Is Mario and Dr. Mario the same person?
Is Mario and Dr. Mario the same person?
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They're different people. The problem with Dr. Mario is that we don't know his first name. We know there's Mario Mario and Luigi Mario, but who is Dr. Mario?
No, Mario is the family's last name hence the Super Mario Brothers.
So Luigi is Luigi Mario.
Dr.Mario is Mario's brother who didn't fuck up and went to college instead of becoming a plumber.
Which was the better commercial
Doctor is his first name
What about Metal Mario?
Mario can only become a Dr because there was no disease in the Mushroom Kingdom besides giant foot tall viruses
Plumbers literally make more than doctors in 2018. It's sad, but true.
Yes, it's stated in the NES manual that after his adventures he became a doctor.
Jabroni Mike had a theory that Doctor Mario is from a different timeline where Luigi never existed and held Mario back from academic success.