Which RPG has the best battle system?

Which RPG has the best battle system?

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fpbp lol

You posted it, OP

Ni No Kuni

The Temple of Elemental Evil.

It absolutely shocks me still that next to no games have even attempted ripping off this series' combat system. It's just so incredible, it doesn't make sense. The only one I know of that was similar was Child of Light. Also Feena is mine.

A battle system so good it got me to play the shitshow that was Grandia Xtreme just to get more of it

I know right, how tf did it take 14 years for a dev to steal it? Maybe it was because of how unique it is, it would be too fresh if you steal it within like a decade of release.

Interesting, I see it was released in 1985, what makes it so good?

oh wait im a retard, the game was released 2003. looks like a CRPG type game?