>shit race introduced >shit jobs introduced >90% of the MSQ takes place in repetitive tundra areas that were already fucking sale because we spent so long in Coerthas in the buildup to 2.55 >story is generic hamfisted "religion is bad lmao" trash that holds absolutely no emotional weight whatsoever and drags on way longer than necessary >weapon and armor designs are all fucking dog shit that NO ONE ever uses for glamour, fucking ever (dude fluffy shirts and striped poofy pants LMAO for EVERY fucking class from levels 52-60) >Idyllshire is an awful fucking place with the worst music of any game I've ever played and the goblin shit was never cool >Alexander was boring shit and steampunk was fucking old a decade ago let alone on HW release >Void Ark and Weeping City are generic trash with no interesting mechanics
Literally the ONLY good thing about it was the art direction in Dun Scaith and Anti-Tower. Everything, and do I mean LITERALLY EVERYTHING else was absolute trash. I have no idea how they retain players with this fucking shit right in the middle of the questline now
Alexander Normal was a pretty good sweet spot for Raids in terms of difficulty. Kinda feel ___Scape is too easy and Coil at the time was a little too difficult (But really, only a little).
Still want Snowy housing.
Leo Bennett
>Still want Snowy housing I think the region is shit but it's also retarded this isn't a thing yet
Jaxson Jackson
Everything beyond 2.55 is objectively shit.
Henry Cooper
4.0 MSQ is objectively better than anything else in the MSQ short of the Warrior of Darkness stuff
Lucas Sanchez
Stormblood is 80% recycled content and ideas so far. All areas are bland desert or water. No races introduced. Only DPS classes added. Swimming is useless especially compared to flying. Music is utter garbage. Bosses are the easiest they've been. Raids are the easiest they've ever been. Story isn't worth mentioning because it's literally never been good and it still isn't. But people will defend it because >WOW SAMURAI SO COOL >OH YEAH KIMONOS >FUCK YEAH AMATEURS PLAYING SHAMISENS SOUNDS GREAT >DUDE HIME CUT WAIFU LMAO
Carter Murphy
Shut up any time, Aroscas Neilinloum, you piece of shit tranny SAM.
Adrian Ortiz
>Weeping City are generic trash Not as much as the entirety of Crystal Tower
Ian Gonzalez
It's all shit user. The people who still support this ride are the ones that can't get off
Brayden Hall
>thread about SB being shit the other day >thread about HW being shit today the absolute state of contrarian Sup Forums but HW was better than SB by miles
Justin Bailey
>2018 >still playing Japanese WoW Why?
John Thompson
RIP daddy
Joshua Edwards
All ff14 races are shit
Alexander Rivera
viera when?
Liam Wilson
Yeah, I sure hated having classic armor designs as drops in ST. Much rather have generic "dude europe lmao" designs for an entire patch cycle
Brayden Cooper
>HS worse than SB so far
>MSQ in SB is rushed as fuck >New jobs are one retardproof but low as fuck DPS class that's dropped hard as soon as you know a fight, and one inferior weeb monk that's just never brought at all >lazy fanservice/recycled models in the 8 man AND the 24 man raids Don't make me laugh
Ethan Gonzalez
Because its better
Jason Smith
I played FFXIV as machinist entirely because gunslinger classes are cool.
Is machinist good in Stormblood? Does it get any cool stuff? I liked playing Heavensward but I'd need a reason to go back for SB desu, with that kind of price tag on it.
Logan Smith
Landon Jackson
Nostalgia and addiction
Owen Sanders
It gets some cool skills. The Flamethrower in particular is kinda neat. Most groups prefer a Bard though and they outshine Machinist in a lot of ways, it feels like they'll never properly balance them.
Luis Russell
nah it's still the worst designed class in the game and they somehow managed to add animations that were even more retarded than the casting animation
Ian Watson
That's kind of a bummer. I was never really that concerned with muh optimal dps parsing, but still.
