Where should the next fallout take place?

Where should the next fallout take place?

NY? Portland? Texas? Canada?

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I've shrilled to friends the argument for one encompassing a triangle of Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton.

I think China would actually be neat.

As far as US locations though, a northern rust belt city like Chicago or Detroit would seem like the obvious next environment to explore.

Fallout anywhere but America would be interesting but they'll never do it. Half because it would go against aesthetic, half because the lore suggests nowhere else survived.

New York is basically a flooded crater at this point.

I suggested China specifically because they are an incredibly huge part of the Fallout pre-war lore. The war between them and the US is what turned the entire world in to a nuclear wasteland in the first place, and it wouldn’t be out of the realm of logic to think they were just as prepared as the US for the inevitability of a mass nuclear launch and also prepared some shelters.

I mean, a European Fallout game would be silly, but China wouldn’t be that crazy or completely out of the blue.

somewhere not in america would be cool

Chicago, Washington state, alaska, or florida would be neat.


Seattle would be neat, and it has a distinctive landmark for the bigbad to dwell in and have things literally revolve around

I'd love something in Texas though, REAL wild west cowboy revival kinda shit

That's because Europe is much much worse state than America, Africa is Africa, and Asia is basically a crater.

Plus, China would also obviously have a similar over-the-top pre war propaganda state and heavily militarized environment like the US.

You could totally make a Fallout China game that’s still in line with the general feel of Fallout.

seconding this

Europe had its apocalypse a lot earlier than America did, it's had significantly longer to recover

1950s Europe is just a watered down version of 1950s America though. Europe wouldn’t be nearly as interesting as it sounds.

Yes when I was wandering around Necropolis with the ghouls, fighting raiders called the Vipers and the Khans, fighting cultists in a cathedral, I was struck by just how true to 50s America the post-war Wasteland was

I don’t think I’d like it but it’s probably time for the bayou or Florida or the south in general.

Make it a centralized location like Texas so it can be a contentious battleground between major factions on both coasts vying for the territory.

At this point, the most interesting thing you can do with the Fallout universe without leaving the states is move a bit further in the future and start to go full circle with War -> everything destroyed -> early struggle to survive -> slowly rebuild civilization -> War again.

Now make a game on the East Coast where there's actually a rebuilt civilization first

Fallout: Mexico

>another piss colored fallout
Fuck no. New Vegas might be a good RPG but that orange cowboy atmosphere was unbearably shit.


Fallout 4 is literally all about building up civilization on the East Coast. The Minutemen could easily be the East Coast version of the New California Republic.

But Fallout 1 and 2 also take place in the desert and they have the best atmosphere in the series by far.

Somewhere not in the US. Maybe England or Japan or Russia

Didn't Bethesda trademark Fallout: New Orleans?


Post-apocalyptic settings have been done to death.

chicago ,florida or texas that are the only interesting places left

>another fallout in the north east
for fuck's sake, no

Like the idea of a triangle of cities, but here’s a better triangle.

Texas a shit
Fuck off


The running theme of the game could be cars and shit. It'd even let you build one.

>vehicles on that shit gamebryo engine
How retard can someone be?



>I think Fallout should take place in [my shitty third-world country]


But we already have STALKER which is set in the russian province of Ukraine

LOL europoors really are this delusional desu senpai baka

>I mean, a European Fallout game would be silly
Yeah I guess, in that it might be too boringly normal in the areas that survived. Like, Switzerland both doesn't have anything strategic worth nuking and is pretty neutral and has massive underground infrastructure and installations in the fucking Alps that are effectively nuke-proof without spending vast amounts just on them. I could see them surviving an overall war just fine and just... going on. There's not a lot of melting pot, it's a small country that gets along pretty well. They could close themselves off and take advantage of the natural barriers like always (and those would be a lot scarier in a nuclear winter scenario), but that doesn't make for a crazy game at all. Iceland too maybe, no major power is going to give a fuck about fucking iceland, they're off on a little island and they've got geothermal power out the butt so they could just continue on.

The rest of Europe would probably be wiped, so you'd have this weird binary split of "everyone dies" vs "they have to do a bit more farming now and the TV shows more sheep then before". Not an interesting setting.

Switzerland couldn't possible just go on if it survived a nuclear war on its own. They aren't capable of producing nearly enough food for themselves.

Finland obviously

I want a new one in California because I want to see the original games' setting in 3D, but they'd probably fuck it all up.

Nobody wants to go to fucking China.

Canada would be neat.

They already had fake monopoly money before the nukes, so they wouldn't have had to resort to using bottle caps as currency.

>They aren't capable of producing nearly enough food for themselves.
Dunno, they've only got a pop of 8mil and I assume at least some of them would kick it in a war even if just due to conventional fighting. They seem to be at about 54% food self sufficiency now, but they have zero need to actually BE food self sufficient either, according to the CIA world report and some other stuff I'm glancing at they've got arable land they're not using even without getting into any crazy hydroponics stuff.

I feel like the big issue after something like this would be power, if you've got enough electricity you can basically handle the rest. Water purification and food growth in-doors even can all be done with enough energy. The Swiss seem to be a lot stronger then I thought there actually: 56% of their power is hydro, another 39% is nuclear, and they have unused hydro capacity too.

I think actually you could do a really cool Swiss (or other similar tiny country) post-nuclear-apoc vidya, but it'd need to be more like a TBS where you'd be in charge of the overall national strategy and trying to figure out how to maintain things. Like Civ or SMAC or similar in terms of controls, maybe with a bigger emphasis on building and expeditions (fallout keeps you mostly in your borders, no expansion). I'm not aware of any game ever attempting something quite like that but I think it might make for a pretty fun twist on post apocalypse, albeit a niche one. I'd play it.

Fallout China would be legitimately interesting because of the commie stuff.

