Touhou is game op..
>actual games
>720p tablet
I want AoCF already.
>not centered around fucking EoSD
Not bad.
at least is confirmed for switch, no idea of localization but switc h is region free.
Why though?
why not?
I just realized this. They must be planning to include her.
>yfw ZUN sells Touhou to Ninendo
>tfw people called me deluded 15 years ago for wanting Sonic, Pac-Man and Reimu in the next Smash
>then Sonic got in Brawl
>then Pac-Man got in Sm4sh
Reimu is next.
he doesn't need to sell out, guest fighter is a thing.
How much are they charging though? The jap version was crazy expensive like 5000 gook moot bucks.
Genius of Sappherios plis
You wouldn't a Reimu, right?
Is it just me, or this look like Shiren rip-off?
every time a fan game gets ported to console or put on steam i feel like i die a little more on the inside
Is this your first time seeing a roguelite?
If you mean like Hack totally ripped off Rogue, then yeah I guess
How does this licensing even work? Does Zun just not give any fucks? Does he get a cut?
The irony of your post is off the charts
There's a 2hu version of literally everything. Often times better than the game it's parodying.
But will it get the Elegance and the Grand Festival dlc?
This is important, it makes all the partners playable, and adds Sakuya and Cirno
it has all the dlc already.
This one image has been classified a violation of Geneva convention and a warcrime in the ongoing battle not to develop a goddamn armpit fetish.
You have been warned
>draw edgy Castlevania version of Remilia
>then make her cute
I don't get it.
Yes this checks out
He can't do this forever. If he can sell out now for a good amount of money, he'll do it in a heartbeat, especially given Tohou is starting to wane in popularity now.
Touhou main game on switch when?
she was never not cute, just a bit scarier
so I guess were have two types of weebs, normie weebs and niche weebs.
>shmups on the switch
>on a console
ZUN plays with a controller
Like there is a real difference between controller or keyboard controls for a fucking shmup.
Super Marisa World when
Nice, now i dont need to wait till 3.61
ZUN actually doesn't give a single fuck anymore.
As long as you don't try to claim that you own the IP or beg for donations, then you can do whatever the fuck you want with his characters and music, as long as you don't rip off assets straight from his games
Can someone link me to a picture of tan Cirno’s spread asshole?
I’m trying to prove a point.
Keyboard is worst you secondary.
You can't use assets directly from his games, but you can recreate his characters and settings. Amateur developers or small developers can make fan games. They can sell those games. Those games can be popular. It's a matter of scale: basically don't be too jewish about it. If some well established professional artist decided he wanted to make a serial touhou manga like ZUN does and sell it by subscription, that would be shut down. If nintendo wanted to start making big budget touhou games, they would get shut down unless they could convince ZUN to allow it.
There was someone who ran a kickstarter to fund a touhou game and ZUN first told them to refund the money and then shut down the project entirely. The details aren't clear and there were probably misunderstandings on both sides, but ZUN will certainly shut down someone he suspects of trying to profiteer or scam with touhou ip.
>As long as you don't try to claim that you own the IP
I wonder if that chink thought that it would be easy to register touhou and make gorillions of mooncoins
Puppet Dance Performance for Switch when
I can't believe Tewi's fucking dead
>spend all the budget in art and music
>actual gameplay is some random rpgmaker bullshit
Replace armpit with sideboob.
is the switch the new weeb console?
There's no way that'd happen. You might think she's popular here but just think of the normie audience. Even if the game was Japan only it'd be a stretch, and unlike something like Fire Emblem Nintendo isn't going to put "Obscure" characters in unless if they're from Nintendo so they can sell more of their games.
The shrine maiden cannot be unjust for she is the law
Reimus isn't a good role model for young children like other Nintendo characters, how the fuck are they gonna get her and her friends on par with Mario and link level of fame and iconic status if SUN sells his own franchise to nintendo.
I need it so bad.
Probably yeah since Vita is dead
Normies know about Touhou thanks to Undertale and steam
Touhou is more popular than every Nintendo IP that isn't mario/zelda
Autism and porn on japanese boorus and cantonese cartoon imageboards doesn't translates to IRL popularity you fucking retard.
99% of Smash 4 players don't know who Raymoo is, and at most recognize one or two Touhou memes from like 2008
Friendly reminder Roy was a thing in Melee.
You know, a more obscure character than Marth for western audiences.
Granted, it's a first-party IP, but even still...
Even every person who's ever played smash 4 once is a tiny group compared to the touhou fanbase
I regret buying my switch instead of a cheap used ps4 and nioh and monhun
but at last SMT v and Ace Attorney are on the way
I liked flan in that game, her insane laugh was pretty cute
Reminder that Futo is cute
Maybe in Japan. But Touhou is literally who tier in the US and rightfully so.
Youmu is the better dork
>her friends
>yfw mima gets into smash
She's a dweeb
serious question guys, why does zun not release his shooting games on consoles?
Didn't he lose the source code for a good portion of them
Reminder to quickly and PHYSICALLY REMOVE TAOIST.
>tfw you will never receive head pats from the Crown Prince
Doki Doki is an actual game
When is Seija getting a new game?
Zun only told tjem to drop the Kickstarter thing, the dev thrown a massive tantrum and killed the whole thing.
>ideal control scheme is controller
Zun cant even afford a translator and you expect him to pay microsoft, sony and nintendo to release on their consoles?
When her mother says it and she said "soon"
He can definitely afford one, but he prefers to work alone on mainline games which is why the only translations we ever got officially was from his attempt at doing the configuration iirc
>Fantasy Heaven makes it into smash
Cute things come in small packages
I want my own Shimmy for on the go, shame she only has a single use.
Oh please. Nintendo let Bayonetta onboard despite being an explicit and vulgar IP.
Making tea?
Reimu is a murderer
>not playing shmups on the switch
is ok they are not humans, you can't commit humancide if they are youkais.
I prefer my onaholes to be happy and zealous in their work
I'd prefer Master Spark or Blazing Star to be honest. They're way more flashy
DELETE THIS, Shimmy is for cuteposting not lewds