Do you miss them Sup Forums?
Do you miss them Sup Forums?
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Nope, they kissed the main characters ass too much so I found them annoying as hell.
I miss the P3 characters, and some of the p5 characters.
But fuck Persona 4 for its "lets suck up to the main character so lonely weebs feel loved for a while" Pissed me off.
Only Kanji, everyone else can fuck off
Why did they add that nobody from the Evangelion rebuilds and why is she not looking at the camera?
I just wish I could be Rise
>group was a perfect 4x4 until marie showed up
what's the canon ship?
yu = rise
yo = chie
kanji = naoto
teddie = yuki
Nah, they got milked enough that I've had my fill of them.
Yea i think characters in P4 were too much about wishful thinking.
There is no fucking way that going into some small town will make you meet like, 5 super hot girls all asking for your dick and 2 bros who will always back you up. I get this whole "power of friendship" stuff but come on.
Persona 4 could be actually amazing if it had more darker elements to it and characters behaving like real people.
And no fucking Teddie.
Director (or somebody at Atlus, don't remember) said that he thinks Yukiko is the closest to canon for Ziodynecock.