
Every thread
It stops being funny after engie jumps into cartoon land.

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I honestly miss these days so bad. When Valve was king and PC gaming felt like the wild west.

>ITT: lazy fucks who don't upload anymore

>lazy fuck
I’m sorry to tell you this user...
He’s ded

It's been 6 years

TF2 came out in late 2007, idiot box 1 came out in 2008, so about 10 years


want to cry? this is the song he listened to as he passed away

why do the best people suffer the worst

Fuck you user, I don't even like Kitty and that got me right in the feels.

I got a package

oh you fucker

to make it even sadder he always was looking towards the future talking about what he would be doing in 10 years, 20 years from now when he was 18

>GMod now consists of roleplay garbage, noone builds cool things anymore

I'm the wheel man.

That's what I thought at first, but then I decided to watch the whole thing and cartoon land turned out to be entertaining.

Remember when role play was that, you used to play the character you built to a t and none of this rule bullshit?

build what? a penis rocket? a chair with a million balloons on it? a tf2 rube goldberg sex machine? yeah real funny faggot.

>best people
>furry oc eceleb
cancer was way less than he deserved

All of those things sounds more amusing than a bunch of autists screaming that you aren't following the rules on a roleplay server.

>calling anyone an autist when you find a rocket ship that's shaped like a peepee "amusing"

It's not THAT amusing, but we can agree that anything is better than roleplay servers.

He certainly knows that.

He died of fucking cancer

>P.S. A word to the tards: I'm not dead yet, so keep your pants on. ;_;

god damn, rewatching it all over again I just now notice how much of a talent Kitty had for sound design
it's always gotta be the good ones that go too soon, ain't it? could've been extra credits or game theory, but nope, had to be Kitty