AR-15 is broken. Needs nerf.
Also, Columbine map when?
AR-15 is broken. Needs nerf.
Also, Columbine map when?
Get a real assault gun pussi
If someone makes a school shooter sim would steam allow it?
School shootings are not a joke, asshole. KIDS DIED before they got a chance to even fucking live. How do you think their families feel? Please see a therapist before you shoot up a school due to your psychotic selfishness.
They allowed Hatred
I know, the lucky bastards
Is there any legitimate reason why a child should be able to buy an automatic weapon and ammo legally before they're even legally allowed to drink?
BASED moralfag
someone mod lolis now
Competition Shooting, but beyond that, no.
>automatic weapon
You can't buy an automatic weapon. If you do the ATF will shoot your dog.
Military develops school shooting sim weeks before multiple mass shootings
Makes you think
>it's another shooter who lag warps all over the map
Russianbot, begone
Only after huge black lash when they were not going to.
Is this available to the public yet
>Columbine map when
>he doesn't know about the DooM map
There's probably one for CS as well.
I wish I died in a school shooting who doesn't want a young corpse
Still released it anyways, so the precedent is set
Self defense from animals and humans
Also look up what the Hughes Act is before you look like a moron again.
there wasn't any backlash whatsoever
some low ranking valve employee took it upon himself to disallow hatred and gaben personally put it back and apologized to the devs
>you get something
????????????? when you die, you get nothing because existence ends at that point.
That was the desicion of one guy to not allow it.
Then GabeN rolled around and allowed it anyway.
If he did it for publicity or actually remembered one of his old principles for why Steam was created, remains a mystery tough.
Still beats the shit out of living this fucking nightmare.
You can't legally buy an automatic weapon
Should have seen /biz/ when it happened. Fucking Big 5 Sporting Goods and Smith & Wesson gained 6% that day.
I dont think so tim
Did user with the firefighter friend ever deliver?
Do people attack kids? Should they be allowed to defend themselves?
Its not getting a public release.
That has more npc models than most modern AAA games. Wtf...
No, only police, schoolls and firefighters I think can get it by sending a request to the company that develops it.
They check if you really are who you claim to be and then send you a copy for it.
The only way to get it, is to hope that some user gets it for his department and is savvy enough to remove any watermark or otehr id method that could lead them to him and then leak it.
>automatic weapon
AR-15's can be legally brought then legally modified to be fully automatic.
why are the school shooters always white boys?
What's your process for legally modifying an AR into a fully automatic rifle as a 18 year old?
Because black kids are busy shooting the streets.
Cause they actually attend class
>buy AR-15
>buy bump-stock
>full auto AR-15
>EDGE will never be released to the public
That fucking
>I wanna die
>I do not want to die
cycle of mind.
Healthy af etc. It is tiring.
Until few weeks ago I would been OK if anything natural took me away and suddenly nothing is OK. Nothing is OK but I want to live. I want to die. I want to live.
>it will never leak to torrent sites
Take this shit to Sup Forums
>Bump stock
>Full auto
Wasnt the dude expelled for bad behavior?
You cannot buy a 'full auto' gun and the 'assault weapons ban' didn't do anything to semi-automatic firearms.
I don't think a crime has been committed with a registered assault weapon in who the fuck knows how long.
They feel isolated/rejected the most, and think they're entitled to having the best of the best for no reason.
Girls get hit on even if they're ugos, blackies/brownies have their homies, asians only care about school social shit is secondary or tertiary.
you have no idea what an automatic weapon is
consuming alcohol is not a constitutional right
the right to bear arms is a constitutional right
I bet you also genuinely believe the clinton "assault weapons" ban banned semi-automatic weapons.
I think so but hadnt his class already graduated? Thought he was in college or something. Plus this dude wasn't white
It's been months since we learned of this game and we haven't heard anything since.
Leaks when?
Would I be a bad person if I made this a game?
It would be very controversial and would gain popularity because of that.
we can always have more kids
can't bring back gun laws once lost
>buy bump-stock
>full auto AR-15
What percent was the shooter?