Game Journalists Literally Want Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come Deliverance

>"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."


That's a pretty cool story, user, but there was another user on a few nights ago talking about the benefits of masturbating using only your hips, instead of using your hands.

He implied using this approach was more satisfying, and you could get yourself off almost anywhere at anytime with minimal effort.

It reminded me a lot of the meme about guys brushing up against the water jets in hot tubs to stimulate their dicks. I don't know anyone with a hot tub though, so I can't go and try it. What are your thoughts about this, kino kino?

Why are triggered alt righters spamming this so much???

Why are liberals such faggots?

>starts fantasizing about a group of big black cocks going around and fucking white women in the second sentence

Every day is repost day

I don't think they're the ones triggered. The fact you had to run up here and try to defend your wife being plowed by nogs speaks volumes.

I mesn you're trying to make a better future for your wife's son right?

I sure do love seeing the same threads posted every day by losers among losers

Autism or a bot?

really glad I refunded this piece of shit. I bought it because Sup Forums said it was le epic based game and it's just a buggy railroading turd.
>get told to find a shovel
>okay cool, guess I'll look around the toolsheds and warehouses and such
>oh no actually you have to go find a dog that's barking at some random dude who has a shovel
>after asking him a few things the only possible dialogue option left is "fuck you"
>he runs away
>try to tackle him, slash him with my sword repeatedly, nothing works and he runs out of town
>try to follow him through the gate
>invisible wall
>go pick up the shovel
>guy comes back into town with a group of dudes, big guy fights me 1 on 1
>dodge and deftly slash him over and over again for a solid minute without getting hit
>he taps me with his hammer
>instantly fades into a cutscene of my getting my ass kicked
>lose all my items, but get them ALL back next cutscene EXCEPT the sword and the shovel
>I'm immediately told to get another shovel
>guess I'll look for the barking dog
>nah this time it's just hanging out next to a cart
seriously what a piece of SHIT

>I don't think they're the ones triggered
>as they sit here, posting a thread endlessly every time it's deleted for days on end

now go play assassin's creed origins, soyboy

Autism obviously.

>be so triggered by white history you write cuck porn as a game review
>when people call you a cock you say they are just triggered.

why is Sup Forums so obsessed with black dick? if it weren't for Sup Forums BLACKED wouldn't even be relevant

I mean we can't rule out the possibility of an autistic bot

Don't forget Sup Forums. Both boards should be deleted

7 years

I think it's funny what pathetic faggot losers leftists are. I see you don't because you are one.

theyre shilling to stupid people on Sup Forums who will spend money if they think it supports their identity politics

why are videogame journalists such a joke?

>"These boards think differently than me and should be DESTROYED"

Typical liberals.

>Sup Forums made it into a thing
>big news publications where shitting out articles about how great cucking is
>same news sites talking about ending whiteness, the importance of race mixing and other shit

They also wanted niggers in the game, and look what that got 'em.

>posting non-vidya posts on Sup Forums
Typical nigger IQ.

What's the big deal? There WAS black people in europe at the time. Just because you spend all your time on /pol doesn't change the fact they even have fucking paintings of black people in medieval europe.

stay triggered, libtard

>cringy faggots write terrible and hilariously embarrassing nigger fantasies in gaming media
>"wow why does Sup Forums laugh at me are they obsessed with niggers or triggered by my wifes son"

what? You are the one sperging out, bro.

>deleting containment boards
Good going genius, was letting them into other boards was part of your plan and crashing Sup Forums with no survivors?

>Bunch of hack devs go against GG
>Their games bomb spectacularly
>One dev supports GG
>His game is a massive success

>video game reviews arent about video games
well i guess not if you're a cuck plebbitor leftist then you can't maintain a thought process for 5 secons without thinking about niggers dicks

if only mods would enforce the keep Sup Forums shit in Sup Forums rule

Reminder that actual Czech historians laughed when Daniel Vavra asked if there were black people in 1403 Bohemia.
Anybody have an updated look at KCD's steam sales?

cry about it


It gave me actual hope. Even better this success put Vavra back on the map.

if only reddit would stay in reddit, you wouldn't have to worry about banning everybody right of marx. you have to go back.



Pick one. I'm pretty sure that morbidly obese neckbeard isn't even employed.

Name 5 (five)

>leftists cant stop projecting their cuck fantasies
The most unbelievable part of this is thinking a group of black muslims would be freely travelling the Christian european countryside

Every time retards miss the point. If you want to discuss politics you take it to one of the board for discussion. You aren’t owed a barely vidya related thread to be spammed 24/7 in the catalogue.


You misunderstand me. I'm on Vavra's side.
I was referring to this tweet:
>"We are consulting EVERYTHING with top historians on the period and they laughed when I told them about this nonsense."

>this thread is about a video game review
Nah it's a textbook example of entryism and propaganda. Post a thread with an image and a body of text, make one relevant to the board but leave the other to propaganda purposes. The propaganda element serves as a dog whistle and attracts retards to the thread to make off-topic responses.

is right, Sup Forums's current set of admins and janitors are really quite shit at their job. Their guidelines probably involve "if 1 of the two (image or post body) is relevant to the board, don't remove it," which is an Achilles' heel.

Don't even pretend otherwise you filthy off-topic third worlder.

And yet here you are.

How do i know which line correlates to which game?

Ah my bad. I just remember him and spacedad being the biggest unbelievable faggots from that period.