Vermintide 2 discussion

Vermintide 2 thread.

Next beta is tomorrow 22.02.2018. Can't find the dev-post now, but looks like everyone with pre-order should get access this time as well.
Last Beta will start on the 28th. Progress will carry over to the main release from that one.

Vermintide 1 Update 1.111 -Waylaid- is OUT. New playable map and Reikland DLC fix for V2 pre-orders.

Vermintide 2 have fallen a bit since yesterday, and are now 30th place on Steam Global Topsellers.
Get ready for huge influx of new (elf?) players.

Vermintide 2 Development blogs and videos:

Vermintide steam forums have always been a cesspool of people whining about things they don't understand.
Noe getting worse by the day. Recommended to stay away.


Other urls found in this thread:


why does the elf look creepy? good thing there is workshop support so i can fix it :/ elves should look like galadriel not this creepy empty eyed weirdo

swiggity swooty...

Warhammer elves are different

kill yourself furry

source on the betas? I want to play without losing my progress.
Are you sure its the 28th?


from what i heard yes

Is it actually good this time and not laden with DLC?

make way best boi coming through