Got 30 bucks and don't know which one to get.
What do you say Sup Forums, which one should I buy?
I'm not going to grind Characters, user.
I chose those two options for that reason alone, if not I'd buy R6 for sure.
Non starter edition grind is minimal and will only get smaller with season 3
But there is a grind in it just to get characters?
If so it loses way too much points for me desu.
I've been playing grindy games for too long and just want to shoot at people without having to grind for shit.
pubg is you like battle royale
insurgency otherwise
If you consider playing the game normally grind, sure.
Season 3 will make all non DLC operators and attachments free.
Csgo is dead
Pubg is alright of you play with friends, solo gets boring quickly unless you're good.
Like another user said, I'd get R6 instead. I've owned CS:GO for the start, hell I've been playing since Source, and I'm fucking sick of it now. I've dumped almost 200 hours into R6 and I still have fun with it.
Rising storm 2
Insurgency is 10bucks, I could buy that shit in a heartbeat and get the 10bucks back in less than three hours desu
You lost me there, you know. I'm not paying for DLCs in shooters if I got to be honest with myself
Do you consider good a player that has 1600kills and 25 wins in Solo Fortnite in 400 games? Because Friends are non-existant for me.
Who said you have to pay for them
Neither, you loser.
What is that Yearly pass then?
The pass gives you some bonuses (slightly more credits per match, higher chances to drop alpha packs containing cosmetics), an exclusive skin and access to DLC ops a week before anyone else. You can buy DLC ops with in game currency (25k), you gain 200-300 per match in casual, 300-500 in Ranked.
>You can buy DLC ops with in game currency (25k), you gain 200-300 per match in casual, 300-500 in Ranked.
So basically 100 games in casual and 60 games in ranked to get a DLC character? And that's not grindy you say? *thinks deeply*
for $30 you could get both if you are not retarded
both are shit though.
I've only played rainbow six on some free weekend and i found it boring. Even fucking overwatch was better.
What isn't shit in this day?
I'm just looking for the less shitty thing in the sea of absolute crap.
Yeah thats pretty good win rate in my book user, but if you're bored ofghe fortnite formula then idk how long this game will keep your attention.
I never played BR before pubg and after 80 hours I only get on when 3 of my friends want to squad I never bother to go play solo.
I never said it's not grindy.
Non DLC ops are still great anyway.
I'm not bored of BR desu, I actually find Fortnite WAY TOO EASY for me so that's why I'm thinking about getting PUBG, maybe the Chinese hackers are an actual challenge against me.
Not a meme game
Honestly, the only compelling thing that R6 has is the Spanish GEO, at least for me
Hard choice. Retarded fucks and pol rus kids toxic cancer votekicking you for nothing OR ching chong ching aimbot wallhackers in Every swuad game.
Shooting in Pubg is much better for me in csgo you have to learn spray and pray for bullet to hit. But pubg 20hz csgo about 64.
You never did do great in school, huh
Actually I graduated a year before my classmates because I did do awesome shit in class
Not including the daily, weekly challenges and boosters some of your teammates will have, or the renown from terrorist hunt and completing the situations.
One last bumperino
Hmmm, that's quite a different thing, still I've looked into it and looks like the Advanced ed. it's just 50cents more expensive than the Standard one. I suppose it's worth it, innit?
>weeb picture
You must feel so proud of yourself right now.
Fortnite, and save 30 bucks.
Already play it and I'm bored because IT'S TOO EASY TO WIN.
The none dlc operators in siege can btfo most of the dlc ones.
You won't like Siege is what I'm getting based on what I've read, I played a fair bit of it but I've gotten tired of it. I'd say PUBG since CS takes fair bit of time to get used to and the people you get matchmade with are usually hard to deal with.