Jesus Christ the gameplay in this game is fucking awful.
Jesus Christ the gameplay in this game is fucking awful
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I used to hate it too but it's really not worst when I started playing it a certain way
Don't level any of the green path and don't worry about oils. Only craft potions and bombs when you feel like you need them
Just level Ingi, quen, and light attack and then whatever else you want
Only do sidequests that interest you and for the love of God just avoid those spectre bossfights until you craft the right bomb for them
20 Kingdom Come bux have been added to your account
It's not a game for ADHD combatards the main focus is the story and dialog
I think I could get into this game if Geralt didn't steer like a fucking tank. He handles so goddamm clunky, and it always feels like there's a delay in my inputs. Sorry, Witcherfags, but tight controls are more important than story depth. In fact, story always comes second to the GAME part of a game. [Spoiler] READ. A. BOOK. I recommend Dostoyevsky
Did you try the alternative movement setting?
Witcher 3 is complete shit
Literally any gameplay with a controller is fucking awful
How would this change the core problem of how his movements correspond to inputs? It's laggy and clunky because of the way it's programmed
It's better than 99% of other RPGs just by virtue of being bearable. I can't even think of any better examples besides souls, dark messiah and dragon's dogma.