TOP 10



>new vegas
>killing floor
>5 who cares games
there I just saved everybodys time


what do you guys play on garrymod for so long?

I am such a PC gamer
I game on PC all time.
good thing that Overwatch isn't a steam game so my shame cannot be piled on PUBG
Just five more hours and EDF4.1 would rightfully be in the top 10

mostly TTT back when it wasn't complete cancer

No bully pls.

I have something like 600+ hours in Siege, but I own it on Uplay.

man, being insecure about what Sup Forums thinks, is being the faggest of them all.

you like overwatch ? fucking fine, now say it with me: I like overwatch !

see ? you're a man now.

You all have shit taste.
I only have a laptop, so I don't play a lot of things on it.
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls II
>Hollow Knight


No, I am fine with Overwatch.
I do not even know what my play hours are in it.
I just personally would think it to be "too many" and that is me, not even knowing what actual amount of hours I put into the game.

I mean, my almost 1000 horus in TF2 should give the clue for that but, still. Scared of myself.



Got bored of NV and GTA quick enough but the rest are good, waiting until all the Hollow Knight DLC drops before I play it again

r8 boiz

>+800 hours
What the fuck dude? Single player story was shit.

Mp is what they play my man.

I got Don't Starve recently and was really into it for the first 20 hours but at this point I have all but given up. Is there any reason to keep playing?

Bully pls

>mostly simulation games

I'm not German I swear, I'm not even into football but football manager can be good fun. I have more hours in KSP, played it loads before it came to steam, FSX I played loads before it came to steam and I'm not sure why EVE is on there, again played loads outside steam.

I didn't finish it lol
I play GTA Online with some of my friends.

Don't Starve Together, with the giants and what not, can be pretty neat if you have someone to play with. But it's not a game to keep playing for long.

>I'm not German I swear
Sounds like something a German would say.


Alright then, carry on.

Not bad games except for Das2

please tell me you leave your games on overnight.

Been playing ttt last week after 3 years of not touching it, is pretty fun just stay away from minecraft servers

I've only done that for one game and it's number 11.

been playing 3DS Monster Hunter and not so much the steam


terraria is the one good thing on your list, OP
how is the witcher series in general? i own 1 and 2 on gog
mostly like OP except for having a second good game(civ 5)
is neptunia good or just a meme/fapbait?
how many of those hours are porn mods?

>is neptunia good or just a meme/fapbait?
My honest answer as fan but someone who hates the other fans:
It's amusing. It is not a series of great games but great enough fun if you are weeb, like some inside jokes about consoles being consoles, like some other jokes about cute girls vs. cute girls. I wouldn't even call the cast that fappable, there is much better bait around, but one of the characters will steal a weeb's heart.

Victory 2 or VII as logically called, is the best game the series has. Still not amazing but playable, fun, and even just slightly enough serious to have that part in the story without it being too jarring like some other games in the series.

TL;DR: Not good, but not meme/fapbait entirely either.

get civ 3 and civ 4
>HOMM on steam and not gog
why does half of this thread have new vegas on there?
>new vegas meme
at least you've got more terraria than it
Vicky 2 is great. need to play more myself.
>new vegas
Try out rimworld, user.

Soounds like something I'd get on a really good discount tbqh


r8 m8

95% of that Fo4 time was spent autistically building elaborate settlements that nobody will ever see.

Also I probably have like 600+ hours in Oblivion, but most of them were played on an actual disc copy of the game back in the day and the Steam hours are only from when I got nostalgic and re-bought it.

>Try out rimworld, user.
Is it actually good? There was a wave of 'It's like Dwarf Fortress but shit' games that came out a few years ago and I avoided Rimworld as I thought it would be another one.

I don't play games a lot.

I'm not gonna post the whole list but black ops 3 is in my top 3 because I enjoy the zombies mode
it's embarrassing, I know

It is not great but OK enough since mk2 for the gameplay to hold up. Most enjoyment comes from the weeb shit the characters do, and it is genuinely funny. Something the Anime series forgot how to do, thus, really bad weeb trash.

It is shit excellent to try on sale for sure. I am just thankful that steam releases makes it unecessary to get a PS4 or Vita to enjoy new games in the series, until I got a PS4 anyway, but thanks for keeping vita in the trash where it belongs.

>Dark Souls 3
>Killing Floor
>Tree of Savior
>Titan Quest

The rest are trash, I mostly play with other people.

Granted, a good 1/3rd of the recorded time is idle time.

Was that recent mate what's it like now? Haven't played for about 9 years

>how many of those hours are porn mods?
Well 0 hours for FO4 and I'm not lying. I have CBBE but It's just for cosmetic reasons I'm still enjoy the game just because I like pew pew things.
But on the other hand... Skyrim well the I'm played a lot when I was a teenager so I have no answer but many hours same as GMOD and nude ragdolls lol
Don't blame I was 14 - 15yo.

It is good. DF fans mostly hate it because of no z-levels and fewer colonists.

so seconding the other user? gotcha

how many of those hours are in pedo mods?

more EI4 less DOTA. ffs even more CSL than fucking dota

are you 13?

warhammer has interesting or interesting lore so could be worse i guess

how is empyrion, user?

nothing above 50 hours? do you even go on steam?

