Is this the ideal male body?
Is this the ideal male body?
How come my chest is like a woman? My nipples are large and pink
i want to SUCC your nipples, bro!
This is.
No because if you shave his beard he looks very disturbing. Great bod but poor facial aesthetics without his beard.
His body kinda some a good amount of damage on it, so probably not.
That's every man. Beards are make up for men.
The ideal male body has two arms.
How come some men just look like gross neckbeards though?
I dunno. I think it would be pretty cool and useful to have a robot arm like his. If someone tried to mug you you could just beat them up with the robot arm.
Same way there’s a small subset of women that look disgusting with make up. They just haven’t found (or don’t care to) a style they works for them
They are not real men
you have to trim it
Is Big Medic's a good one? Mine looks somewhat like that.
Beards are disgusting and only gay men like them.
gee i don't know, why do some women wearing makeup look like clowns?
How do I get my beard to be ore flat? Like it pints out away from my face. How do I make it neat and tidy?
(phone posting from work sorry)
he also forgot that you need to take care of yourself, if you are fat you'll look ugly with or without beard, same if you are a lanky skeletton
trim the sides. mine does that too; grows faster on the sides. also use a bit of leave-in conditioner/beard butter or whatever the hipsters use.
Too much soy
What if I'm skinnyfat?
>leave-in conditioner/beard butter or whatever the hipsters use.
Any particular brand recommendations?
you're ugly and should die
don't bother, fix yoursself first
I know your just memeing but I think it might have something to do with it. My mom said when I was a baby and a young child that regular milk made me sick so she used to have to give me a soy based milk instead.
This is.
NOT vidya related
Well I think I'm skinyfat anyways. I'm 5'11 and 152 pounds.
>imagine being impotently mad enough to sperg out on a keyboard and upload the results to a korean waffleiron forum
Soy doesn't actually do that to you.
What's soyboy about beards?
>thinks he's """"""""""""""""skinnyfat""""""""""""""""
Shit diet when you’re developing fucks you up for life.
T. Think I’ve got gyno at 19
keep telling yourself that
Actually post your nipples
Am I fat so? I checked online and it said my bmi is 21
brb sending my mom a candle from esty or some shit for feeding me right when i was a kid.
I probably had it for most of high school but I’m only noticing now that I’m trying to get /fit/ and lose weight. I’m hoping it goes away if I drop more weight but I think I’m gonna be stuck with it
Same reason ugly women still look ugly with makeup. Some people are just ugly and there's nothing that can hide it.
You're at max weight without counting as overweight.
But the bmi thing says 21 is normal. 25 is fat
bmi is ridiculous anyways, use a mirror
[[[bmi 28]]]
No, this is.
Foul primitives.
>bitches don't know bout gabumonmode
Is that you? Your hot (no homo)
This is what peak performance looks like
yes, /fit/ has guided me well
I have a low body weight for my height but it's all fat. I have zero muscle so I look fat. (5'10, 138 pounds)
How big is your dick? (no homo)
He has too many scars and injuries.
he is also quite old.
but otherwise, yes.
Girls like old guys. One of my friends she's 20 and she says her 50 year old manager is really hot.
don't be gay
I very clearly said no homo
then stop thinking about having your throat clogged with dicks and talk about videogames you degenerate
Not bad, I prefer lower bf% for myself personally though. IF you can't see the six pack what's the point.
THIS is the ideal male body
Jesus christ why are there so many fucking homos on Sup Forums fuck off
all gay must die
enjoy your early death
I'm a short male with a bubble butt, I always get both sexes hitting on me, do I have too much ass?
>being this upset
reported, kys faggot
No I just want to compare his size to mine. I only fuck women.
Reported for announcing a report.
i'll answer your question if you come clean and tell me how many black dudes v. how many white dudes hit on you
post-trans-ironically kys
Okay but thats not what the OP has asked.
Sure, Venom Snake has a fucking FANTASTIC body, especially considering his age and situation. THe fact of the matter is, though, is that he is just too old and broken. Naked Snake, or even better, Solid Snake has better body just because of their youth.
Definitely not. Better keep up those squats lad.
ok everyone stop memeing, THIS is the ideal male body
every conventional source of proteins contains estrogen, and the one in soy actually contributes very little to hormonal imbalance because it's plant estrogen and your body just metabolizes most of it, same with nuts and seeds
stop spewing ebin Sup Forums science unironically you retard
>THIS is the ideal male body
>Dies at the age of 20 from obesity
Blacks dudes? Way over a hundred, white males? Like 10. Really makes me think.
Is it true Solid Snake has no penis?
Post underwear pic.
I like men with a good ass, but that just looks wrong.
It sure is!
Same here man. I've had black dudes squeeze my ass in my university's dining hall.
False, he's just sterile
>missing arm
>brain damage from shrapnel in skill
>can't legally drive or operate anything because of missing eye
Not even close. Only Liquid and Solid had ideal bodies.
sit on my face
It's a weird feeling.
Gladly, and I'll just say that /fit/'a squat tips really do help.
No, this is.
black dude here, i can say without a doubt that we all love ass no matter what. inb4 nigger
Even if you aren't gay?
You can have 2 arms and 2 aditional robot arms.
>at this rate ywn have a thicc bear bf to spoon you every waking hour
it hurts so bad.
I wasn't able to get any traction with black dudes until /fit/ sorted my squat game. I always thought they just hated white people when they just hated flat butts.
i am gay, but yeah straight ones too if not more.
>tfw you need to hack of one of your arms and replace it with some robo gimmick and ramm a big stone into your skull for women to like you
>keep telling yourself that scientific facts beat incel manchild rumors
Uh, ok.
BMI counts solely height and weight you dipshit.
It doesn't take into account muscle mass or bone mass.