What was he thinking?

What was he thinking?

aaah.. american

Maybe his butt hurts?

Gamers are the stupidest people on the planet earth

He was thinking
>I'm going to make a fool out of myself so an even bigger loser on Sup Forums will post me

why do those fuckwits make these expositions so damn short. not all of us are manlets

in the thumbnail, I thought he had a giant snake coiled around him.

>mw3 ads
>infamous is on the tv

Got any more? These pictures always fucking kill me.

Doesnt walmart sell chairs???

Such a fine specimen is unconcerned with the ruminations of normies.

Because they are meant for children

Then how are you posting?

Probably how much more fun he'd be having playing some pokemans garbage on one of his handhelds.

>this picture is at least 6 years old

for children

From what?

>he's still having more fun than the bored losers on Sup Forums

Ya know, if he was smart, he'd go over to the outdoor stuff and get one of those collapsible camping chairs.

Maybe the afterlife has great wifi?

>"Wow Cowadooty schure ish pretty schweet!"


Maybe the pants are too small



yeah I thought it was a big coiled up snake next to a desktop PC with the side of the case open

>fatty with no friends too poor to own his own console
>having more fun than me, former cool kid who used to beat those nerds to death back in school

sure fatty

>implying one of those could support his fat ass

Holy shit


Are you sure? He looks white

aren't american chairs extra strong?

Walmart employees don't give a shit about updating the gayming section.

What is this tomfoolery


>hey dude, go grab that controller and then SIT DOWN ahaha I'll take a picture it'll be hilarious

bido and food


Did he knock or pull down that entire shelf?

It's a fucking ancient meme you dips

>No, my feet hurt

Needs more pictures of vidya nerds in public.

Doubtful. If those shelves can support the weight of literal tons of beverages on them every day, they can probably support the extra weight of one morbidly obese man clinging to the side. The overall structure of the shelf is bolted to the ground, but the individual shelves (usually 4ft long each) can bend or break off

>What was he thinking?
Same as this guy was thinking?

t. grocery store employee

Post more manchildren publicly being manchildren so I can feel better about my own station in life.

Nigga ain’t even fat

he's like a kid in a man's body, still trying to wear his kid clothes and play his kid games