What are some video game homosexual couples?

What are some video game homosexual couples?

you and BBC cuck


Why was FF15 so gay

Why not

sodomites belong on

I assume you've never had friends. It's okay user, one day you will know what it's like to be cherished.

final fantasy demographic starting at ff10 is teenage girls, user


Friendship doesn't explain Ignis, though.

*Sup Forums


Why are balls touching the purest form of love, Sup Forums?

That's it!

Don't be homophobic

It's the ultimate display of trust, because balls are the only weak spot on a man's body.

pharah can do better than that old used-up hag



So who else is getting the Royale Edition?


Danganronpa has loads.

Sorey and Mikleo

Can we... touch ours?

I haven't yet figured out how to do it over TCP/IP.

>not getting the pack separately



These two.

Man it's been 800 years and I still remember being shocked and a little disappointed Ky/Dizzy became a thing.

One day.

I don't know many gay vidya characters, probably someone from Danganronpa.

>Noctis is Lunasexual
>Prompto has a thing for Aranea
>homosexual couple

Most Yugioh games.

That's not really a couple tho, dr has gay characters but no gay couples, i don't even think it has any actual couples at all

Fangirl bait.

>he doesn't know
Noctis has apparently nailed Ignis at least a couple of times.

Healers and Tanks
Bard and DPS

That old used-up hag is the Overwatch village's bycicle

Don't be homophobicphobic

>Implying Komaeda wasn't the true heroine of DR2.

>but no gay couples
If Ishimaru and Mondo were gay there was.

Is it actually gay, or just fujofags made it gay in their fanarts?

Prompto looks like a fuckboy but is completely straight, Noctis is questionable, and Ignis is legit gay.

Do they seem girlier than usual?

One-third of Hate Plus is the diaries of two different homosexual couples. One /y/ and one /u/. Play/watch Analogue first though.

>looks like a fuckboy but is completely straight
For some reason I love this kind of character. The fact that he seems to want to be a Cake Slayer is even better. It's like /ss/ but everybody is 10 years older.

Naegi and Kirigiri is about as close to an actual couple you'll get in Danganronpa.


He's got better chances with Cindy, desu. Aranea liked Ignis better, but got cockblocked by Noctis.

Based Susie.

They're canon unlike other pairings on this thread

>tfw your Chad friend fucks all the chicks while you get nothing
Prompto is more like /r9k/ than a Cake Slayer.

you and your mum

I'm sure Prompto will lose his virginity on Royal Edition

>Healers and Tanks
It's a match made in heaven! But is it gay if we both roll female avatars?

It's only gay if the tank isn't the bottom.

Nah, he's a lifelong incel. No girl will want him even if he's the last guy on Eos.


Dwarf Fortress has procedurally generated homosexuality.

I like to mod in races of cute traps and make them have a high propensity for homosexuality

Stop projecting so hard


>Wishing to be cherished by other men

For the first time in history, user was more of a faggot than OP

Came here to post this.

Kat and Raven are very cute together

Never even played Zestiria, and I was already shipping these two.

There's an in-game convo that goes like that. Prompto even whines that if there are any girls that would want him, he sure as hell can't find them.