Machinist got fuckign GUTTED in Stormblood. It's a shell of it's former glory. The class was built from the ground up to be a gunmage with bursts of mobility and I loved it. Then they decided to actually fix bard but dragged MCH into territory it has no buisness being in because FFXIV is homoginised at fuck.
I'm still fucking pissed at what they did. I dropped the class in 4.1 after SE confirmed they have no idea what they're doing and went Paladin with a side of Monk instead.
Lucas Stewart
>former glory
mch has always been a dumpster fire, nobody cares about your heavensward piano keys opener, because it was boring as fuck afterward. XIV is the only game i've played that manages to make guns uncool
Charles Sanders
Wow. I remember hearing about the change to the heat gauge system but I didn't realize it was such a huge change.
>dumpster fire No it was pretty good for a while, before this overhaul anyway
Connor Watson
Gavin Bennett
Lots of people take it over PLD in good groups.
Nolan Brooks
Well I guess this entire thing boils down to 'fuck you I liked it".
I mained Mechinist from the very start of HW to the very end and was pulling decent damage number before they got buffed. I can't stand how it is now.
Instead of the class being built around fun windows of burst that you can go ham in every 30 seconds with a decent enough rotation before that, you have to completely focus on your heat gague and juggle hot and cold as to not go over or under. If i remember correctly they WANTED you to go over so you overheated for big ham bursts but implemented it so poorly that it's a DPS loss if you do what they wanted you to do.
Overall it's a dumpsterfire because SE wanted to make the class even harder and more "rewarding" to play, but just made it unfun as fuck.
Caleb Flores
It's currently "strong" for O5/6/8S due to the fact that in 8 the tankbusters are magic, and in 5/6 the auto-attacks and tankbusters are magic. DRK is still objectively the best class when it comes to magic mitigation, but otherwise it's an inferior tank. Lower personal DPS, less group utility, less (and weaker) mitigation tools PLD copped a nerf in 4.21 but it's still stronger overall.
Nicholas Morgan
This could be said for a lot of the classes in SB. DRK is no longer fun to play either. All 3 healers are braindead more than ever,
Mason Smith
that doesn't help either
Logan Kelly
stormblood was so bad it killed him
Matthew Garcia
this game worth playing? t. extremely indecisive weeb looking for mmo to play
Gavin Moore
free trial, go unlock ninja and release your inner weeb
Isaiah King
If you're a weeb you will be among your kind. Being a non-weeb playing this game is fucking suffering, it's a chore having to deal with people talking about seasonal garbage and naming their characters Uchiha and Kirito and shit. Few people talk and those who do do so in twitter memes almost exclusively.
Henry Wilson
Are you a Final Fantasy fan? If yes, then it'd be a pretty great series entry if it was truly singleplayer and is worth at least doing the trial to see if you'll like it. If no, then do the trial to see if you'll like it.
