OH Shit you are trapped in the dungeon Sup Forums.
>You see mushrooms
>You see a golden key
>You see two doors.
OH Shit you are trapped in the dungeon Sup Forums
Ian Stewart
Jonathan Hughes
eat mushrooms and unlock doors with key
Nolan Jackson
Eat Key, unlock mushrooms with doors.
Grayson Torres
put the mushrooms, key, and doors inside my asshole. this 5 decrees it
Easton Reyes
>You eat the three mushrooms.
You are poisoned!
>You see 3 Red Scorpions.
Ethan Baker
Just log out.
Juan Johnson
run away to other door and exit that one
Levi Torres
>You log out of Playstation Network.
You are no longer *PSN*
The keyhole is shaped like a mushroom. The key will not fit!
John Stewart
Lucas Williams
juke those bitch scorpions, run through the door they came from, and close it behind you