>Join server
>talk on mic
>people say i sound like a girl
>this happens all the time
It's not fair bros! Why do you bully me!
SCP: Secret Laboratory
Other urls found in this thread:
>join server
>voice chat is broken
People in my raid group keep calling me "she" and "her" and stuff, I know the feeling.
How do we solve the elevator camper problem?
you discourage CI/NTF/SCP from camping
dboi/scientist can camp somewhat to hide, because it's how they're supposed to be played
>use mic
>you are a girl but nobody says anything and keeps playing
was that an eu server?
I can put one up if there's enough people
>be me
>be trans
>get on mic
>kind of
>rest of the match decends into an argument on whether or not traps are gay
I don't know why I expected people here not to be retarded
silly op, thats a containment breach screenshot
anybody who insinuates otherwise is just an attentionwhore
at least on the Sup Forums servers, it's incredibly civil
I'm often tempted to say something, but I just don't because I'm trying to keep it asitshouldbe. Even if they're really good at the game :<
this is 4 u OP, learn to use yr secret power!
what a dumb nerd
post noodz
>be on mic
>ppl say u sound like gril
>str to cum
>leave mic q'd
>keep cum
>game end
>everyone else cum
>get sad I get killed by Doc
>but happy I become friends with the horde of airplane boys
>Join server
>Headset keeps disconnecting because of fucked up USB connector
You shold have said in a very femine voice "I have a big fat cock" just to mess with them
when did they add staircase?
>tfw the doc doesn't res you
You know the drill, TITS or GTFO.
Get in here.
Try hitting puberty, maybe?
they probably added it in because they didnt want the asset to go to waste after removing the staircase from lczhcz
>be dboi
>find pistol
>me and several dbois and nerds make it to 914
>hear peanut and doc outside
>start killing everyone
>Larry comes in and grabs me
>choose the right path and escape
>hide in the server room for 10 minutes
>hear footsteps
>It's CI
>they help me escape
learn what the rule means newfag
>still behaving like Sup Forums 2009
a decent mic is coming up tomorrow, I swear to god that if you fucks stop playing after blueballing me for a week I'll kill all of you
hczentrance* sorry
>can hear doc talking
>keeps asking if peanut is still alive
god that happened to me too
>be doc
>ambush NTF at the gate
>kill 4
>resurrect 3 of them
>all 3 zombies die in the same Tesla gate
Why am I always stuck with retards?
i want your ass
Well 106 I made it, despite your directions.
how come all the MTF fags shoot on sight now? I can't remember my last round as a D-Boy or CI where I've made friends with MTF. Nobody wants to talk shit out anymore
>literally 1 minute in "SCP 106 has been contained"
>D-boys face when
D-Bois and Nerdz BFF, fuck MTF and CI.
why would you do that? that prevents win condition. You're literally round stalling.
You know the drill, faggot.
____ ________
No, NA. It was the original Sup Forums server, and the one with the least lag. I don't know why he's saying RIP though, it's still up.
>ally with Ds to contain the SCPs
>kill them after
this isnt hard
What card level do you need to open the femur breaker room? Does the NTF commander card open it?
Tesla Gate?
I wonder how SCP 1128 would work in this game.
They just say I sound like a kid.
>hear shots
>oh shit dbois fighting peanut
>time to go back em up
>go over there
>nerd shooting dboi
>tfw no 166 gf
Have a picture or recording of SCP 1128 spawn in random rooms, if you see or hear it then you spawn in a seperate zone (a giant swimming pool) and you have to reach a point before it catches and kills you. It'd be under NPC control of course.
>tfw you will never kill yourself with Factory porn
I agree. Everyone should acknowledge trannies are just men.
Reminder that only you can stop micspamming.
With a gun.
The best of times
top US servers rn?
>server in list is just listed as an IP
>it's a russian server
You do know Factory Porn quickly makes you into a sick degenerate who can only get off to murder rape and torture of children and animals.
It also ends with you getting to the point you mutilate yourself to get off.
Either way it's not fun.
red card
Cuz sometimes role playing in a game with enough people creates a more fun and unique game rather than just playing TDM because fuck year gotta win
I did that earlier. Managed to get like 2 scientists and like 6 d boys out.
all SCP access card, so O5, Containment Engineer or Facility Manager
I know and I dont mind
i think you're the only one who wants it to stop
There's no fun killing unarmed scientist/d-boi as a soldier if there are still SCP's alive
yes it is
No there is not.
Playing scientist/dboy would be fucking boring if I didn't have to sneak past chaos/ntf. Just go into that glass room, get that teal card, and skidaddle.
I downloaded this game but havent played it yet. Can someone explain to me the role/objective of each class? Also, do you think the creator would accept free assets for the game if i made them?
this saucy asshole when
I tried playing this game because I like scp stuff but it was only slightly above a slide show at lowest settings
God I hate my potato
Tried to stream it to my mac and it just ran worse
>kill d-boy as ntf
>other ntf tries to shoot me
>kill him because most of the time the kind of retard who would do this is some third worlder whose lag makes aiming impossible
Every time. When will people understand that NTF kills d-boys?
Why would you want 166 girl friends?
D-bois try to escape
So do nerds
MTF wants to rescue nerds, kill d-bois, Chaos and SCPs
Chaos wants to save d-bois, kill nerds, MTF and SCPs
SCPs want to kill all humans
so nothing would change?
>Random underage sounding nigger executes bettle early on
>Nearly kills me from FF later
>Acts retarded
Executing him in the elevator felt good
Do nerds and dboys work together (Until chaos/MTF show up)?
ok faggots, post servers and let's have some fun
Depends on player. They objectively should but it's every man on their own
If they want
a lot of shit is up to what player wants
you can leave dboi alive as NTF so you can execute them to contain 106 or to use as bait
i appreciate the info, thanks. I hope i can find a server when i get a minute to play
Mostly it's nerds trying to lose d-bois on their tails/use them as SCP bait and D-bois trying to get nerds key cards
Can you not upgrade? has room
How would SCP 261 work in this game?
timed out
odd. im in it right now.
as a meme
Chance for health, poison, slow down, speed up, temporarily blindness, seeing enemies through walls temporarily
good, i am inside
I'm not sure if my Voicechat is working or not.
Mostly I dont get any response if I say smth and can see nothing onscreen that indicates that I'm talking.
I can hear other people tho
You just aren't interesting.
any EU server up?
>can see nothing onscreen that indicates that I'm talking
that's normal
do you turn on your radio?
i've no idea what i'm doing, but i'm having a blast.
> furry Todd Howard locks himself in surface nuke room
> 3 CI goading him out with buying skyrim
>tfw can't run game even on lowest settings
S-sounds like you guys are having fun though...