Landon Powell
being a low key weeb is even more suffering because you have retards using words that have no meaning whatsoever or naming themselves after seasonal shit. discord servers are a dumpster fire of unironic weebs and soyboys
Josiah Bell
>shit race introduced Agreed. >shit jobs introduced Eh. >90% of the MSQ takes place in repetitive tundra areas that were already fucking sale because we spent so long in Coerthas in the buildup to 2.55 As opposed to Stormblood's repetitive desert and repetitive weeb areas? >story is generic hamfisted "religion is bad lmao" trash that holds absolutely no emotional weight whatsoever and drags on way longer than necessary I'm sorry to hear you literally paid no fucking attention to any of it. If you think the point of the story was 'religion is bad' then holy shit you missed the fucking point so goddamn hard The point of HW is about the folly of revenge. Nidhogg's horde is consumed by it for what Ishgard did, which is turn fuels generations of Ishgardians sacrificing themselves to try and get revenge for what Nidhogg and his kin did to them. Never realizing the truth behind the Dragonsong war. When the Ishgardians do, they even try to take revenge of Aymeric/WoL, for showing them that so many died for a false cause 'Religion is evil' isn't the point, you retard >weapon and armor designs are all fucking dog shit that NO ONE ever uses for glamour, fucking ever Subjective. I've seen tons of people using HW glamours. The fuck are you on about? >Idyllshire is an awful fucking place with the worst music of any game I've ever played You clearly never spent 20 seconds in San d'Oria in FFXI >goblin shit was never cool Neck yourself, weeb faggot >Alexander was boring shit It was no Coil, but it's better than "REFERENCE FANTASY XIV" Omega shit. >Void Ark and Weeping City are generic trash with no interesting mechanics Void Ark is the worst raid by far, but if you think Weeping has no interesting mechanics, then you never played the fucking thing when it came out. >ONLY good thing about it was the art direction in Dun Scaith You call the Steampunk designs of Alexander 'old', but praise the 'totally not Alice in Wonderland' designs of Dumb Scaith? Fucking faggot.
Isaiah Thomas
>do the best I can >purple frustrating how rdps is all that matter
Ryan Sullivan
>not being a weeb >posting on Sup Forums >playing a Japanese game
Ryder Gutierrez
It's week 4, rdps isn't a significant factor yet
If you want an orange in 5 and 6, don't get targeted my mechanics If you want an orange in 7, be in i360 If you want an orange in 8, have the diamond weapon
Jacob Thomas
Hold up there user, Omega's story is way better than Alexander's. We get some more background on Midgardsormr, we get Nero and Cid together for more, and we don't have *touches scar* either. Not to mention that Omega is actually tied a bit to the main story with its connection to Midgardsormr and us releasing it to battle Shinryu.
Luis Sanchez
>You clearly never spent 20 seconds in San d'Oria in FFXI Bastok is Worstok, I'll take ass trumpets any day
Camden Allen
you're a stupid faggot and the 3.0 story is the best saga in the entire game
Anthony Allen
Dang I just got to HW and was looking forward to it because everyone said it was the best.
Why the heck did they have yourescue Raubahn and tell you the sultana didn't die right at the start? Completely kills any emotional weight.
Xavier Thompson
>story is generic hamfisted "religion is bad lmao" trash Ah I see you're another bootyblasted Sup Forumsfag. Fuck off.
Robert Ross
It generally is the best, outside of dumb as fuck story patches where they feel the need to go back and resolve/explain shit that nobody cared about, or handwaving basically the whole coup thing.
Lincoln Nelson
Honestly, OP is just a shitpost. The HW story (at least from 3.0 till 3.3, the end of the dragonsong war) is pretty damn good. It's the most compelling storyline in XIV, miles better than the rest.
Robert Lewis
eat my butt and get some taste moron
Samuel Bennett
I love Japanese shit, just the more tasteful stuff, as dumb and elitist as that probably sounds. Miyazaki movies, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, even some more recent normie stuff like Hero Academia, One Punch, Mob Psycho, etc. Most of the FF series is included in that too. Yoshitaka Amano is my favorite artist of all time. I just associate the word weeb with people who watch all the latest shit and always enjoys it even if the quality is questionable, just because it's anime and it's the hot new memeable thing. Darling in the Franxx comes to mind.
Christian Young
I've cleared o8s last week. Why doesn't the game just give me my fucking gear? Why do I have to sit for hours on end every week and do it all over again?
Leo Rivera
>Miyazaki movies, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon Those are all normie as fuck you autist. You're the real fucking weaboo here without a doubt.
Oliver Richardson
I hate everyone and everyone hates me, how do I stop playing this game
Joshua Campbell
I miss the old cleric stance. It made playing healers so much more fun since you had to actually take risk to do damages. Of course it wasn't rocket science, and only lazy fucks didn't want to do it, but it made me enjoy healing for the first time since playing Chanter in Aion.
