How come this game on ultra gives 25fps and looks like a witcher 3 on medium, which gave me a stable 60fps on ultra?

How come this game on ultra gives 25fps and looks like a witcher 3 on medium, which gave me a stable 60fps on ultra?

How can you manage to fuck up this badly when already using a non self-made engine?

I get 45 on Ultra and 50-72 on anything lower.
>and looks like a witcher 3 on medium
>which gave me a stable 60fps on ultra
So just play on medium?

op I think you meant to start the thread talking about niggers and cucks, let me help

I for one, just don’t like black people, anyone agree??

inb4 some autist starts posting typical cryengine forest screenshots
not like everything else in the game looks like shit while somehow running worse than forests
ps fuck drumpf and fuck while ppl

i understand that a twitter screenshot would also provide a bump limit reaching thread but i wanted to try without

It's future proofing. Used to be common but only crysis comes to mind as a recent example

I get 40-50 with my GTX 970 with a mix of ultra and very high. Some options have more weight than others, turn them down.

Witcher is third person, that just naturally makes things like textures look better because the camera is pulled out. But I do agree that they need to improve optimization.

maybe staring at the ground in a forest loooooool
which means sub 30 in a city

Not for me, some setting even on ultra have next to no impact.