not an option is a big hinderence. That and even entering curse rooms is risky
isaac is such a bad game
you must be fucking autistic to like this trash
no wonder they re released it like 400 times you retards just keep buying it
I played every edition and I don't regret it. Now I'm playing with modpacks.
he's pretty strong on greed/greedier and thats about it
>no wonder they re released it like 400 times you retards just keep buying it
Yeah, every expansion has a shitload of new items and enemies that make the game even more fun to play why wouldn't the fans buy it?