Hey i smashed my Ps4 Controller for not recognizing a lot of commands. And now im searching for a fightstick to play with. The Problem: There are so expensive and even on ebay they want 150€. Any recommends for under 100€. I see the Lioncast for 30€ with mixed reviews and the Arcade Stick FightStick Alpha for 40€ but only for ps3/ps4 (maybe with some programms?). Hope i dont annoy you with my question
Any FIghtstick recommends???
Dylan Clark
Dylan Price
Nothing under $100 is worth it.
Dont go cheap, save up your money and buy a better better product like a Qanba stick.
Josiah James
The general rule with fight sticks is that you get what you pay for. Cheap fight sticks will have shitty feeling buttons and terrible sticks.
Carter Hernandez
The hori mini is alright
Brandon Hill
Justin Torres
If you absolutely have to go cheap, get the Venom.
Thomas Parker
i know but i would start with something small before i get something bigger and bigger
Jack Morales
>spend $80 on something that sucks only to "work your way up" to something that costs $150
>when you could have just spent the $150 from the get-go
Nathaniel Young
Blake Gutierrez
Just buy a mayflash f300 and replace the parts