>1500 hours in fucking civ 6

user might not be OP but user is a faggot anyways

Hello I'm insecure and will cry

Civ VI is good, though.
>inb4 whining about MUH ART DIRECTION

I played loads with a friend recently but stopped before the Mordor and faces update. It was very streamlined but not in a bad way. If you go about it wisely you don't have to pay much to get access to pretty much all the content
Was pretty fun desu definitely a good "old" mmo. Plus comfy as fuck

>how is the witcher series in general
not him but sicne you already own em i say give em a whirl. Witcher 1 is some quality eurojank and is my favorite by far. Witcher 2 i found as a boring slog and Witcher 3 while pretty and a technical marvel i thought was only a bit better than 2.

If DF had the same UI as rimworld, it would be leaps better than rimworld. I like rimworld because its more casual but intuitive enough to have some FUN. With DF you mostly have to use your imagination of what you're seeing on screen.

Civ VI is a botched remake of Civ V with mobile aesthetics. Civ died back in 09 with the last Civ IV DLC, but V was at least a good game. VI? A mess.

Will keep in mind. Thanks.

>garry's mod

shouldn't you be on xbox calling people niggers?

>how is empyrion, user?

If you enjoy sinking dozens or hundreds of hours into building huge complicated things it's incredible. The thing I really like is that it has so many tools for detailing and decorating the stuff I build, and that I can then share the blueprints on the workshop, unlike something like Fo4. Here's my most recent creation, a 1:1 replica of one of Port Olisar's pylons from Star Citizen.

Most of my gmod hours was before the normies flooded in. I played csgo to scratch that competitive itch and it was pretty fun to play with friends. CSGO solo is cancer


I don't want to touch Borderlands 2 ever again

Also CS source, day of infamy and left4dead 2...i made a steam ac 1 month ago

Good to know you know nothing of the game. Civ VI has its problems, but they're all easily addressable with mods; balancing some of the weaker civs and increasing the map size.

>mobile aesthetics
called it.


DF but with a decent UI and visuals seems harder to get right than just copying DF. DwarfCorp is hot garbage and runs like ass and that's the most recent attempt at copying DF, complete with Z levels that I can think of.

Nice. Might have to consider it in a few years whenever i upgrade.

that's fair i guess

get civ 4

>2k hours on a browser mmo

let me guess new account after a vac?

ever played the older elites, or at least their clones like oolite?

get taste and get civ 4, user

Not that guy but the policies are broken af and not interesting to swap in and out.

>how is the witcher series in general? i own 1 and 2 on gog
I own 1 and 2, but i kinda ditched them because they're very clunky and archaic in terms of controls. I do wanna go back to them eventually, because the games share one cohesive world and a lot of the references in 3 will go over your head if you haven't played the first 2 games.

I've long since stopped playing TF2.

Runner up is The Last Remnant with 100 hours.

Civ IV-fags are insufferable. More news at 11.

Dude I just said I got bored of New Vegas quick, I only played it because Sup Forums kept shilling it. Read my post before replying


>ever played the older elites, or at least their clones like oolite?
No, in fact it's the first Space Sim I've ever played. I really enjoyed it and I play it from time to time to relax

tiddy mods?

Civ VI players confirmed for illiterate niggers who can't play anything but mobileshit

that's fair

because rotmg is the only mmo I ever liked since it had actual gameplay and I met lots of nice people there
I grew tired of most other mmos because they're repetitive as fuck and I feel like you need a million gigatons of grinding (which is probably the reason I don't like mmos in the first place)
rotmg had little grind besides life pots, which my guild just gave out to everyone because we had a few dedicated tomb runners who were swimming in those
and the game is just a fun little bullet hell in general
I stopped playing around 2013 though when they introduced pets since I really didn't like that, and I'm not a fan of the damage sponge dungeons now

No, i had nvr heard of steam before, friend introduced me to it..before that i used to pirate games because they were very costly...i had spent like 600hrs on fallout nv alone

Most of these lists are just the same games in a slightly different order.

Why is this?

Because they are GOAT

Why not give endless sky a try, user? It's free on steam.

right. at least it's not WoW.

Got steam in 2015 bc i bouht starbound off the dev's site, then started picking up stuff

Sup Forums is mostly /r/gaming except you can say "nigger" these days thanks to all the kids being banned from games for "trolling" and nding up here. Notice that I've been dealing with a cuck whose been playing Civ 6 for over 1500 fucking hours. 1500 hours of soyciv. imagine it, user. the horror...


Having not played it yet myself, why the negativity towards Civ 6? It seems like it launched in a much better place than Civ 5 and the new xpac is being received pretty well.

These threads are always some variation of TF2, Borderlands 2, Gmod, DOTA 2, CS:GO/1.6, New Vegas, Killing Floor 1/2 and Souls games. Yes I am sort of projecting but it's true.

Haven't played myself either, going by what i've heard on Sup Forums and elsewhere. Unoptimized, buggy, broken mess. They simplified Civ V further.

The only redeeming thing imo is Endless Legend-style building on terrain(the "districts, i guess"

sell the tf2 hats and buy some good games, user

No I just enjoy Skyrim. I've also never played Dawnguard or Dragonborn so I'm getting more mileage out of the Special Edition.

least kf1 is a good game


What are you trying to hide nerd?
Clicker shit? PUBG?