Jacob Morales
Yeah I know they're all normie. I don't understand how only really liking the normie shit makes me a weeaboo though.
Austin Reed
hey Sup Forums what's an appropriate number to put a piece of ilvl 350 khloe gear with the 4 materia spots if nobody else is selling it? I want to sell it for a lot but not too much so that nobody will buy it
William Collins
People like you are retarded.
Nathaniel Richardson
Looking back at it now I thought that was a great subversion. Everyone thought the Sultana was dead, but Lolorito hijacked the whole plan because he's a businessman first and foremost and businesses thrive with stability.
Kevin Campbell
t. stuck at guardian
Jackson Jackson
check listed pricings if none are availble, check listed pricings of the i320 ornate gear if your server is so dead that there are neither of those, just sell it for 4-5+ x normal price
Charles Barnes
My progression has nothing to do with you. I'm not the one going "OMG I CLEARED THE FIGHT ONCE WHERE'S MY FUCKING LOOT SE HELLO??"
Kayden Lee
look it up on the MB, even if there are none, and check history jack your price up from history too cause if theres none fuck it
Bentley Ortiz
>I CLEARED THE FIGHT ONCE Did you know that fights get progressively easier as the weeks go by because people continue to show up in better and better gear? How many more times do you want me to faceroll the fight?
Aiden Adams
Idyllshire was fine, and the extreme trials was high tier. Else then that, yeah, expansion was pretty shit desu.
Alexander Walker
As many times as you want until you've got the gear you want. If you don't wanna clear it more than once, but still expect to get your gear handed to you after a single clear, then you need to re-evaluate yourself.
Xavier Ross
I'm not going to pretend clearing it after the first time is an accomplishment.
Robert Nelson
Adrian Bailey
Then quit your whining, go back in there and get your fucking gear if you want it.
Daniel Gomez
You don't "get your gear if you want it". It's locked behind a shitty RNG roll and the rest of the playerbase to catch up with you that week. Yesterday I sat in a 7/8 party for 5 hours because retards still haven't cleared Guardian. That doesn't make any sense.
Andrew Green
Why do casual-fags tell me to chill when everything they do actively makes things take longer, eating up what precious time I have in this world? Why do shitty casuals not care about time being finite?
Kevin Adams
Press F to pay your respects
Oliver Howard
Yes, you do. Diamond Coffer is a guaranteed drop meaning each person in your group is guaranteed to get a weapon each clear. After 8 clears you'll have 8 pages, enough to buy yourself a chest piece. That is, unless you're someone like you who doesn't have a raid group, in which case you're an idiot for ever expecting to win any loot when you're raiding with different people each week. Enjoy waiting 8 weeks to buy your first weapon or chest piece, I guess! You've no right to complain, either. Savage has been using this system since HW launch and it's about as fair as you can get. The only new addition is the guaranteed weapon coffer.
Blake Scott
Because it clearly means you hate fun! :)
Never mind their idea of fun is to the detriment to everyone else around them. They don't care. You just going spoil THEIR FUN!!!
Michael Carter
Why did the story quality dip so much after HW?:
>Characters were actually interesting and treated the WOL like a human being >Villains were interesting because you could sympathize with them >Ysayle, Alphi and Estinien's character arcs and chemistry were better than the entire Scions >Ishgard was actually interesting
Then SB happened and then:
>Domans are thrown to the wayside, even though they're more interesting and likable than Ala Mhigo >Lyse >Ala Mhigo is too similar to early ARR >Doma was a culture shock like Ishgard, which is good >Zenos wasn't fleshed out enough, but potentially interesting
Sebastian Collins
Thank XV for eating all of XIV's budget and profits I guess.
Jack Lopez
Think all the effort went into au ra lore and the steppe.
Adam Davis
I hate that Othard has to share expansion with Ala Mhiggo but I don't know if anyone could handle an entire expansion about those assholes.
