Guess this guy was right about the AI and even the story. Its basically a revenge story without revenge.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - MEDIOCRE at best! Very disappointed
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let me guess, another literally who of amerimutt origin became flustered with the lack of niggers in bohemia and had to nitpick to justify his bias and mend his ravaged butt
How much are they paying you to talk about this fucking game 24/7 holy shit fuck off
It's a threat to the liberal hegemony that controls development companies these days. It's success proves their diversity and brownwashing of history doesn't turn a profit. See Marvel's comic division.
First of all, their lack of diversity isnt something that should be praised in a "historically accurate" game. Its common sense. By praising non-diversity where its obvious, youre just as bad as SJWs demanding it.
Second of all, AI is clearly outright broken and the story seems to be obviously cut up for DLC. Its totally unfinished.
what exactly do you imply by lack of diversity? are huns and germans not diverse enough, you have to paint the whole world with shit colors you imbecile?
>First of all, their lack of diversity isnt something that should be praised in a "historically accurate" game
They didn't want any niggers. Who cares? It's their story. Go make your own shitty video game with stupid diversity hires and watch it flop like ME:A
Has /pol white trash lost the ability to even understand basic english now?
Im saying their lack of diversity is good because its historically accurate. Historical accuracy doesnt deserve praise in a historically accurate game.
Nigger sperm must've clogged your eyes, I was insinuating that KC:D is a game well infused with diversity.
Stop shilling your shitty channel.