poor guy has no one to play with
Poor guy has no one to play with
Other urls found in this thread:
Cliffy B should at least buy two computers to idle lawbreakers on
Cliffy, did you leave your laptop logged in to the game then abandon it at a mcdonalds?
I always imagine as cliff leaving the game on while doing other things...
its funny how two decade old singleplayer games have more steam players than this
no no nooo leftism was supposed to be the future
fucking GAMER GRABBERS ruining all our Rothschild plans!!!
What even is this and why should I be caring about how well or poor it is doing?
>no no nooo leftism was supposed to be the future
What are you on about, you retarded shit? The game bombed because it was trash and the market was saturated. Go validate your lukewarm political ideologies back in your hugbox.
Should I feel bad for Cliffy B? I still fondly remember Gears of War.
no, anyone who ever sold out to leftism deserves death and only death. no remorse.
>STILL IN 2016
Fill that space between your ears with something useful, preferably 9mm.
>still angry
>do i fit in yet, fellow magapedes?
We were having a fun let's shit on Cliffy thread and there comes this faggot.
>lefty cant handle the banter
do you guys think cliffy has the balls to make another game after the failure of lawbreakers?
ew lame memey
So taking into account the gameplay itself, the degree of its fall, and the personality of its creator, which is worse/funnier: Battleborn or Lawbreakers?
Reminder that you need at least 10 people to start a match.
We didn't say it ironically, but we didn't call others niggers for political reasons.
10 years ago, we just did stuff to make people angry.
Now people do it out of some self-righteus save the world crap when Sup Forums has always enjoyed seeing the world burn.
Nah, this is it unless he makes his own indie game by himself or with a small team.
>even mentioning reddit
Well done, comrade.
>stop saying nigger because youre saying it for the wrong reasons
youre so mad lol
>fascists are communists
leftism is a mental illness
No, say nigger, just fuck off with your cringeworthy idealist crap.
The world isn't fun when everyone is happy.
Can we ignore the Sup Forumstard and get back to shitting on Cliffy? This was supposed to be a fun thread.
videogames were a lot more fun before leftists started infesting the industry
idk why they don't just make it free to play or reduce the price to 10 dollars and try to get some players in a 50% off sale or something like that.
the game doesn't actually look bad.
What will the next big lawbreakers announcement be? I don't want cliffy to admit defeat. I want him to try more dumb shit while shitting on the f2p model for being"dirty"
No, SJWs are pissing in an ocean of shit, videogames were ruined back in 2007 when developers started pulling DLC and microtransactions judaism for no reason at all.
Not like politics are ever good for videogames, everyone just wants to use videogames to push their own ideologies.
Political activism is a cancer that needs to be destroyed.
No civilian has anything worthwhile to say about politics.
Wasn't there something with a Justin Roiland soccer ball?
oh it's the "political activism" leftypol shill
you don't ever post when leftists are exposed for their agenda pushing bullshit. you're just here in a vain attempt to dilute the reactionary waters.
all your attempts fail.
yeah it's honestly bizarre that literally no one is playing it
But you can't argue against the fact that civilians are not suited for politics, and that the vast majority of them are scum that nobody should listen to.
Pretty much because 90% of political talk is trash like
Modern USA is the perfect example of why letting civilians into politics is a mistake.
Cliffy was saying $29 or what ever it cost was an impulse buy. No one would think twice about throwing $29 at a game they were unsure about.
Delusional comments like this were the best.
>Dude fuck PC Xbros for lyfe!
>Dude fuck Xbox, PC and PS is where it is at
He is a rat.
Xbone might not be great but his whole carrier was carried by Microsoft, and as shit of a company he is, he needlesly threw them under the to try pandering to PC crowd who have never given a shit about him.
His whole marketing campaign was literally
>How do you do fellow edgy teens? That new Tarantino movie sure was great!
Guy is out of touch and though he could carry himself on the image of a sarcastic asshole forgetting that if you want to be liked for an ego you better have tons of charisma to back up your ego, otherwise you just come off looking like a swarmy manchild as Cliffy did.
Fuck off and let the people have fun
I'll admit to taking chances with $10, maybe $15 is something sounds really neat, but that's my limit.
democracy just gave us the biggest win in centures, comrade.
I get you're mad but reality has a conservative bias. just kill yourself if you can't handle freedom or White people being objectively the superior race.
>his whole career* was carried by Microsoft, and as shit of a company they* is, he needlesly threw them under the BUS*
>you want to be liked for an ego you better have tons of charisma to back IT UP*
holy shit, just fuck my writing up
A million rick and Morty fans saw it but I guess they're too intelligent to fall for it
>democracy just gave us the biggest win in centures
You wouldn't need to worry about having to keep this up every 4 and 8 years if it wasn't for the waste of time that democracy is.
Besides, civilians are reactionary retards who keep switching back and forth between political parties, so nothing of value is ever achieved.
There's a reason the only remotely valuable accomplishments of the past few years are made by companies, because they don't have to deal with civilians fucking up their leadership.
Democracy is a failure, civilians are idiots that nobody should listen to.
Their purpose is getting a job, keeping the economy running and making babies to provide more workers for the future.
None of them have a single idea about rulling countries, and you yourself, as a conservative, agree with me, because I really doubt you think those people who want to fill every country with muslims are worth anything.
Fuck off shill
I think it's just sad at this point.
Couldn't he just stumble around to a glasses shop and find another pair? It's not like he has anything else to do.
>remotely valuable accomplishments of the past few years are made by companies
name one
progress has absolutely stagnated in silicon valley and other leftist infested shitholes because of their deranged one-track obsession with their cancerous ideology
In the past 50 years?
The internet, phones and computers have been pretty useful.
