
how does penguin mouth feel like



Wrong board.

But I dual boot it with windows!

like a bleeding dick

Jesus, no wonder Lovecraft was terrified of those things

I did years ago, haven't looked back since.

I have tho

No Grape-kun, you're dead

>non-free or contrib
Shouldn't it be saying restricted or multiverse down there instead?

I don't really care. I just like that vrms doesn't notice it's being run through the windows linux subsystem.

Is linux worth getting if you have almost no knowledge of coding or anything related to it?

Why do I want to put mu dick there?
What is wrong with me

Avoid it at all costs if you do not want to constantly micromanage everything you do on a computer.

I am mildly autistic



Gonna have to be more than just mildly.

It's pretty comfy, but only if you want to invest the time in setting up everything yourself.

Pre-packaged distros are okay, but Linux really only shines when you choose every aspect of your system yourself and configure everything to be exactly what you want.

One of the things I like most about linux is being able to write scripts for commands I don't want to remember then bind them to hotkeys in my window manager, or I can launch them regularly with cron for backups.
Also having numerous options for software is nice, don't like X well you can try Y, Z or A etc. and a lot of the software has nice features you can extend, like I've wrote a batch renamer application that I could add directly into the context menu for my file manager so I can use it quickly on my file system because the file manager didn't have a good batch renamer by default.

It sounds like it would be great if i knew how to program or code. Whats a good language to learn for it?

How to make Linux worth using again:
>apt-get remove systemd*
Feels goodman.

What's with the mention of Microsoft in that kernel?



>I've wrote a batch renamer application that I could add directly into the context menu for my file manager so I can use it quickly on my file system because the file manager didn't have a good batch renamer by default.

What's wrong with util-linux rename?
I'll give you that shitty perl rename program that comes as default too often these days is rubbish. You shouldn't need to mess with regular expressions just to rename a whole bunch of files in one command. But the good old util-linux version of rename is ever present as a backup.