Cold steel II

We get Alisa figurine but where’s Towa merch?

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Everyone keeps talking about delay memes but it seem that every boss is highly resistant to it if not outright immune.

I just keep Rean/fie tanking while Emma nuke everything so far.

delay is boring shit, just nuke everything with laura or rean

Jusis would be a better MC

try thor + chronoburst

>A whole bunch of traitors gathered together
>No one makes a move on Olivier

When the fuck is Cold Steel 3 coming overseas?

You need to stack Impede Quartz/Zeus Gems and raise Rean's natural speed stat via Action Quartz. A properly set up delay build Rean is broken as fuck because he still has enough free space to spec for damage.


Delay was more broken in CS1. Now instead of slowing enemies down you want to take more turns (make that infinite turns with the right setup).

Is this the worst JRPG character of all time?

I think I'd rather have Chu Chu from Xenogears in my party.

Fuck off with your degenerate weebshit.

angelica is way horse, still waiting for her to get shot or something


I’d rather fuck Alfin.

Fie is so fucking lewd.

As expected from a jaeger’s public toilet.

Real time Trails when?

Play Xanadu.
Leave trails alone.

What's with Falcom repurposing TX characters for some shitty JRPG? This is almost as bad as them reusing the same main character for every main Ys game.

>not loving every version of towa

I apparently lucked the fuck out by bonding with Sharon. She gives an item that gives you another chance to delay, then I took Fie's MQ for yet another delay chance on top of regular quartz. I was actually starting to like Claire more, but it was too late and I already had more Sharon events done.

>13k sales and slowing down
And PCfats wonder why they're irrelevant.

spoonfeed me on best gem for Rean in first game, please

Oh you.

still more than they sold on vita

force is good, vermillion was my favorite but i used it on laura.

>PC can barely compete with a dead handheld

will you please go away with your platform faggotory?

thanks, i'm just trying to attempt minmaxing second playthrough before CS2

Force is mostly good for cp regen if you want to delay, i think orochi and murakumo are better for damage, i went with murakumo in CS2 on nightmare and really liked it on Rean, i fucked up and missed on vermillion.

I want to flirt with drunk-Sara.

Fuck off weeb.

Jusis is so handsome!

Looks gay af.

>ip count not going up for either post