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sauce ?

haha i remember tpp too
Condemned 2 sucked.


I thought it was good. People seemed to not like it because of Yahtzee

It ruined a lot of the things regarding the story and whatnot.

>10 years ago

The story in 1 already shat the bed towards the end, and it honestly wasn't amazing to begin with.

I like 1 a lot, but on a second play it really did just feel like a bum fighting game that had a scary atmosphere. The combat still feels satisfying so I'd recommend it and it's worth at least playing once, but it's seriously an overrated game.

Nick > Brad.

Its story had ups and downs.

Turning the Oros into a global conspiracy was dumb, but all the stuff with you having an evil subconscious, serial killer X becoming sort-of-a-good-guy, and him becoming the final boss of the previous game.

Yahtzee's review makes me wonder if he even finished the game
> makes it sound like the fight with serial killer x was the end of the game
> acts like the involvement of a cult was something introduced out of nowhere in bloodshot when it was hinted at in the first game

Also some of the shit in his review was kind of misleading like when he mentioned the armored guys in the museum. He made them sound like some wacky out of place enemy when in reality there was any acceptable explanation for them (i.e. crazy mother fuckers who had raided the medieval exhibits and looted weapons and armor from them)

Reviewers never finish the games they play.

I'm pretty sure he finished it since he mentioned the bit where you explode the final boss' head by shouting.

I stopped watching his reviews because he just has hilariously bad taste.

Travis was a shitter. David was underated, and the show never quite felt the same after he left.

Carlos was worse.

funny how i can't remember anything about this game except for this part and that shitty ending

The hotel is also pretty memorable

My main gripe with bloodshot was how they handled Ethan's alcoholism. He recovers from it by having one short mental battle type thing which isn't how that shit works. I mean fuck in reality he'd probably die of a grand mal seizure by the end of the game induced by the DTs. Then again though that's just kind of a pet peeve I have with the portrayal of addiction in games where the main characters have this huge struggle with alcoholism and addiction but suddenly overcome it in the blink of the eye due to some bullshit moment of awakening when in realty it's a process that takes time and discipline.

t. Recovering alcoholic

>short mental battle type thing
Can't use weed because that's not a Christian drug and can't use cigarettes either because nobody takes that addiction seriously until you die of lung cancer.

It's a video game. Entertainent media will never depict reality accurately. You don't become an expert swordfighter within two hours, you don't kill 500 people as a cannon fodder infantryman without dying, you don't hack the Pentagon by solving crossword puzzles but nobody wants to go through the actual process lest it becomes a walking simulator kind of game.

>10 years ago
fug :-DDD
Streaming was all downhill from there.

>Then again though that's just kind of a pet peeve I have with the portrayal of addiction in games where the main characters have this huge struggle with alcoholism and addiction but suddenly overcome it in the blink of the eye due to some bullshit moment of awakening when in realty it's a process that takes time and discipline.

Then again, you aren't everyone either. People don't drop like flies from quitting alcohol, and it takes extreme abuse of alcohol to trigger a withdrawal.

One of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal is also hallucinations, so...take that as you will

Not him, but eh, it can be done. Certain degrees of realism are always welcome.

t. Swat 3, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory