Which incompetent kingslayer did a better job of weakening their country in the face of a major threat in their attempt to seize control?
Loghain vs Ulfric
Because while Loghain was a cunt, I think almost the exact same shit would have happened.
...you think the Couslands as next in line for the throne would've murdered themselves off, that Arl Eamon as the uncle to the King and brother to the late Queen would've poisoned himself with a Blood Mage, that the Circle of Magi would've started a civil war over a promise no one made to be freed and turn to blood magic and demons,and that the numerous banns, arls and Templars that Loghain tortured and/or killed would've just spontaneously done that to themselves?
two mediocre babby games
>I only play hardcore games for hardcore gamers like myself
>you think the Couslands as next in line for the throne would've murdered themselves off
No, but Arl Howe might have.
And I don't think Ostagar would have been won, period. I just think that if Loghain didn't exist the outcome of Battle of Ostagar would have been mostly the same, with a few changes. Unless there is proof Ostagar would have been won without a doubt, I don't think Loghain matters when it comes to the end result.
What about these kingslayers?
Loghain. Ulfric is actually competent as can be seen by looking at a map of the empire in the time of Skyrim.
It's only three nations Skyrim itself being one of them, another country that if skyrim secedes would be trapped between two nations that left the empire and is filled with political opportunists that would join/ally in no longer being with the empire and Cyrodill itself.
People on Sup Forums are too brain dead to play fucking Dragon Age
The absolute state of Sup Forums