Always here how bayonetta is so amazing

>always here how bayonetta is so amazing
>finally get to play it on the switch
>its mediocre at best
Okay, so obviously there hasn't been a single good nintendo game in decades, but why are nintendies constantly claiming their god is shitting out masterpieces? Do they genuinely believe it or is it console warring? Every single time I get my hands on a game they constantly brag about its shit. Every single time.


Surely you bait, user. No one's claiming Nintendo's god like. If anything, it's the opposite. The Switch itself has just been doing well.

That said, Bayo has been around for 8 fucking years on just about everything except handhelds until now. Nintendo don't even own the IP or make the games. It's Platinum.

Bayonetta existed on a number of different consoles before the Switch.

What faults did you find with it, mechanically?

>No one's claiming Nintendo's god like.
>BotW is a masterpiece!
>Bayo 2 is a masterpiece!
>Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is a masterpiece!
>Wonderful 101 is a masterpiece!
>SMT 4 is a masterpiece!
>Kid Icarus Uprising is a masterpiece!
>Strange Journey is a masterpiece!
>Animal Crossing is a masterpiece!
Again and again and again. And every time I get my hands on them I find out they are bad. Like so bad I'm genuinely confused as to how people can honestly put them on a pedestal. Like you'd have to be the kind of person that ONLY plays nintendo consoles exclusively, despite supposedly liking vidya enough to post on a vidya hobbyists board, to actually think these games are anything but shallow shit.

>What faults did you find with it
its like dumbed down dmc for underage weebs

You dont have an argument


Name some games you consider masterpieces.
