Why is the RPGMaker community filled with autistic game dev-wannabe spergs that can't do anything better with their...

Why is the RPGMaker community filled with autistic game dev-wannabe spergs that can't do anything better with their lives?

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You spend your time complaining about them, which makes you below them.

lots of people can not do anything better with their lives, I knew a guy who post hateful message on a imageboard about people who like to mess with RPGMaker, Can you believe it?

t. guy who does absolutely nothing with his

because if they could do better with their lives, they'd be using a real game engine

Let's change the subject of the thread a bit; What's a good RPG Maker game that you'd recommend to others?

RPG fans are already autistic
RPG fans who want to write their own story are supreme autistic

Honestly, I don't know. As soon as you really start to make your own Tileset or Charset and created some midis, you realize that this is some cheap shit. Then you either move on to a decent game maker or you just stop. Good RPG maker games are a thing of the past and only autists manage to push a project on it nowadays.

Back in the days it was a cool tool to make some nice little rpgs but there are way too many good options nowadays if you don't just want to push your bad Hentai art with a lousy 2d rpg.

Corpse Party
Yume Nikki

>autist this, autist that
Please go die in a fire so your cancerous genes and memes don't pollute the planet any longer.