All the yuros clambering for Fallout Europe though are doofuses. Europe has never had any sort of relevance in the Fallout universe. Outside of showing off some neat historical attractions, what the fuck would you even do with it?

It already takes place in a third world country?

Why is lonesome road so shitty?

Three posters right there who do.

>Outside of showing off some neat historical attractions, what the fuck would you even do with it?
Huh, reminds me of Soyout 3 and 4.

>what the fuck would you even do with it?
Ask Sawyer



louisiana with new oreleans or mississippi. The south is an interesting setting specifically in america and too few games do it right. I'd love to see some mutant crocs and nuked swamps.

And huge mutated pythons

of all characters to go as, why Ringo?

Humor me then, pitch the general outline of a fallout game that takes place in Europe in a way that’s interesting.

Read the link, dipshit

Yellowstone as an Enclave operative

>Fallout Australia

speak for yourself!

I want to know about Pre-War china. Look at this shit. I want to know the culture that made this!

The idea pitched in that link sounds more like Halo than Fallout.

That's basically what Fallout OG and 2 are with the leather jacket.

If Bethesda makes it, somewhere on the East Coast. Because I like the fact that the West Coast has lore that makes sense, and that I can actually delve into. I don't want Bethesda to turn it to shit by making Super Mutants and the Enclave evil again, or make the Brotherhood a major faction that tries to be likeable. Bethesda can continue to rape the series, but as long as it only affects a certain part of America I can ignore it.

That being said, if we ignore the state of the series, the choices for where the games should take place are cities that have an interesting history and culture, particularly around the 50s. So Chicago (never really got into Tactics so I don't know what happens there), NY, Boneyard, New Orleans.

Some thought it was unfitting for Fallout, but personally I loved the Western style of Nevada. I'd be happy if they did something similar, but probably more happy if they went a new route.

Maybe until Joshua Graham comes and fucks yo shit up

>Already 90% wasteland
>Gets nuked
>100% wasteland

Sounds fun.

I think it would work for something that's not a game, like a movie, or a telltale style not-game.

Feral mutated dingos. Death claws might have a match

Mad Max
A Telltale Series

RadAway is actually goon

If they implemented more survival elements beyond "hey don't swim in rads" then I think a Fallout set in Alaska could probably be a good shift.

You have civilian elements from the cities,
Obviously a US military presence,
For once actually Chinese elements because of the invasion, (I'm talking beyond a ton of swords scattered around for some reason)
And maybe even some native faction that is similar to the Zion tribes of NV,
Mix that with a food and water system and dynamic harsh weather and you got a game that almost makes you wish you were patroling the Mojave doesn't it.

>FO3 2008
>FONV 2010
>FO4 2015

tfw when FO5 should be coming in 2020 but i can't see it coming until 2026 really

TES 6 might be 2019 or 2020 (2019 to make it a killer year along with tlou2 and cyberpunk 2099)

This actually got me, thanks user.

>Two headed emus.
>Poisonous kangaroos with wings.

id play the shit out of fallout : australia
iradiated drop bears. mutated kangaroos 30 feet long rattlesnakes. aboriginal zombies that are flamable because they somehow mutated to produce petrolium.

I know very little about Fallout 4 compared to the other games. But isn't NCR a complex nation that tries to be a Pre-War government, with all the pros and cons that entails, while the Minute Men are just completely unwritten protectors of people with zero depth to them? And I don't think any quest in Fallout 4 had to do with forging a civilization. I think it was just about blowing up factions.

>canadian patriot resistance factions with mounty looking outfits
>lore is about political factions and not some unrealistic representation of evil

like the american southwest is any different

Make it set in the second emu war.

2 words

>east coast uses guns made of actual fucking garbage and colonized ONE stadium some 100 years if not more after the bombs dropped
>t-they can totally be like s-shady sands! b-b-based todd!

I'd actually take China over the US any day. Just add in some mutt npcs to kill.

No. Nothing outside America Cancuck.

China literally got nuked out of existence in the Fallout universe, though? Unless I'm forgetting something or that's one of the things Todd Coward retconned when he shat all over the Fallout Bible.

also IMO a Fallout set in Florida or Louisiana would be pretty funny

America annexed Canada before the events of Fallout 1 tho

Is a literal hole in the ground
Why, Seattle is a better location jesus
Already been done
Not in the US

Can someone explain why they want a Fallout game outside the US? I'm European, but I think the appeal of Fallout is America. The whole reason the world is frozen in the 50s aesthetic is to portray that time period in USA. I don't care about 50s Canada, Australia, Mexico or any of that. Chinese propaganda interests me, but not enough to play a whole game there and miss out on greasers, rangers, gangsters and so on.

Ebin maymay

>China literally got nuked out of existence in the Fallout universe, though?
We don't know. That could make a strong argument for it, Anyone who tries to explore the china wasteland immediately dies of radiation/gets their ghoul brain scrambled by the immense radiation and becomes feral on the spot, or china just kills any foreigners on sight.

Indeed but they went into there natural gook mode and resisted and even went into guerilla warfare

North Sentinel Island

Realistically the next ideal fallout would be in the swampy south. The DLC for 3 was Maryland but that wasn't good

Atlantic City?


That was the only good Bethesda DLC. Not saying I'd want a whole game like that, but PL is so much better than that other crap

oh fucking christ
>Main villian is a ceasar rip-off called drumph
you know they'd fucking do it.
>Leader of the main island is a ghoulified elvis called "The King"
now we're talkin!

>lore is about soynadians trying to make the wasterland a better place for trangenders and mutated niggers

I never considered this, but that's a great idea

>le 50's burger ass thicks
Bethesda has overdone that shit tbqh, the charm of the first games was how outlandish everything was, not some soy fest with racist music about the Congo.