I don't really care about their ideology, those people are only tools, like all workers.
Although it would be nice if all civilians were completely cut out of politics, it would be nicer without having them screeching about everything all the time as if they could do anything about what they complain about.
>few years
braindead mongoloid
Well, obviously, in little time not much has been achieved.
But still, the point remains that democracy does nothing but turn civilians into cringeworthy activists who think they are in some fucking Hollywood movie saving the world.
Civilians need to be taught a lesson for all the autistic screeching they've been doing lately.
I don't get it. The game has cosmetic loot boxes built into it, the 20 community members are screaming for the game to go f2p so they don't have to wait for organised events to play, and the latest news from bosskey was "SEASON 2 IS OVER".
Maybe nexus will rebrand it all, give it an anime art style and sell it to the Asian market. They'd at least stand a chance of making thier money back
i feel sorry for your parents comrade
he is probably trying to break out of bounds and get lost into the void forever
because those are singleplayer games, multiplayer games dont work the same way. You dont see people online so you dont want to play either. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy
No, precisely the ones screeching about communism are the first ones who need to be shot in the head.
Or even better, encourage everyone who talks about "rising up" to actually pull out a revolution, just to bring in the military and mow them all down.
Lets see what their container flopping skills can do against an AC-130.
Reminder to quit being mean.
take that Cliff, I met him in real life at ECGC. I hate him and I hope he has a mental breakdown
>the military will side with based rainbow haired trans kin of colyr like me!
lmao this is beyond desperation. we want you OUT.
What was he like?
No, the military will never side with a civilian, in fact, they are all waiting for activists to give them an excuse to open fire on them.
I want people like those rainbow haired cringeworthy activists to try something just so the military has an excuse to destroy them.
But not just them, all forms of activism.
As I said, civilians need to be pushed back where they belong.
The next time there's any kind of political rally, be it feminists cunts, antifa, neo-nazis or whatever, just send in the military and eliminate them, teach them a lesson.
Lets see who dares screech about political agendas in media then.
kill yourself.
Image search lawbreakers gameplay, pick an image and try to discribe what's happening.
how much of the military votes republican lil pinko?
remind yourself of that every time you make one of the panic posts
The military's sweet toys would last exactly 3 seconds after they fired their first shot on a civilian population. Everything they do runs on civilian contractors, and every piece of equipment they use has a needy logistics train. Your AC-130 wet dream would probably cost in the hundreds of thousands all on its own.
you do realize complaining about political activism is political activism ?
Then start dropping nukes, whatever kills the most of them.
Sup Forums posters back to your containment board.
Many, I bet, but you know what all of them won't side with? A civilian revolution.
That's why all activists need to be pushed into such a revolution so we finally purge them and the country is only left with normal people who don't spend 24/7 thinking about politics and idealist trash.
Hey gravity...
On who? The coastal metropolises that we are dependent on for the foreign trade that brings us our nip games?
the parkour doesn't look too bad
the military would overwhelmingly side with a civilian revolution against modern leftism
how about instead of wanting to live in a totalitarian regime you just learn to ignore idiots. how old are you?
How about we kill those idiots before they ruin the world?
Modern leftism, the right, all activism of any kind needs to be wiped out.
Tы хyй
only modern leftism will be wiped out
only modern leftism is the problem
ok then go kill 'em. no one is stopping you.
>Cinematic trailer music plays
Who was this aimed at?
kek, perfect
Civilians are the problem.
A civilian is volatile, and ignorant, you can't trust them, much less to rule a country.
A few movies, and you can turn one into a communist, they are simply not made for ruling countries.
Hell, I bet you had no problem with nazi germany, that was a country were activism was destroyed and civilians were put in their place.
Only a civilian would find issues with this, because they have ingrained in their heads that they deserve freedom, when they only use freedom to ruin the world.
I can't, there's too many of them.
The governments can, we just need to show them that civilians are dangerous and need to be kept under a tight leash.
we should all buy it right now and get it on to the top sellers list on steam and maybe even get it above pubg in player count wouldn't that be really funny haha
whatever you say, comrade
A civilian can only understand with sides.
You are either a nazi or a commie.
This is why any form of control must be taken away from you.
And then they cry about opression, when they are almost asking for it.
These fags aren't even coming from Sup Forums anymore at this point. It's /r/The_Donald. At least Sup Forums has bantz.
Anyways, back on topic. J U S T
>A few movies, and you can turn one into a communist
it didnt work this election. you are wrong.
the entire media establishment for hillary and the people ignored them. hollywood and every news agency couldnt stop Trump.
it's time you are removed from the West. 242 years too late.
Poor guy is just sitting in the lobby or some shit all alone
wow, I disagree with a mentally ill leftist, I guess I must be a civilian, then
>it didnt work this election. you are wrong.
Are you telling me SJWs and antifa don't exist?
Those are the very examples that show civilians are a danger.
>it's time you are removed from the West.
It's the only way to save the west, to tell civilian retardation to fuck off.
All activists are civilians, including leftists, of course, and civilians are the bottom of the barrel.
You do not let the bottom of the barrel dictate anything.
who is president?
sjws and antifa are a tiny proportion of the public and they will be going too.
>its another leftists think they deserve the air they breath thread
yes, comrade, soon, antifa will take to the streets!
You sound as bratty as jimcuck in dw9 threads. What are you, 8?
>who is president?
Not a civilian, thankfully, for once, it's someone far above that trash, someone that, hopefully, will understand civilian are cattle that needs to be controlled tightly, not let free.
He's saying there are a shitton more civilians that didn't drink the leftist kool-aid than those who did.
>communist gets more action than a Sup Forums basement dweller
Pffthahahahahahahahhahaha how the hell will Sup Forums losers recover from this?