Tonight is a comfy night for vidya...
Tonight is a comfy night for vidya
That's a shitty looking 'za
what you playin tonight homeboy?
so do you play video games or just watch them like a faggot
>using utensil for pizza
>canada piss
>diet ginger ale
dog why you have a fork for pizza
>diet ginger ale
That doesn't make up for the 'za, my man.
S'pretty gud bruh.
Slay The Spire
I do both.
Can't get greasy fingers while playing on keyboard and mouse, bruh.
>utensils for pizza
>DIET ginger ale
>neon razer shit
>dual monitors but neither are centered
There's nothing comfy about this at all.
Cuz there's chicken on it and I like to eat the chicken separately.
Well, that's like, your opinion, man.
On a Wednesday night?
dog how many different pictures do you have of pizza and forks in front of the monitor
Every night is a comfy night for vidya.
Too many.
do you like playing games or just shitposting on Sup Forums?
that's not ESA
and that is barely pizza
whatever makes you happy i guess
>not making your own '
Serious hope.
Everything about this makes me sick. I hate you, OP.
Fuck em all OP, cheers. I'm having myself a comfy vidya night too
>Only one other post calling out moba/twitch faggotry
Why give him what he wants? And here I go replying (again) in his shit thread.
Been eating 1 meal a day for reasons. Have only a sleeve of crackers and gallon of water for the night, tomorrow night, and the next day until about 5 pm. Had 2 pieces of pizza earlier. Took me like 45 minutes to eat. It's been 3 hours and I'm full. Going to play Hearthstone and Pinball through the night until I can sleep.
looks bretty comfy op
I could go for a $5 pizza but I'm almost broke as shit on [/spoiler]food stamps and down to my last $11 worth of food stamps[/spoiler]
post more slut
>making your own food when I can get someone else to do it for me
ill buy you some 'zah if you post your butt with a timestamp
>he don't even get that good go'za
include paypal email or btc address with timestamp
>comfy vidya night
>just watching twitchfags and reading Sup Forums
holy ding dong diddly cringe, ya worked yourself into a shoot faggot. Go play some vidya
>Tonight is a comfy night for vidya...
>isn't actually playing anything
having a comfier night than any of you
gonno play nier automato
>dissing canada dry
I would get it if you were just shit talking the diet part, but go fuck yourself.
>diet root beer
Ok, I could handle the other drinks, but that is legitimately disgusting.
>Can't get greasy fingers while playing keyboard and mouse, bruh.
You are clearly watching a stream.
Never thought i'd see a non-retarded thumb on /v.
>diet soda
>greasy Pizza
>League of Legends
I never realized how convenient by the slice is until recently. There are times when I just don't want to pay more than 10 dollars and wait for it to get cooked for a pizza even if I get leftovers.
I really wish we had more in my city, we have a local chain and both are on the opposite side of town from me and have god awful parking.
>three slices of pizza
>diet soda
just accept you're fat
I refuse to believe people like this actually exist
Where should I order a pizza from?
Dammit, now i wanna get pizza.
>>League of Legends
You mean DotA2?
we do, and are very comfortable.
No it Says Riot games right there.
how does he play the 3ds
nigger i'm a skinny bitch and i can inhale an entire pizza in one sitting
Last two times I got dominos I got the shits and puked my guts out. Feels bad dood.
what the fuck dude clean your room
He's just looking at his hacked library without any drive to play the games he pirated.
You sure you want to make that claim, buddy?
>can use better ingredients
>can eat it straight from the oven
>not having to deal with wagies
every single time i get pizza hut i shit for days afterwards. not to mention it's expensive as hell and the shits are spicy on my ass from the tasty wing street wings
yet i still eat it every month, funds allowing
stop wasting time watching other people play games and fucking play vidya you lazy fuck.
Wow three fucking slices! I'm sure he is 150 kg obese fuck
>comfy night for vidya
>doesn't play any vidya
Fucking poser shit.
the absolute state of amerifats
now i want to cum all over my wife's face when she gets home
what kind of normie bothers taking pictures of this shit, nobody cares
How the fuck can you play withouth having your main monitor in the centre? This triggers me a lot for some reason
Least he's not ruining YOUR spine. Still Awful habits.
Dear OP,
Where may I subscribe to your blog? I would certainly love to read more details about the mundane events of your personal life if you could only provide such a link or three.
With concern and anticipation,
Legend larry's wings are way better my dude.
just turn your chair bro
Good, you should get pizza for her while you're at it
Yeah i mean, even the viewing angle is weird. How can you possibly even get the idea to have it like that. Baffles me. Shitty pic from google but atleast it makes sense.
>Eating pizza while using a mouse
>Drinking shitty beer
>Using a fork for pizza
>Having that little space for the mouse
>Eating greasy food while playing games
This sounds awful.
All those expensive toys and you don't have a proper rig for the monitors. What a waste.
Fuck you OP. Now I need pizza with my Yakuza 0 and SMB3.
Didnt read the the whole post now did yo ubigboy?
>Canada Dry: Diet Ginger Ale
12/10 patrician taste user. I drink about a 12 pack of the stuff every 4-5 days. Don't listen to the faggots in this thread with garbage taste.
You really can't expect people to read your shitty posts from start to finish so keep that in mind when posting on Sup Forums. Also, it doesn't matter for my post. The guy who took the photo and you are interchangeable anonymous nobodies.
you do realize you can wash your hand right? try not to forget to breathe.
He's right though, nothing that bad looking should be called "pizza".
Whatever you say buddy. Awfully long post for someone that doesnt care.
you know if you fucking pathetic losers didn't turn these threads into blog posts and namefagging they would be allowed
go get some friends
caring so much about something that doesn't fit your criteria of special needs makes you no better
Is there any difference you fucking simpleton?
>2 days until spring break
>want to just pig out on pizza and vidya
>work all week
>midterms right when I get back
I fucking hate my life
>One option is getting your keyboard and mouse greasy just so you can do something for a few minutes while eating
>Other option is just eating it and washing your fucking hands
Hmm, i wonder what option is the superior option.
>all the retards itt
These pics are from 4 days ago
you don't touch the pc with greasy hands retard, it's really not hard. just watch something, eat then wash hands. does your mom still wipe your ass?
Those slices aren't big, they're probably only ~250-300 calories a slice. And the diet soda is 0 calories, so he's pretty much just having a normal sized meal.
>And the diet soda is 0 calories
You can clean your hands and your keyboard/mouse you know
>having a webcam and being watched masturbate by hackers
he is indeed a normie casual wageslave cuck.
>Le cover up your webcam with tape meme
Just because JEW ZUCKERBERG does it, doesn't mean it's true/real. Go put some more tinfoil on your windows and doors. And on your way back to Sup Forums tell them to fuck off.
anybody on your network can do it
doesn't have to be the government or someone you don't know