You ARE using this, right?
You're gonna make the diablos wall, Right?!
You ARE using this, right?
>tfw to stupid too use CB
is there any point to using the 3/4/5 phial SAEB on smallish monsters? I always feel like the extra phial bursts explode way too far away and don't do damage, but it's hard to tell. Was doing it to Odo, unleashed 5 phials and it looked like only 1 or 2 actually hit.
Too smart, you mean? CB is for retards
>charge shield
>charge sword
>spam explosions
That's it.
Yea, I'll upgrade it into the Diablos CB, in 4U of course.
World is hot garbage.
I only play high IQ weapons like GS.
>Cuck blade
You need better positioning
Do you even own a Ps4?
More like speed runners. Idiot weapons are LS, Bow, and as a DB user, also DBs.
How do I even charge my shield? I think I know how to charge the sword (I can make it stop bouncing of monsters). And what's the difference between AED and SAED? I just press triangle+circle in axe mode not sure which that is. And then me phials are red or yellow I "reload". It's a really complicated weapon.
I beat the story and Double Tempered Beetlejuice on Xbone
I went back to playing P3rd and 4U. Enjoy your Deviljho that will die in less than 10 mins to endgame gear obtained months prior.
That's not charging the sword. Just look up a video.
>charge blade
t. How do I Guard Point??????????????????
>not using the true patricians weapon
R2+O then Hold Triangle then press triangle (or r2) when lightnight appears.
I think that's how you do it. i don't use CB but i was messing around with it in training room
I used to use CB alot in 4U but it doesn't click anymore.
Lance got my attention though.
>tfw been a Great Sword main with SnS secondary for the longest time.
>Recently added CB to my repertoire .
Truly the most patrician of weapons.
I really liked sns in 3U but CBs are just so much more fluid and aesthetic.
Guys I’m a low ranking hunter like level 7 and I’ve been using LS and grown to hate it due to the situational bullshitz Tried the shooting weapons, and great sword and didn’t like them. What should I use?
I just picked up GS a few days ago, beat the game and got to rank 38. I'm not great, but it helped me get better at positioning and looking for openings. Went back to SnS for a mess around run afterward and I find it a lot more fun now. The natural sheath speed lets you sprint around like a madman and punish whiffs, it's pretty great. It is missing that satisfying huge hit factor though. Blast IG with blast insect dust is also good fun, but I don't currently have anything decent with speed sharpening or handicraft, which hurts it.
I tried learning the cb, but it's really hard landing the super element discharge consistently. Also, it's easy to get stuck in 2h mode and not have enough evade distance to avoid getting one shot by negrigante.
>What is guard point
CB is weird in that is a weapon that makes you think "fuck yeah this amazing why do I ever play anything else" then you get sick of it after 3 hunts and go back to simple weapons like hammer and gunlance for 100 hunts
CB also sucks for mounting. I think it has one of the worst aerials in the game.
but I used it for over 1000 hunts in 4U
Currently feeling the opposite. I see no reason to ever go back to SnS after using CB.
>you deal over 2 thousand damage in 10 seconds using the CB
>everyone screams that it is OP
>you can deal 1.8 thousand damage in 5 seconds with a true charged strike using a GS
>nobody complains
People just like to bitch, I guess.
What is the purpose of a shield if it can't stop a train?
>it can't stop a train
You're playing it wrong then. You can literally block anything in the game with the right build.
>When your teammate is about to get hit by a projectile and you block it instead
Axe is decent for it and the mounting finisher attack is crazy
>mfw powerguarding Xeno's laser beam while your teammate stands behind you unharmed
I've never been so hard in my life
I didn't know you could do that with non-projectile stuff, I want to see video proof of this
pretty sure you need the Guard Up skill to block it, since it's normally unblockable
Once you have it though, you can even chain guard dashes closer to xeno during the laser beam too. It's fucking amazing
Guard Up let's you block anything in the game.
>CB is probably the most technical weapon moveset-wise
>retards flock to it
youtube speed runs probably
there's no point in AED cancelling now that SAED doesn't make you lose shield charge, just spam SAED
Only technical aspect of CB is guard points and most retards don't even know they exist, how they work or how to pull them off.
retards flock to LS user. That's the most weeb weapon by far
High skill floor. It's a technical weapon, but you can just spam axe attacks in lower ranks and get good results. That sort of playstyle only started to get punished by g-rank back in 4U.
>Ever being in axe mode.
that armor looks beautiful
I hope we eventually get that thing where we can dress up however we want while keeping the effects of other armor
Now that you can just spam SAED forever the weapon isn't technical. They made half the moveset completely pointless.
