I can only get one.
What do?
I can only get one
both or bust
Seasons is the best, and objectively the best 2D Zelda
Seasons is really fun and has cute subrosian waifu
Ages is really fun and has sexy villain waifu
both games have qtest apprentice witch waifu
really you can't go wrong
Seasons is more action oriented and Ages has more puzzles.
You should play both at some point, though.
Can't you miss out on a couple map tiles if you play ages first?
defo seasons or
looks like i'm going with season then.
don't feel like emulating, i'll get ages later, it's just a matter of getting a monopoly money card for the eshop
I preferred Ages, but both are awesome
Seasons if you like puzzles and Ages if you like action.
Nah, just one. It's an empty spot of water in the middle of the sea.
How can it be the best 2D Zelda when Link's Awakening exists?
Which one do you recommend playing first? Or is order irrelevant?
Just flip a coin
i preferred ages iirc, but both were good.
Is mommy only going to buy the one for you? That sucks.
I know I would throw one hell of a tantrum if I were you. Better yet make sure you guys are in public.
If you prefer more action, Seasons.
If you prefer more puzzles, Ages.
Though you should get both and play a linked game.
Which is it then?
>Not having both
>Being dirt poor as shit and being able unable to afford two ten dollar Virtual Console ports for your 3DS
>not having a hacked 3DS/2DS or a spare hacked 3DS/2DS unit to pirate them on
If you eventually are going to get both get Seasons first.
There's a map square you can't get to in Ages if you don't use the code from seasons.
how dare you not preemptively post source?
You should get whichever you think you'd prefer of those two options. Personally my vote is for Ages, but again if you aren't going to link them both there isn't really a point.
Get both, they are two halves of the story and are best played linked. That being said, Ages to Seasons is the way I play so the Queen Ambi plotline gets closure.
Because I don't know the source unfortunately and I took it off normiebook on my phone
You're an adult OP. Just buy both.
Unless your mom is seriously buying for you.
i live alone and i have a full-time job, thank you very much.
can't get both because i would need to go to buy a new eshop card, which i don't feel like doing rn
seasons it is then.
buy, they sure reused quite a bit from link's awakening, didn't they?
Can they be linked if i play on emulator??
I believe so, it's a password system iirc
The real value for the passwords is to keep your ring collection consistent across both titles. Getting the Red Ring in Seasons is relatively easy, for instance, while in Ages it's annoyingly hard.
Yes. You use a password system to link the games.
By having better items, dungeons, story, and gameplay elements
I wasn't even aware you could get the RR in Ages...
Plus getting the level 3 sword is nice.
I prefer Ages but the Oracle games are honestly only half of an experience if you're only playing one. They're both the length of a 2D Zelda but without linking them you're seriously only getting half the experience.
Seasons is okay.
I'd play seasons and then link that into an Ages game so you get the true ending.
Ages is the tougher game, better map, better dungeons. Seasons just had the better girl.
>what is minish cap
>Ages is the tougher game, better map, better dungeons.
This. It’s no wonder why Sup Forums is always suggesting Seasons given how terrible so many posters here at at video games. They’re both good games, but Seasons is easy mode. In Ages you have to think about puzzles in terms of time travel, whereas in Seasons they literally spell out the solution for you in most cases (“Here’s a pool of water. Hmm, what if you could WALK over it hint hint?”)
>Onox kidnaps Din and then fucks off until the very end, whereas Ages had a few encounters with Veran throughout the game.
>And then both Oracle games become "lol it's ganon again" when linked.
not that anyone should be playing these games for the story in the first place