This is not okay

This is not okay

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what are you gonna do about it, nerd

Asian Lara was pretty cute tho
definitive edition Laura was awful

>muh female characters arent attractive enough for me!!!1
who gives a fuck. at the end of the day, the new tomb raider games are way fucking better than that buggy pos underworld.

Wow Chloe let herself go.

Kinda looks like my body but with tits.

Ruined Chloe is a travesty and I dislike Uncharted.

I'm gonna play the old Tomb Raiders until the developers get their shit together

Like your style

Maybe if you're 10 years old

old tomb raider games didn't quite have their shit together either. The movement controls are the wonkiest shit out there

i will never understand what the actual fuck is this pic trying to convey.

you need to post old lara -> new movie lara, who looks like a fucking malnourished boy.

underage detected
ugly skank detected

whoa whoa whoa

you can body shame a video game person but don't act that way toward a real dude with feelings

>tfw i prefer pajeet Chloe

is there something wrong with me bros

>Pandering to feminism and easy gameplay


>Reliving the hard ships of gaming
>but like... with a totally hot chick!

yes I can shame them

the original was FINE and they ruined her in the movie.

Laura is an improvement, though

>the hard ships

I don't understand why they redesigned Chloe to make her Indian side way more pronounced but left her with the Australian accent 100% intact. It was just weird.

Chloe got a little thick nothing wrong with that. women that are skinny tend to be really bitchy because of their low bf%

Sexy is the new Hitler, bro.


Fuckin NuLara fags

Giving female characters realistic body proportions isn't ok?

Go outside and talk to a woman who isn't your mom for once, asswipe

Its ok with me. What am i supposed to be upset about

I will never be okay with what they've done to Uncharted. Nadine was the single worst thing to happen to the series, and Chloe from 2 was one of the best things.


Fuck off with your spam, waifufag

this is not ok

>hard ships
That's right, i said it!

I don't give a fuck about realism in gaming unless it's forced upon an already iconic character based on unrealistic proportions like Lara, go shit up new ip's or another franchise you fucking fool

go back to resetera faggot.

But I'm sure you're fine with the Dark Souls/BotW/Skyrim "thoughts on this game??" threads that get reposted daily

No, its fine
She is mommy tier
First time I played the game just for the sexy girl

No, but what's your point? That's not even a good comeback. If you're on Sup Forums for any real discussion, you're not in the right place. This site is for dumb shit like this. When was the last time you were on Sup Forums and actually engaged in a discussion that wasn't absolute shit?

NuLara is a revolting piece of shit that needs to be abused maliciously. She's a knuckle-dragging barrel of horse spunk that exists to be degraded and humiliated.

it is okay, lara finally looks like a human being

also they perfectly nailed her for the new movie

If you think this site is the place for dumb shit like this than why are you bitching about it in the first place?


>underage detected
This would have more impact if you didn't type like a teenager yourself. Not trying to "take a wee", as it were, just offering some helpful advice. :)

>i'm gay

Because I want it to fucking change. Some people on this website actually give a shit about discussing games. It's ruined by people who hurl the word 'faggot' around and generally avoid real discussions. I tank through all the shit just so I can have a legitimate, real talk about games, which I love. It's worth it, but I'd still like for it to change.

faggot detected

why it look like she laughin in Ravenholm

They turned Chloe into a pajeeta. Ofc she looks ugly.

You definitely are gay if you think she is anything other than gross looking
Everything in life isn't gonna be tailored to your every preference, no one gives a fuck if you want it to change or not. It is what it is.

that's a man
wasn't she always?

You don't need to tell us that. I already know you're attracted to males (females).

So am I. Vikander's bod is great.
You can be both gay and literate at the same time, sweetie.

You classic fags are the ones with this weird ass obsession about an old polygon model.


>nu-lara is bad

You guys are fags


Yeah, you're who I'm talking about. Literally proving my point.

>maybe if you’re 10
>unironically prefers pornstar with double guns “babe” lara

nulara was made for animal dick

Waifufags are sad creatures

>Those Animopron vids

>Bow and arrow instead of dual pistols
>Whiny as fuck at all times
>Not even a Tomb Raider anymore, turned into a Nathan Drake ripoff

It's not even the look of her for me, it's more so that they ruined her character's entire personality. Turn her back into an acrobatic treasure hunter, that's all I want. Although it would be nice to get her signature leotard/short shorts back

They were talking about the games. Are you retarded?

Link to full picture pls.

>dual pistols
>no visible additional ammo storage slots

hehehe nothing personnel kid.

>ruins 22 year old iconic character with new design
>people complain
>"I can't believe people prefer the old version, they must be sexist/underage!"

Fucking retard

they had to make them both add like 10-15 pounds because thats the new 'normal' in america
hell they probably still look skinny to those fat tubs of butter

I think we all know where she keeps her extra mags ;)



Only old Lara makes sense. They were trying to be more "realistic", but that gen Z whiny skank wouldn't stand a chance against mercenaries.
It easier to believe in existence of the posh cold-blooded lady with acrobatic and marksman skills.

I dunno user, i was born in 1990 and old lara always seemed gay as fuck to me. I had a playstation, played II and skipped the rest. Nu-lara betta

You stupid millennial... eww. Go get a job and move out of mommys house and get married you lazy entitled millennial.

>old lara always seemed gay as fuck to me

You might be gay yourself, user

Kek, I wasted around 15k ammo in the last revelation.
There was probably a truck full of ammo nearby driven by Winston.

not buy it?

Sure showed them.

Nu-Lara is far superior the dumb old bimbo looking one.



Chloe was always a poo in the loo, wtf.

Chloe was never of Indian ancestry until her history was retconned in The Lost Legacy.

The new Lara is a deranged psychopath. The whining and whimpering is the trigger rite to activate her rampage persona.

Well. technically he did.

>The movement controls are the wonkiest shit out there
they are second nature to me.

>60 inch waistline
>torso as big as brock lesnar
go back to tumblr faggot

Why would you ever make the Aussie sex goddess into a poo?

>"Admit it, you're gonna miss this ass"

What did she mean by this?

Honestly Chloe looks the same but a little older

Fuck off Harrison Jones nu-Lara is pure

She was abused maliciously. Nu-raider was borderline abuse porn even before the death animations.

*blocks your path*


Accent is barely affected by genetics user, it's much more nurture than nature.

But why change her character into an Indian? She wasn't an Indian until this game.

My point is that after two games of making her very much Australian, they suddenly decide she's also super Indian kind of but not really. It comes across as awkward.

>Tomb Raider workout

But she already "worked out" for her role when she sucked off Weinstein

So you rather play a shitty game but with a main character who appeals to your dick?


I can’t fap to this: The Thread

Stop im gonna cum

>not wanting to go nut to butt or ass to face with new Chloe

There is nothing wrong with her

They gave her the looks nice and squishy in the right spots but dense and toned everywhere else.

She is cute