I don't think I've spent longer than 4 seconds in axe mode in my combined 300+ hours of CB use, and those 4 second instances were always by accident
Add hammers to this list. (DB and Hammer User here)
Why does World's weapon and armor designs look so fucking bad
Zorah set looks nice at least
Missed guard points goes into axe mode :^)
List of problems with Monster Hunter World:
>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>Many other actions can also be dodged out, including sharpening
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Except for the hunting horn, the weakest weapon in 4U and Generations, which got NERFED in World
>Even easier mounting thanks to much lower mounting threshold (sometimes activating the mount after 1 hit) and the aforementioned grappling hook, which takes you right back into the monster even if you fall off as a consequence of an attack
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, etc.
>Can refill your items anytime, including potions
>Mantles give you OP abilities like no knockback, never be seen by the monster unless you attack or a full new health bar
>Monsters do not adapt to these changes, resulting in an incredibly easy game from start to finish
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, the main examples of this being Rathalos getting an 80 (!) MV on its head, and Diablos with a 40 MV in its head for blunt weapons. What this means is that monsters die much more quickly, as well as making them more exploitable
>31 Large monsters, most of them are tutorials, gimmicks or irrelevant
>It has the worst High rank final boss in the entire series
>Areas are huge and can be confusing, chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, to the point where hunts can be 50% chasing and 50% hunting
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, making cheap hits from attacks you can’t see or getting combed by 2 monsters at the same time much more common. It wouldn’t be so much of a problem if dung was easy to farm, however they made it even more annoying and time consuming than before.
Continuing on the next post.
Retards and casuals have no standards
>Bullshit was added to the fights to try to make up for the lack of challenge. One example is tempered Teostra, which can roar without any warning and then use a strong attack like the ranged explosion and kill a gunner in one hit for quite literally no fault of their own.
>Tremors, wind stun and others were made to last much longer and added to a lot of attacks also for this reason
>Heartbeat shows about how much health the monster has left
>No G-Rank, though it is expected from the first game in a generation
>90% of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it. Contrary to popular belief, this does not change in high rank, the weapons still look the same.
>New skill system removes negative skills and is dumbed down for the masses
>No gunner armor
>Soundtrack feels generic in certain areas and a step down from older games
>The music for past monsters was changed for the worse
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>DLC is overpriced content that should've been in the game in the first place
>Events now cost money as well
>Quests only available only during a certain timeframe
>Guild and village quests were merged, amount of quests lowered drastically
>Lobby system is garbage
>So is the squad system
>Playing the story missions with other people is bad, with you needing to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal, only then, other people can join.
>Can't give rooms names, nor give them a password
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>The chat is awful and encourages people to not use it
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game
>Transmogging removed, only decorative armor are the ones you have to buy as DLC
>Only 1 palico is allowed, no different classes
Feel free to add to the list
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, making cheap hits from attacks you can’t see or getting combed by 2 monsters at the same time much more common. It wouldn’t be so much of a problem if dung was easy to farm, however they made it even more annoying and time consuming than before.
I know you post this every thread, but fuck off.
Why can't you fags just use the weapons you enjoy without trying to be as contrarian as possible?
>mfw to stupid too use anything other than LS
that's gay
I'll probably still use it 4U style once I finally get the game
because i googled "best mhw weapon" in the beta having never played mh, and some dumb buzzfeed article or something said so.
like 99% of people.
Artificial difficulty isn't real difficulty, subhuman cuck.
>Never played MH before
>Try all the weapons, am overwhelmed as fuck but like CB the best
>Find out later its considered one of the harder weapons to master
Have about 100 HR hunts with CB, 60 with SA, and now I might try either LBG, Lance, or Greatsword.
>Cropping out the free hair prices to make a point
Delightfully devilish user
>It's artificial because I say so.
>Relax gesture is 3.99
hold the fuck up
CB was only a big brain weapon in 4U where you had to GP into super at the right opportunities.
What's the general consensus on the switch axe, I use it but kind of feel like changing
how to cb:
hold b, y+b, hold b
red phials
r2+b, y+b, y+b, r2
charged shield
r2+b, hold y
charged sword, your normal sword attacks now do free ezplosions
y or b until red phials
r2+b, y+b, y+b
I don't understand who'd buy that shit.
Retarded reddit users and shills buying it to "support the developers".
I'd rather donate money directly to the devs then support those disgusting practices
Real talk, why doesn't Gunlance have a guard point somewhere? Like on it's wide swing, maybe.
if you dont use hammer or gs, you can choke on your own dick
You want the game to be even easier than it already is?
Great Sword got one, why can't the others?
IG needs a buff of some kind.
I don't know why you continue to make fun of the Xbox when it gets better framerates for this game than you do.