Jonathan Sanchez
>all the effort went into lore that 95% of the playerbase doesn't know about
>FFXV is eating all of XIV's profits and yet it's STILL a trainwreck
Jeremiah Long
>"But you don't get it! Making new games is hard, so we need to milk XV as much as we can! Please understand."
-Square Enix
Josiah Price
>>Zenos wasn't fleshed out enough, but potentially interesting
I think this is 100% intentional. They fucked up with HW by giving us a conclusion to the expansion with just the expansion launch story, leaving us barebones MSQ for later patches. The MSQ in SB is interesting now that Zenos is alive.
One thing to note, its really damn hard to beat a Dragon vs. Knights theme when your main character is Lyse.
Lincoln King
Until they unlock jobs from roles, its going to be a shit game. Players care too much about gameplay customization. Mobas and WoW exist.
>drk is a tank when its historically been a suicide dps job Fix it.
Colton Hughes
>One thing to note, its really damn hard to beat a Dragon vs. Knights theme when your main character is *clenches fists and asks people to rush to their deaths* Fix't that one for you.
Zachary Fisher
DRK has been a tank before and should have been a tank in FFXI if it wasnt for ninja being the best tank. Also out of the 3 tanks, DRK was the coolest one in HW. Here's hoping they give us back the DRK of olde.
Jayden Young
Red Mage is giving frustrating me in a unique way. It's great that I keep getting verstone and fire procs but holy fuck just let me use my Impact proc already. It's some kind of proc based blueballing and I hate it.
Benjamin Powell
I really wish they'd dump roles already. Why do I have to sit through playing as a GLD, just so I can hit level 30 and be a PLD? Why can't I just start as a PLD? It's so archaic.
David Hughes
ADHD kids think all MMOs are just a diablo clone that you click through endlessly to show off your gear. Kind of weird to do that in a game focused on PVE, though.
Brayden Reyes
I'm at level 28 in the free trial and I'm not sold on FF14.
Is there any reason to keep playing that I haven't seen yet?
Jaxson Hall
There is zero difference between a GLD and PLD in lower levels aside from a few extra stats. Even if they removed GLD and made you start as a PLD, you wont get any of your cool abilities until later on.
Sebastian Cooper
Its been tanky, but has never been a tank prior to 14. High HP and armor, and lifesteal are requirements for a DPS that uses health as a resource. There's a reason Warlocks are the tankiest casters in WoW by miles.
Regardless, the game needs specializations badly. It has less than a third of the class options of its competition without gameplay complexity to compensate.
Christopher Stewart
>religion is bad lmao You've been putting down multiple religions for the whole fucking game you goddamned retard, or are you just pretending like none of the pre-HW primal fights happened?
Aaron Green
Sandiora music was fantastic.
Ian Brooks
Yes, in about 22 levels and 4-5 patches.
Nathaniel King
I like how they purposely tried to make him a monster and unlikable, since Gaius and Regula were so loved, and even then people ended up loving Zenos for his fight autism.
Chase White
>forcing players to level alt classes to progress your main Shitty game design.
Ethan Cooper
Can we talk about the blood out of mouth texture they absolutely love?
Christopher Martin
are you really surprised? "lol just focus on grafix" has been SE's modus operandi for fucking years now, just look at all the awful games and ports they've released lately that's also a big reason 1.0 was shit
Aiden Roberts
They removed that.
Kevin Howard
>It has less than a third of the class options of its competition without gameplay complexity to compensate.
You can play as Arms, Fury and Prot Warrior in just a single job in FFXIV with WAR. You also have WAY more buttons and way more complexity with WAR than any of the warrior specs in WoW. Why do I care about playing a DPS WAR when im already a high DPS WAR while also being a tank in FFXIV?
Specs in WoW are fine but dont pretend like they made the game more complex, all it did was heighten your class's ability to specifically do something. I much rather do everything in one than specialize in 1 of 3.