Why isn't Hollywood making this shit?
Dark Souls Movie
>movies based on vidya
>2 hours of a guy picking things up and reading the description printed on the bottom
no thanks.
A movie about what ? The illusion of a lore ? A movie about a nice atmosphere ? A movie about some dude hacking weird looking creatures over and over ? There's no real story to be told as a movie format in Dark Souls.
Because zero mass appeal? They'd have to shoe-horn in a love interest, a smart-mouthed nigger sidekick, and an antagonist who stands against American values for any Hollywood exec to greenlight it
There is no boy pretty enough to play Gwyndolin
>wanting Jewwywood to ruin your favorite vidya franchise
Because Hollywood is intellectually bankrupt.
They can't make a Souls movie. They'd shoehorn it in to one of their existing templates.
Because Dark Souls has nowhere near enough concrete lore to it to make a feature film out of.
>Love Interest: An Original Character
>Nigger Sidekick: Solaire
>Evil Bad Guy: Prince Gwyndolin and the evil King Gwyn
There. Easy Sleazy,
>wanting hollywood jews ruining a good game and brand
What are you, retarded?
I love Russian girls, they are very good at dressing up
They have to be since there is such a dearth of males in Russia.
I would watch a ds movie by Mel Brooks
how do you fit an entire cycle into a 2 hour long movie?
because the MC would be a stronk female and for every boss she would summon original characters. And every one of them would be black.
A miniseries then.
>the expendables but its dark souls and all the summons are old action heroes
fund it
literally every hollywood movie ever.
I will never understand this strange american fetish of watching japanese things being defecated
I want Fire Keeper to touch me. ;_;
It would be an interesting film experiment if they kept the overall atmosphere of melancholy and muted expressions.
I don't understand how these gif's work. Where's the loop ?
is this from the new game from announced?
Because the story is a mess, intentionally so, but still. It's also something that couldn't translate well in a 3 hour movie which would get shat on for being way too long anyway.
yet again a fucking mutt wants to stain games that revolve around gameplay with a movie.
All they would ever do is make one character black and you know it. You'd get black crestfallen or solaire at the absolute most.
As bad as this sounds, it's not impossible to make this good.
For one, you got mostly easy casting.
Second, if they focus solely on the world travel and survival while keeping the dialogue to a minimum, it could easily be good. Keep things muted.
>let's make a movie about a game which is without story
Retard that you are you'd want every game to have a movie. Movies based on games never succeed and were never good. OP is a faggo once again.
Frampt is already in Firelink when you get there to expose your goals. Also reduce number os areas and bosses.
Part 1 is getting the Lord Vessel after beating Big&Small
Part 2 is killing Seath and 4Kings then discovering Gwyndollin was behind it all so you go back to finish him. Gwyn is just a mindless hollow your character can finish rather fast but dramatic, with a riposte. Movie ends with your character facing the Flame leaving it dubious to what path he chose.
I would watch a DeS movie by Mel Brooks.
You just make them not loop, user. It' an option in most programs that can export .gif files.
>movie based on a game with almost no real plot
They don't have the skill, it'll have to be a Netflix thing.
Make it like the Blame! movie in which they take a small sidestory and run with it.
>half you morons dont even understand the game
>hollywood never has barefooted waifus
>the combat would be nothing but CGI shit
>a good video game movie hasnt existed in 20 years
Dark Souls doesn't have plot, it has lore.
Apparently it's true. That one is only 4 frames.
It would have to be about Lordran's fall in the early days of the Undead curse, then it could be good (but would probably still be bad)
thats the guy from vikings. check what movies he's been in to find out what this is
Why would you even want that?
>Firekeeper is Kate Blanchett
>Solaire is Jason Statham
>Frampt is The Rock
>Gwendolyn is that manly female knight from GoT
>Biggie and Smalls are just completely CGI
It's the guy from Sons of Anarchy. It's King Arthur.
If they got the crew that made the Dark Souls 2 trailers it would be golden.
If you have to make it mirror the events of the game (instead of ,) the best case is that it's an ok mid-budget art movie that leaves you wishing you had just played the game
Video games and movies have completely different methods of storytelling. You'd wind up with a bunch of contrived bullshit side story filler and nothing that represents what the player experiences by playing the game.
You forgot
>leading actor playing the MC is black
Buddy cop movie with solaire and onion knight
"plot" is too incoherent and convoluted to convey in 2 hrs long movie for mass consumption
what a horrible movie
it's from this king author movie that came out a couple years ago complete disaster in everything but CGI
I think riddly scott could probably do it. Since his movies are so symbolism dense. (not that 90% of that isen't artistic license)
Fuck off you fucking idiot.
What is it with you retards wanting movie adaptations of every video game and video game adaptations of every shitty TV show?
>no story
>no characters
>inconsistent garbage instead of setting
there's an utter lack of dark fantasy in movies so it's not like it would be a entry in a saturated genre. Although I can't imagine it playing out much different from the average chinese or korean war movie.
>Why isn't X a movie?
Because trying to convert something to fit into a 2-3 hour time span and make it in budget means that everything that made the original good will be chopped into pieces and the tone butchered
>Making a movie based on a game that has zero story
Because that worked out so great for Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Doom.
2 hours of the main character slow walking into rooms, being monologued at by people who manically cackle to themselves before he slow walks out of the room into another room, where some big dude slowly rises out of a chair and slowly picks up his weapon before looking at the camera and the bombastic orchestral scores kick in and they have a star wars fight.
No thanks.