>game "x" is good, because it fits my political narratives
Game "x" is good, because it fits my political narratives
this thread will be great, no doubt
that was my intention
>game "x" is good because the dev is #BASED
>i won't buy "x" because the devs are a bunch of sjw cucks
tfw no gf
>It's good because it's nintendo
i've never seen a game with an individualistic political narrative
Only americucks can't differentiate between games and politics.
>Is that a character I see with dark skin!!?? I won't buy your game.
if 6 we all get gfs this year
thank you user.
You;re a hero.
jokes on you faggot, i already got a gf last year
If correct we all die virgins.
No fucking thanks. If it isn't made with bolts then I won't touch it.
Bioshock kind of
>game "x" is bad because it differs with my political views
bioshock 1 is a criticism of ayn rand objectivism which granted is individualist, but its an extreme form of individualism
Metal gear
I want brown one!
This might be some good news considering I broke up with mine at the beginning of the year. Here's hoping the new one won't be a cunt.
Stop giving me hope
>no feminine benis
Oh fuuugg :OOOO
how'd you end up with a cunt to begin with
>female meme
love you dork.
based user
Sleeper cunt. Sometimes it's hard to tell right off the bat and she'll reveal it later on.
I know, Sup Forums shitposting about subnautica nad wolfenstein was cringey as fuck.
But I can't have a relationship because I'm autistic
Where? This is a particularly retarded take. Its all about collective culture and unity.
i hope you find an understanding gf who is also autistic
Just find an autistic gf ;)
> brainlet wojak
I'm not lonely so it's not a big deal but perhaps that'd actually work
Thats not in direct reference to individualism user. Thats in a wider context of a collective culture and how it reproduces itself.
Individualism proper presupposes that society is a myth
I don't want them anymore. My exes made me love the single life.
I too am a *=LoneWolf_Of_Darkness=*
this but unironically
is there any games with heavy Russian influences and is overall pro-Russia? I heavily support their cause and all they have they have done for our country and want to play a game where I can support them as well
you support russias cause? and which cause is that exactly?
Edgy name. But I still fuck women.
what a gay name