OH Shit you are trapped in the dungeon Sup Forums.
>You see mushrooms
>You see a golden key
>You see two doors.
OH Shit you are trapped in the dungeon Sup Forums
eat mushrooms and unlock doors with key
Eat Key, unlock mushrooms with doors.
put the mushrooms, key, and doors inside my asshole. this 5 decrees it
>You eat the three mushrooms.
You are poisoned!
>You see 3 Red Scorpions.
Just log out.
run away to other door and exit that one
>You log out of Playstation Network.
You are no longer *PSN*
The keyhole is shaped like a mushroom. The key will not fit!
juke those bitch scorpions, run through the door they came from, and close it behind you
kill two scorpions, bash third into door until it opens
Vomit into the keyhole.
assert dominance and fuck the scorpions
>juke them
The scorpions intercept you!
You bash to death a Red Scorpion!
You gain 10 EXP.
You are stung!
You are poisoned!
You vomit in digust.
>double poisoned
easy, cut wrist and spray poison blood on scorpions
run the fuck away
press the reset button on the console and start over
>cut wrists
You cut your wrists.
You are bleeding.
You are stung!
You retch and vomit.
You are stung!
You are bleeding out!
You are dead.
you suck Sup Forums
Artificial difficulty, shit game.
Go cut your wrists again
rise from grave as undead
continue adventure
OP here. You guys are getting worse and worse at video games. 2016 Sup Forums actually managed to win.
should've eaten the scorpions
i just got here and now i wanna play so set it up again OP I aint gots time to waste
The Dungeon of Sup Forums is once very month, but we started late this year in februrary.
You will get your chance again soon. Better hope you prepare.
It's the natural degradation of all things. Soon Kali Yuga will be over.
Holy shit I remember this last year. Fun as hell when it turned into a VN game. We won because our stats were quads and thats the only way to defeat giga nigga.
Isn't OP supposed to give multiple tries?
>died final level to giga nigga
Didn't we killed him with 1 in every stat?