Entire MH franchise is a fucking artificial difficulty.
Because you trade Lance's defensive options for more burst damage and also more gun
gunlance brothers, assemble
Should I use my zorah gem on a handicraft talisman or a zorah lance?
Zorah GL because it's one of the best in the game.
There's nothing hard about the CB in World. Mastering it consists of spacing your SAEDs properly so you dont fuck up and whiff them. Actually trying to utilize all the different moves it has is using it wrong since SAED is the only thing that matters.
>used to pressing r1 for guard/axe mode
>now r1 makes u run
>keep putting weapon away when i try to smack a monster up
>play hammer
everyone goes for the head whenever the monster gets stunned/mounted and it becomes trip town if I don't manage to throw them away with lvl2 charge. Hunt ends with the tail intact
>play gs
nobody lands a stun ever, we might get 1 if there are 2 blunt weapons in the group and someone manages to get a mount to set them up and I can always count on someone running up behind me to ruin my lv3 strong charges
I want off this ride
It's really not, only guard points are tricky because you need to know when the frames on certain moves trigger it.
Shield charge is simple, you see those phials up there? when they are red, charge the phials into your load, this will fill em up. This is your Axe mode Circle power attacks and also the batteries for a stronger shield.
To power up the shield, go for the SAED move but as it starts don't let it go into a SAED, press R2 instead, the hunter will cancel the axe and do a sword spin, and you'll see the shield icon light up. This will drain your phials and according to how many you had when you did it, will change the duration. Think of them as batteries.
Your shield is now charged and Axe attacks do on average 20% more damage.
If you charge up the phials again, you can perform SAED. AED is what happens when you don't have the shield charge and try to do a SAED.
The sword can ONLY be charged with Minds' Eye when your shield has the phial buff. When you go into a charge phial stance with R2 + O , Immediately hold triangle. Your character will remain in pose and you'll see your shield does an opening animation then close in on it's center, that's when your sword is ready for release.
You'll know you did it right if your hunter will do a smack down sword attack with lightning going off it. If the sword Icon is lit up, you have Minds' Eye on and your sword enjoys higher bounce resistance and the same buff axe mode.
It's not recommended to bother with Minds' Eye against enemies that spend alot of time out of reach because it runs out very fast. It's essential at certain other times and you won't be using axe mode much at all in those scenarios.
IMPORTANT: When trying to "ready" the phial charging, try to use the charge Circle attack, it charges it up much faster than the full triangle combo and ususally a single Circle charge into a Triangle will be enough to get it red.
you can swap the r1/l1 and r2/l2 in the options
to be fair you can switch the r1 & r2 functions in the settings
I'd rather have them both bound to the same button. Now I have to press R1 and R2 for RXA inputs when running.
If I knew that from the start I would have but I'm 50 hours in and used to it for every other weapon. Dunno why only cb gives me problems
>A hunter who can wield a sword that weighs a metric fuckton and swing it around couldn't walk whilst taking a quick sippy. Now he can.
>Surprise, surprise, you can drop your shit if some monster is charging at you
>Does it matter that much?
>Clunky controls and clunky weapons is what made the games not sell well in the first place
>Hunting Horn is incredibly strong now and able to encore without having to replay all the songs. It hits for less but it's way better
>Mounting is a shitty mechanic anyway and not available in every single encounter, nor does it actually provide you with much of an advantage
>enviromental effects in a vast ecosystem makes more sense than desolate wastelands without a single small creature in sight
>you can only refill your items at a camp, not 'anytime'. What the fuck are you smoking?
>mantles are a crutch, and don't last that long. Getting hit by monsters makes them work less, and getting hit once by a tempered monster often depletes a mantle completely
>monster variety is fine, my only complain is a lack of more piscine wyverns
>xeno'jiva is actually cool and well thought out, but granted not as big and dramatic as older bosses
>complains about the game being too easy
>then complains about areas being too big and monsters being too clustered
Are you even trying?
scrubs, my man. fucking scrubs that don't know their place and ruin it for the rest of hammer players. absolutely classless scrubs
Hey i agree, was an unnecessary separation desu.
>Xeno'jiva is just a bigger Gore
>"It's cool and well thought out!"
Xeno is the worst final boss. Deal with it Worldshitter.
It's fun but not the greatest
>tfw trying to get into the 3ds games and can't use anything but LS because anything else feels like I'm fighting against the controls more than the monster
Granted I agree with you on the majority of other stuff (weapon diversity, online garbage), but you've got to be talking shit now, right?
I feel you man. I have big hands, and I literally start getting hand cramps if I play MH on 3DS for over a couple hours
Sorry you couldn't come up with anything imaginative yourself homie