So what would you like to see in Smash 5?

So what would you like to see in Smash 5?

>Remove Dark Pit. Replace him with Phosphora
>Bring Saki and Takemaru up to the playable roster
>Keep Bayonetta
>Get rid of Roy, Corrin and Lucina. Six Fucking Fire Emblem characters is too much
>Put K. Rool in and make him the Pichu of the game
>Bring back the minigame variety.
>Shirtless Mario and Shirtless Link as costume options
>Bring Snake back




Just nothing. Not even a menu. No characters. Just a white screen that has the words "you're a fucking cunt" on it.


Oh boy, another Smash thread.

Make it so you can parry grabs.



I lost

>literally who?
>corrin is fine, the other two can fuck off
>k Rool is fine
>yes, ice climbers as well

my fucking bro
was my most wanted newcomer in Smash 4

Good gameplay

Scorpion or Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat.

Saki. A Character from Sin and Punishment. He's been an assist trophy for two games.

What game?

>this plus remove, dr Mario, green Mario, fatter yellow Mario, small zelda, small Kong, bird fox, chick Metroid, taller Marty, fire sword marth, dragon marth, Magic marth, chick marth, xenoblade marth, Sony marth, blonde ness, villager ness, Kirby blue with sword, kirby Pokémon

Bring back Subspace Emissary.

Remove Sakurai

Smash WiiU removed Ice Climbers. The one ice-based character. I think you can see the problem here.


I don't wanna see another smash game

>DOOM on Switch
>Doomguy could be in Smash
Oh fugg

Unpopular opinion: I would like to see Noctis become a playable character for Smash 5, even though I don’t expect him anyways.

He’d be as expected as Snake and Cloud before they were revealed for Smash Bros.

On a side note, I would like my most used characters (Roy, Cloud and Lucario) to be kept as playable and a stage-hazard toggle option would be nice.

Too bad, lad. He's going the way of Isaac. Hope you like Takamaru.

You mean Black Shadow?

Noctis isn't even that popular though, and I doubt Papa Soccer Guy would let Squenix try to shoehorn him in.

Doomguy AND Dovahkiin! Imagine!

Bring back subspace emissary

There’s a reason I said “Unpopular opinion”.



Just Add Snake and Ice Climbers to 4 and you have the ultimate smash game

I hope Rabbids get in over Rayman. That'd be fun.

I could go for just Adventure Mode with bosses.

ITT: people naming literally who characters that would make the game look messy.
A campaign like in brawl is essential. Also I hope they balance out bayo and cloud.

Smash already looks messy and I can accept that. However, it needs to go further. It needs to reach MUGEN levels of messy.

smash 4 but with a better community

DK fags on suicide watch

when have ice climbers ever made a quality contribution to any game

wobbling is the gayest thing in any fighting game ever

chain grabs in general are


it just occurred to me that smash 5 might actually include a new metroid character due to prime 4 coming out


>Doom 64 armor
This is a big opportunity
It's Doom, damn it

Not to mention Chosen Undead


>Dr. Coyle
>Dark Matter
>Skull Kid

sounds pretty good to me


>K Rool
Immediately disregarded

Subspace Emissary 2.0, desu

Get Phoenix Wright into Smash already, he's been in a fighting game before so it obviously can work.

They could just put those stage gimmicks like the Yellow Devil and Ridley into an Adventure Mode. I don't know why the fuck they don't do that.

>Phoenix Wright
My man. Just throw in Layton as well and we'd be golden.

I love you Villain-kun. Now add Manfred Von Karma and Jean Descole.

Maps that aren't overly gimmicky, items that aren't bad or boring or cheap, and a roster with less than 10 Fire Emblem characters

Add louie from the Pikmin series and it's perfect

The recently revealed poll results from Nintendo Dream shows that Decidueye is the least popular final stage Alolan starter in Japan.

Melee reskinned with smash balls and items from every game with every character from every game including Snake, with new characters and stages.


>choosing generic anime woman over the amazing iconic mascot of atlus that isn't teddie

I just want Isaac and maybe Shantae

A vs. mode where you choose one character per stock. So you can play a 3 stock game where each stock is one of your favorite characters. I'm really surprised this hasn't been done yet

Shit taste. Go Quote or go home.

Considering Subspace Emissary had that, it really doesn't make sense why it isn't an actual mode. Do want.

Good gameplay.

You literally can.

Never played Cave Story so I have no attachments to Quote. I'd be okay if he got in though



a balanced game

>Remove Dark Pit. Replace him with Phosphora

You're basically just saying, "remove this recolor and also add a full character"



Needs king k rool

Soft reboot would be cool, similar to Street Fighter 3 or something.
Keep the original N64 roster but rework their movesets to better reflect their newer games and generally just mix things up a bit (Link can use BotW magic stuff, Mario would have Cappy, etc).

Bring back ACTUAL classic arcade mode back, complete with break the targets, board the platforms etc.

Flesh out Smash Run and allow for local multiplayer.

Custom moves were kinda interesting but it'd be better if you could just buy them with coins earned in other modes rather than it being pure luck.

I don't care WHO else is on the roster as long as we don't wind up having 20 sword users and 80% of the cast having a counter.

Last thing, everyone should be able to get a combo out of a grab. Ideally you should have a couple options, using grabs as launchers to allow you to chain off of.

Not just Subspace either, Smash Tour ends with matches like this. Would be really great to be able to play this mode.

Also, bring back Bonus/Score mode.

>I guess
>Let's keep Corrin, he's actually somewhat unique
>Okay, but you know they probably aren't going to make a Target and Platform stage for every character, right?
>Yeah, good luck with that


why? just have ganondorf have an actual moveset that represents every incarnation
too pure
>mario and luigi as one character
stopped reading there

that's custom robo you stupid fuck