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I wish this game didn't flop
I'd like to believe a Switch sequel is possible someday
At least it showed Ubisoft what NOT to do when making Mario + Rabbids, namely using a godawful art direction and manual aiming in a turn-based game.
I know that feeling too.
This game was fun.
Lucina is really cute in this game
Fun game, horrendous art direction and style. Glad I played it but I would kill for a remake that drops this abortion of design.
will they release this on steam?
well i bought it.
>sequel that improves/expands upon the ideas never
Oh well I suppose.
Too western for the weebshits that plague the modern Nintendo fanbase.
>horrendous art direction and style
I thought it was a really good and unique art style.
Better than generic anime shit.
>highest damage output in the game
>zorro but as a thick latina.
How can the other girls even compete?
Holy shit that's a blast from the past
by being the cutest
>try an Oz team
>Dorothy easily gets killed due to odd range of weapon on weakpoint + low HP
>using Dorothy ever outside of LTC
I was on the fence about buying this for some time, but I finally decided to not buy it after finding out Wil Wheaton is in the game because I cannot stand him.
I was trying something different by using all 4 Oz characters. The Fox is great and all but sometimes I want to try the other characters
I know, I'm just shit at the game and always use Tin Man + The Fox + someone filler characters,
Same, it came out at a bad time
It left a nice OST
Its Fire Emblem remixes were great.
was this game good? how did it play like?
Like a mix of X-com and Valkyria chronicles.
It's great.
Yeah, like this. You had no preview map so you had to rely on looking around your surroundings as you move through the map. Positioning was more valuable because you had to rely on your team's sight to see if it was safe to continue or not. You couldn't sit on one spot too long as enemy reinforcements came in.
Also the weapons were pretty varied from the usual rifle to leaping across the map, stun bombs or a lure to divert enemy's sight/movement & expose weak points.
>You had no preview map so you had to rely on looking around your surroundings as you move through the map
So like Fog of War?
Should've come out on switch. That was their biggest mistake.
Although I think it is a decent game, it's not hard to see why people are turned off by it.
Yeah. It also added more stuff like sneaking to avoid attention, taking cover & watching where you walk (underground enemy, ceiling, bombs on the wall near the end of the game). The game looks cartoony but the difficulty didn't fuck around
There's literally nothing wrong with the first half of that list.
I was literally arguing with someone about this, they can make a sequel and improve the end game a little bit
Still confounded towards them giving you Dorothy on the same mission they introduce enemies immune... to Dorothy's weapon. She actually is a pretty good character with some big strengths but hard to give her a fair shot after that fiasco.
She tears through Crashers and Berserkers like no ones business. Give her the auto turret to draw fire and let her get in close during cover fire and it is solid gold. One of the best toolkits for the extreme difficulty mod.
I liked the first four things you listed and I picked the game up because of that.
>godawful art direction
Choke on a dick the art was beautiful in this game, Mario + Rabbids looks like plastic ass.
>extreme difficulty mod.
There's a difficulty mod for this game?
The base game is hard enough as-is.
The comic book aesthetic was a little too much.
What faggot kid is gonna be interested in a comic book about characters from american lit. in a steampunk setting?
Why COMIC books?
Yeah, after the campaign you can apply mods to levels to increase the challenge but also increase the rewards/medals. No steam regained from backtracking, hiding enemy life, couple others I cannot rememeber and one that just overall jacks up enemy life and damage and their total available AP during a turn.
Good way to farm up enough medals to unlock Stovepipe but it is ruthless
I am prepared.
Okay, for real, though.
Take out the Amer. Lit. characters (and Wil Wheaton) and it gets a pass.
>Not liking American Literature
Commie get out.
Okay now I'm interested to this. How hard is this game? Is it as hard or harder than FE Conquest Lunatic?
Well god dammit that is not leaving my head for a few hours now. How the fuck do I still perfectly remember this entire thing?
Listen here, buttmunch.
You know I'd be ready to throw down hella bread for a game with characters from American literature...
But NOT if it's gonna be steampunk AND have ayyliens.
Devs thought 'if we're gonna use American folklore/lit characters, might as well go all the way'. Also the art director has a thing for the comic art style. They still have a thing for it if FEH Arthur is anything to go by
Wait other people actually played this? Awesome
I'm sorry what, is there Fire Emblem DLC or is that too good art
another codename steam thread? !
Because it was the Ultimate Showdown
of ultimate destiny
Main quest was great, side quests were pure torture (but had nice, surprisingly dark plots). Fuck that book store forever.
I hope IS uses all this FE dosh to get creative like with Codename Steam again. Or Advance Wars sequel.
Wow, I don't know how but the artstyle looks a whole lot better on him than it did in Codename STEAM.
It's probably not that hard, just be careful where you move to and keep moving. Take full advantage of whoever you take with you & be mindful of movement usage vs. saving steam for overwatch attacks.
Is this game worth picking up?
I tried to clear the Oz stages first with an all Oz team. I did it but my score wasn't pretty.
This game's problems:
It's kind of claustrophobic- the limited vision is a good mechanic, but it's a chore to get your scope of things as a squad
It's got watered down depth compared to FE and Advance Wars, when it comes to formations of units on the grid
The aliens are fucking boring compared to the heroes- they are just not very fun to fight, and have no charm to their art style
It's one on those games where you wish everything was higher resolution so it was easier to get comfy with. But I fucking applaud the efforts made to make a game like it.
this desu
The art for steam is absolute trash and mario rabids looks like a mario game, what else would it look like?
It goes for 4-5 burgers, these days.
I got it on sale during some black friday sale at best buy for $2.
Absolutely, especially if it's cheap.
To be fair the man's practically an American super hero cartoon anyway.
I rabu Tiger Rirrie.
Ho lee fuk
Knowing Canuck bucks I'll be seeing it 20 minimum though
I live in Canada and I saw it around 30 bucks in stores I think.
Closet 10 - 15 online.
Amiibo unlocked 4 extra characters. Ike was fucking shit and is easily the worst character in the game due to the ragnell dealing fuck all for damage and Urvan being melee. Marth has fuck all for steam regen but had a really strong melee crit with his rapier and ignored enemy overwatch. lucina was limited in how she worked since her bow had a weird arc mechanic but it was very strong. She also had Lion's jump and gave a 10% attack and def boost(didn't stack). Robin was the best of the bunch with a 3 steam rocket that had overwatch but dealt no knock back and a stun mortar that wasn't blocked by walls. His ability was a gimped Carter's that gave only half the boost for whatever reason and didn't stack. Using all 4 caused the game to use fire emblem music and it was pretty cool. But none of them could change their boilers or subweapons, leaving Ike to wallow in mediocrity and Marth to rely on someone shoving his ass(typically Ike if it's a fire emblem run) or TinMan to actually do anything. Needless to say Ike and Marth made me drop my merciless fire emblem run shortly after the mansion level.
I'm not convinced that Codename STEAM wasn't some kind of elaborate tax scam to create the most thoroughly unmarketable, least desirable game you could possibly design.
Was in development prior and was a rare original IP for the studio, which had worked on the 3DS Zelda remakes and had a lot of experience developing for the 3DS. It wouldn't have been on the Switch regardless, unless they canned what they had already done for the 3DS one. The game seems to have been a small passion project.
Yeah, I didn't really like the alien designs even when it was revealed to be Lovecraftian aliens. Alot of the focus must've been on showing the glowing weakpoints on the 3DS screen before everything else. And it could be a slog trying to get through levels without losing members if you didn't take advantage of the save points. They should add a way to widen sight of enemies at the cost of a weapon or whatever.
>What if instead of making the ravenously desired sequel to our beloved series that is guaranteed to sell tens of millions of copies, we make the ugliest, least marketable flop ever and sell less than 15,000 copies
>that is guaranteed to sell tens of millions of copies
There's a reason why they shitcanned it user.
It is more playable on a new 3dsXL?
that's federation force
My favorite team is Scarecrow, Carter, John, and filler, usually lion or queequeg. Scarecrow blocks LoS and sets up mines, carter lures shit in, and john one hits everything with his grenade. Shit's great.
Yeah, enemy phase can be fastforwarded at x3 instead of x2.
I gonna get it if I see it in a future visit at store.
I just listened to the song for the first time in like 10 years earlier today and now I'm seeing this
no way this is coincidence, there are forces at work here
The art style is actually great for the game, but the character models are not nearly as good as the drawn art. The character roster is also pretty great, with both classic and obscure units. The line of sight mechanic is pretty good, but could have been even more fleshed out. Sequel never ever.
Yeah creators should never have new ideas.
The art style looks goofy sometimes, but it's not bad. It'll take miracles if they decide to port/remake this game & avoid all the shitflinging that came with the last one like the VAs casting (even if the voices in-game are decent)
Maybe if they had good new ideas they wouldn't have made Codename Steam
Flop is a dependent on how much resources took to make it
If mother Fucking Dillons Rolling Western can suddenly get a third game 5 years later, anything can happen
What was the drama with the voice actors?
S.T.E.A.M. is full of great ideas though.
One of the voice actors was a massive SJW faggot.
Obviously this meant that Sup Forums had to denounce the entire game.
>We aren’t allowed to have creative new IP’s
Fuck you
Will Wheaton voiced Honest Abe and Adam Baldwin voiced Henry Fleming. So you had dumbasses on both side of the gamergate fiasco calling the game out for supporting the other side.
Favorite new IP of last year, damn. Ah well.
Lion the Lion with the Lion Canon
The artstyle,characters, story and setting is the dumbest thing to complain about
This game is frankly the Wonderful 101 of RTS games
I'm planning on replaying this game soon thanks to all the threads we've been having.
How much grinding does it take to unlock Stovepipe? I bought a digital version and deleted it to make room for more stuff, so I'll be starting with a fresh save.
>S.T.E.A.M. is full of great ideas though.
Whiiiich don't actually matter because some genius decided they should make a steampunk Americana RPG using the DS-shovelware artstyle, ensuring that it was the most thoroughly unappetizing product you could physically see on a store shelf.
It's really not, considering it's the reason why the game flopped so hard that it poisoned the well for anything in the same vein to come after it.
One normal playthrough and then a merciless run gets you pretty close I think. You need 100k coins to unlock him from what I remember.